29- if you dont live for something you'll die with nothing

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Joshua heard the crash from in the living room, and Gerard cursing way to loudly. He peeked his head from the side of the doorframe to catch a glimpse of what was happening. All he saw was Gerard and another vampire fighting him, he couldn't see the face of the vampire because he was faced away from him. It happened almost instantly after Gerard leaving the room, as soon as the door had opened. Josh felt his heart beating faster than normal, it was different. It wasn't a adrenaline that made his heart pump, it was like another heartbeat was beating along with him. He only had a few seconds to notice it before a body was slammed against the wall Josh was leaning behind, he yelped out in shock

"Holy shit." Josh breathed out, he looked for any possible way to leave the house unseen. Maybe he could sneak off to a police station, see where that lunatic drug him to. He bolted to the window, seeing as it unlocks and pushed it upwards. He got half way out of it before his head started throbbing in pain, he leaned over and held his head but ended up falling the rest of the way out of the window. Luckily he was on the first floor, but he stayed laying down where he fell so his migraine would go away. He hasn't felt this since he first went to the treehouse. It obviously wasn't a normal headache, it was something bad, something worse.

So he laid there for a few minutes on the ground, the grass was wet from dew as it irritated his face. His pain faded after time and gave him enough strength to stand up, doing his best to keep himself as steady as possible. He got on his feet and looked around his surroundings, seeing absolutely nothing familiar and started limping away from the house. His main goal was to get away from there, his second goal was to find Tyler, his third but most important one was to not lose consciousness. That was the war he battled as he slowly and most painfully fled the scene of Gerard's house.

He got half way down the road he was on before coming across a store that was open 24/7. He limped towards the structure to see a girl with brown hair, he groaned loudly at the sight of her. The One Direction concert, Josh thought to himself walking closer and closer to the store, that's just my goddamn luck. Then she spotted him.

"Josh?" Sam called out, seeing the boy who was obviously hurt. Josh tried to ignore her, with all his might he tried to zone her out. "Josh, what happened? You look like shit." She commented, that making the boy slightly mad. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her ansty, teenager girl, bullshit. "Shut up, do you have a phone on you?" Josh asked in between pants. He rested himself against her car to catch his breath, it seemed his vision was fading slowly but Sam's voice kept him awake. "Yeah, but what happened? Did someone attack you?" She asked again, getting closer to him in a form of scared and concern.

"You could, ah, say that. Call the," Josh's voice went in waved but faded as soon he was about to finish his demand. His eyes rolled around as his head did too, he was going quickly. It was mostly the pain that was weakening him, it was almost too much to bare without something to help with it.

"Josh? Josh, are you okay- oh, my god." Sam gasped at the boy finally falling to the ground, he was out and Sam was speechless. She quickly went to dial the cops seeing as that was the more logical thing to do, when the phone she held was pulled from her grasp by a stranger behind her.

She turned around quickly to see the person face to face, jumping slightly at how pale the boy was. "Hey! Give it back, he needs a doctor." Sam protested protectively over Josh. She might not have really loved him when they dated, and he might have treated her like nothing for the last week of their relationship but she was not going to watch him die.

"No, he doesn't. He needs to get back to Ohio, get out of my way." The brown haired boy shoved her slightly out of his way, he leaned down and pulled Josh's body in his arms. "Fuck off, who the hell do you think you are?" Sam pushed forcefully at the vampire, her strength doing nothing. She huffed and stood in front of the demon, not wanting him to touch her unconscious ex-boyfriend. "I'm his boyfriend, so get the hell out of my way unless you want to take him Ohio, and to be frank with you he might die before you get there." Tyler crossed his arms, getting tired of the girl he had the tormenting pleasure to talk to. No wonder Josh broke up with her, she fucking whines a lot.

"There's no damn way," Sam protested. "Josh told me he wasn't gay, that was a joke he made with Felix and Brendon." The girl looked down at Josh who was rested against the car.

"Yeah, convincing me otherwise would take all night, and honestly I don't have time . Get. Away." Tyler threatened, moving closer in a rather harmful fashion before Sam backed down. Tyler huffed and finally got to pick the boy up, he held him securely against his chest and tracked his direction towards Ohio. He saw his way was west and looked back at Sam, she still looked uncertain but kept away. Tyler seemed to have scared her. "Do you have a cell-phone?"

She nodded, handing it to him. He didn't know how to operate one, so he let her do it for him. "No, dial Josh's family and hand me the thing." He asked, the first normal thing he has said since meeting her.

"Hello? Sam? Josh isn't-" Mr.Dun answered.

"Hey. It's Tyler, Josh is going to the hospital right now. It's an emergency, please meet me there." Tyler asked,

The Dun family frantically asked question about Josh and what happened, but the nights not even over yet. Gerard ran off when Tyler poured gas all over him and himself from the garage. He was literally wearing a death trap of clothes, it sucked because he really liked the hoodie. The family asked when they should leave to go to the hospital, Tyler then remembered he was in New Jersey and not Ohio. He sighed with a small determined smile.

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

The good thing was the gas smell covered up the vampire scent, which gave Tyler the idea to put the jacket on Josh to keep him save from Gerard. That would've come in handy if Gerard's scent wasn't hidden either.

The night was not going to be fun for either of the boys.

Excuse me and this chapter. I was very sleepy while writing the ending of this chapter.
Thanks for reading. Bye bye.

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