3- do you have the time to listen to me whine? no, fuck off.

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.: josh :.

As a weekend job I work at a small paint shop called Acrylic's Canvas. It's not very busy often, so I guess I'm grateful for that. The only thing I really hate about it is the 24/7 Beethoven music, that's why I usually have headphones in until a customer walks in. Which is what I'm doing now. I have about four or so more hours to work, and I knew barely anyone else would come in so I started to think.

Samantha and I, we aren't working at all. I wish I could say I loved her, really I do but she just so... clingy. That, and when she kisses me it's so uncomfortable and I wish it'd end as soon as it started. I guess I was too soon to find somebody, maybe if I just wait for the right person to come, they will but I'm so impatient.

Somehow, as I was thinking about her I started to think about the camping trip. I started to get excited just thinking about the treehouse. I do believe in spirits and ghost, probably more than I do god, himself. I can use my old camera to film everything and I hope he tries to communicate with me, if only I knew the ghost's name I could maybe go to his relatives or maybe even his grave sight.

Blurryface has he's own page on Wikipedia, an that's where I found him at.

Blurryface was originally a boy who lived in the late 1800s. The stories say that after a fire started up at a treehouse located in Columbus, Ohio the boy was found burnt alive. He died in 1889 and was born in 1872 and his grave is still unknown. His spirit, which people call Blurrface lingers around that sight of his death. Even now, in 2016, nobody has tried to find the treehouse but the location of it is no secret. One picture was taken in 2011 of the ghost, which is why his name is what it is. Some news reports say they many dead bodies have been found near the area, reporters say it was a misadventure to contact the demon spirit. All the bodies were found half a mile away from the treehouse in the middle of the Columbus forest. Ghost hunters refuse to go near the sight and locals won't even go to the edge of the forest. Now they say that the restless spirit of the boy lingers around but denies anyone to communicate with him.

It scared me to know that people had died trying to reach the treehouse, I mean, who wouldn't that scare? But that aside I'm pretty sure I can run faster than the ghost, anyways.So I'm still going of course.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing on vibrate, the caller ID said 'Sammy' so with a quick motion I accepted it and listened.

"Hello." I said, nonchalant and emotionless. She scoffed from the other side and then laughed at somebody with her. "Hey, Josh! Do you want to hang out today?" My face dropped to the surface of the counter and groaned under my breath, I pulled the away from my face and just... groaned, until she asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, I'm cool. Listen, Sam, we can't hang out today, or tomorrow, or years from now, and we can't date either." I sat up on my stool and spun around, trying to keep myself entertained and listening.

"But why? Are you and Felix actually dating? I mean, I totally support you two but it's a shame that you live like that." She stopped talking but soon opened her mouth again and said something that just puts the fuckyou icing on the gotohell cake. "So many girls would love to fuck you, but you're gay. It's kinda unattractive. But I support, I guess."

"Sam, even if I was gay I wouldn't even care if you supported me or not. Also, even if I was interested in putting my dick in something, it damn sure wouldn't be in you or your friends." I rubbed my temples and looked at the clock, the time showed I have three more hours of work so my plans were to lock up, go to Taco Bell, drive home, and sleep for twelve years.

"You don't have to get rude with me, Josh. I just don't understand why you're breaking up with me." Sam started to raise her voice, her squeaky, annoying, high pitched voice. End my suffering.

"Let me put it in the best way I can without hurting you physically." I took the deepest breath my lungs could endure and spoke. "When I see your face my dick hides and begs for you to not get any closer. But! When I see my hand it's a different and much better ending story." Silence, it was great to hear silence for one second. She hung up, leaving me to sigh in relief and turn my music back on, playing Basket Case by Green Day. Which made me laugh and think, 'I have all the time to listen to Billy whine but when it comes to Sam I want to shoot myself.' And no one in my mind can tell me that it wasn't funny to think about because if Brendon or Felix was here right now they'd probably be prank calling her with that first line of the song.

Being almost in trance with my thoughts I quickly came out from day dreaming after seeing something- someone. We stared eachother for a moment. When I saw that he really was just standing there looking at me I pushed the manager call button under the counter.

He didn't look normal, at all. He looked sick, he's eyes didn't seem to have any color but black. He was outside the store looking in through the window. He had a hoodie up, which brought my attention to the fact that it was +90 degrees outside.

"What is it Josh?" Debby, the manager and one of my friends walked around the corner, breaking my stare from the weird guy.

I walked over to her, only to drag her back to where I was and point at the window. Only to see that he wasn't there.

"What is it? I have checks to attend too." Debby spoke while I was still staring at where the guy was. He was there three seconds ago, not even enough time for him to run off.

"N-never mind, uh, can I take off early? Gotta babysit my sisters tonight." She nods and calls in for another employee to close up shop, leaving me to gather my things and drive home.

On my way home I did go to Taco Bell, and ate on my way to the house. I drove by the forest, I saw a sign I hadn't seen before so they must have just put it in.

"Beware: ghost sightings and attacks have been reported in these woods."

And because I am scared of the paranormal but love it to death, I caught myself thinking and scaring myself shitless over Blurryface.

I really want to know more about that ghost.

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