8- josh dun might just be a lil bit gay

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As Jordan Dun got off the school bus and arrived home he was sorta excited, and slightly scared. He didn't know what he would see on his camera but he knew his brother seemed off edge about it, so being the complete rule-breaking savage that he was, he had to see it. He had an admiration to supernatural things, nowhere near like Josh's obsession but he did like it. Doesn't everyone?

That being said, he walked into the house and flung his backpack somewhere near the couch and darted for his bedroom. He had 15 minutes until his brother came home, so he had 15 minutes to watch the footage and that gave him an adrenaline rush. He locked his door and picked up his camera off the dresser, sitting on his bed as he turned it on and looked for the recently captured videos. He saw Josh and the friends he was with walking, talking about how it was suicide to do this and his brother looked content and happy. They showed to signs of warnings and whatnot after they settled camp and it cut straight to the treehouse. Josh had turned it on and was completely alone, Jordan watched as his brother climbed the latter and got up and the setting of the treehouse gave him an eery feeling. Carvings?

"Blurryface are you here?" Josh voice rung through the speakers of the camcorder, getting nothing in reply so he showed off more of what he was seeing. It was all nerve wrecking for Jordan to watch, hey, maybe he would see how his brother passed out out of nowhere. "Blurryface, if you are here can you talk to me?" Josh spoke again, waiting a few seconds before sighing heavily and went to shut the camera off.

But someone else started to talk. Something actually talked back. Jordan wished he would seen all of the video but the video itself cut off immediately, but it didn't stop rolling. The screen went glitchy and distorted to where you couldn't even see what was happening, all you could hear was the occasional words passed between whoever was in there with him and Josh.

"Blurr-y face-" and the sound went out, it stayed that way too, but some words here and there could be sounded out.

"demon" was one of them, and that scared the absolute shit out of the younger boy. His brother, his brother, was in the same room with a fucking demon. It made him wonder if Josh was even telling the whole story or not, he could have been lying. Jordan didn't know what he could possibly be keeping from everyone but perhaps it was more than what he was telling everybody. White noise filled the speakers until the video appeared clear and showed his brother laying down on the ground, he was completely still and so lifeless that Jordan would've thought he was dead. Josh was a few feet from the camera, questionably far away like somebody had placed it there. It was weird.


Josh sat in his room a bit eagerly to see Tyler once again, it was 9:30 pm and he had already disposed all the footage from Jordan's camera. His eyes flickered at a sound at the window, seeing later on that it was just a leafless tree branch.

"Joshua, are you off to bed?" His mom cracked his door slightly before peaking her head through it and looking at her son doing 'homework'. Josh looked startled but he really didn't think about locking his door to see his new vampire friend, if he can even call Tyler is friend. A friend who may or may not suck your blood when no ones around, maybe. "Yeah, momma. Goodnight!" His mother nodded and closed the door, Josh quickly locking it behind her and sitting back on his bed.

Minutes later slight knocking sounds came from the window, the red head saw the black silhouette that belonged to the small frame of a boy. Josh smiled widely at his visitor, despite the slight fear that he is, in fact, a vampire. He let Tyler in and both the boys say on his bed, Tyler sat awkwardly stiff and Josh might as well be the same.

"Are you okay, Joshua?" The palest boy spoke up first, looking at the red head with concern. Josh knew what he was talking about, the treehouse of course.

"I'm fine, the, uh, they sent some tests away but I'm sure I'm fine." Josh assured, looking at the vampires' mouth to check for fangs. He didn't see anything but Tyler smiled, showing the canines sharp and just a little longer than usual. It sent chills down the boys spin, but Tyler covered the up once again.

"Why do you find me fascinating? I'm just a kid in highschool and you're, well, a vampire." Josh asked, scratching his neck and looking at Tyler who seemed to be in deep thought. Nonetheless, the vampire sighed out and loosened his posture. "You like the stars, you like to imagine, I like that. It's strange, but also hard to explain." Tyler mumbled the last part, making Josh awe. It was weird for Josh, or probably anyone who communicates with a mythical creature. Knowing that a vampire is fond of him makes Josh question a lot of things.

Is this even real?
Why would a vampire like a human?
Is he going to kill m-

"I'm not going to kill you Joshua, you can trust me on that." Tyler spoke as if he was reading Josh's thoughts, Josh just nodded in response and rested against his bed frame. "I'm sorry for watching you through the window of that shop, I couldn't resist. I made a mental note not to do so, but I saw you up close and- who is Sam?"

"She's my ex-girlfriend, nothing important." Josh shrugged.

Tyler raised his eyebrows, "Do you... love her?" He choked on the last part, his breathing slowed to a inhumanly pace. "We broke up a month ago, I just didn't feel right being with her." Josh says honestly, making Tyler smile slightly with content but quickly hid it with a neutral expression.

"I've lived a long time, I died the year of Hitler's birth so I saw the war, but I also seen a lot of changed to this world. People, boys and girl, they became less like the normality of my time. They started liking boys and boys, and girls and girls." Tyler stopped, took a breath of air then continued, "Are you like that, too?" He finished. Josh froze at the question quickly, but laughed it off before seeing Tyler's face was rather serious about it.

"Oh- um, I-I don't exactly understand what I am. I can see a boy and be like," he looked at Tyler, but didn't point at him. It was just the look of upfront-thoughts, "that's an attractive boy, and the same with girls. I would like to say I'm straight but I guess 2016 and LGBT dented my halo." Josh confirmed, shrugging it off and checked his phone for notifications, like force of habit.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?" Tyler asked.

"Nope, only girls and that's why I'm so confused. All my gay friends are taken, so not a lot of testing-the-waters happen."

Josh blinked before changing the subject in a whole, "so tell me about vampires, the real stuff." He asked, sitting closer to Tyler making the smaller boy stiffen slightly.

"In 1889 they called us demons, sent from Hell to punish the living- mortals. Now they call us vampires, just a make believe monster. We drink blood, obviously, but that's all we can drink and we can eat raw meats, sunlight is a bit of a challenge but we can go out and walk in the sun for as long as we can. The only threat sunlight has for us is over-heating and making us look sickly. We don't sparkle, we don't turn to bats or ashes, we don't sleep in coffins, and we have this imprinting ability." Tyler explained, Josh listened in amazement but soon caught himself day dreaming as Tyler pushed his shoulders.

"Imprinting? Have you ever imprinted someone?" Josh asked, his mocha looking eyes flickering.

"Usually vampires imprint on another vampire, it's a way to show other ones that that vampire is taken. It's a permanent mark, so after you imprint and they die you can never imprint again. I've never imprinted before, I was marked as a vampires' property a long time ago but they died." Tyler explained, rubbing his eyes and scratched his pale skin.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"I am, too, Joshua."

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