2- waging wars behind my face and above my throat

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The boy, Tyler thought to himself, he's very strange. The burnet's mind was waging wars with himself as he thought of the strange boy with red hair. He looks my age, Tyler admitted out loud, he was alone in his little shack of a home. He didn't live inside of the humans' domain for the fear of hurting one of them. So he lives in a small, slightly chard and ashed treehouse in the middle of the forest.

Sure, he's thought of what would happen if a human found this place, let alone cared enough about the history behind the slightly burnt treehouse home. He'd probably kill the human who even dared to think about stepping foot on his land. Tyler's background is nothing to be remembered, says myths and locals from his time.

He was just a boy who stayed in a treehouse talking to himself, and then one day the treehouse was set on fire. The flames burnt the boy's body until he couldn't even be identified, the only way they knew it was him was because he had went missing the night before.

There is quite a lot more to the story, but I'm not bothering. Tyler was carving into the floors of his home, little drawings, tally marks, even the numerous about of the words 'promise' and 'terrified' found within every room. They seem to mean something to the boy. No doubt that it was horrid memories, Tyler wasn't the type to look on the bright side of things.

Teenagers, Tyler thought, what are they like? Smart? Funny? Immature or stupid? He tried to rethink what teenagers or youths were like in his time before he 'died' in 1889. Most of them were hard workers, stupid at times, but loyal and mostly nice 24/7. The pale boy reminded himself, but then as he saw himself caught of the idea of teenagers he had forgotten something. What are youths like now? I mean, they'd have to be different now, right?

Tyler had seen how the world around him evolved when he was tucked away because of the red haired boy the earth has came so far, babies are born with crimson hair! Tyler thought. He wasn't too caught up on the whole hair dying thing yet, and perhaps never will. So, yes, Tyler thinks the boy with red hair was born with it, it's the only logical reason, right?

"Ugh! I can't remember anything!" Tyler actually screamed and threw his pocket knife down, sticking into the R of the word TERRIFIED written in big letters. He wanted to remember things, it made him seem human again: just with a permanent lifespan.

"This is depressing, I'm going to stop thinking about that boy and go do... something? Yeah, that." Tyler pep talked himself, he picked himself up and jumped out of his tree house with way too much ease for a human, the tree house was high up in the air. Any human would have broke something if they jumped off that, or died. 

AN: just a lil filler. XD

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