21- i am not as fine as i seem. pardon?

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It was a few days after Tyler had asked the question. Josh didn't know, he said he'd give it some thought which Tyler could understand, but how long  Josh has to think about is growing slim. Right now both boys were at Josh's house, Josh's family were gone doing there own thing. They wouldn't be back for a couple of hours so Josh took it upon himself to show Tyler movies on the tv in the living room.

"And what is this called? What it about?" Tyler asked, staring at the bowl of popcorn Josh had in his lap. He smiled at the fact that Josh gave him a raw piece of meat for a snack. It was nice of him, in a weird vampire way.

"All My Sons, its actually a play, it's about a guy who sent faulty airplane parts out during the war and cause a bunch of shit to happen. It's better when you watch it." Josh confirmed, letting the tv screen to play. Tyler cocked his head in a confused way.

"But, if he knew they were bad then why did he do it?" Tyler couldn't help but ask, it seemed dumb to do that. Some many people already died in the war so why did this guy have to add more to the grave?

"If you watch it you'll find out," the shortest boy smirked, not giving Tyler a inch of information. Tyler didn't mind all that much, he had no problem watching the play but the question still remained.


"It was... good? It defiantly gave me a lot to think about." Ty confessed, he stood up to stretch after being in the same spot for hours. Josh smiled an did the same, setting his empty bowl down on the floor and making a mental note to clean up later.

"Twenty one pilots could've lived, but I guess it shows how much you have to think about what you're doing. Do it even if you don't want to, kind of thing." The brunet noted, taking a his plate of bones to the trash and emptying it.

"This has nothing to do with it, but when I was actually 17 my mom singed me up for a play where I had to sing. I didn't want to do it, my voice is not my strong suit, but I did it anyways. It was one of the last memories I have of her." Catching Josh's attention he turned to face him, eyes just a little wide with excitement.

"You can sing? Don't mean to pry, but could you sing for me? It's been awhile since I listened to music." Tyler couldn't say no, he wanted to say no but to Josh he couldn't. He could never say no to him, rather that be good or bad. So, with a slow nod the vampire walked back into the living room as his only friend followed behind.

"I-I don't remember any songs for my time, they are probably outdated anyways. I do have something, though." Tyler stopped thinking about his next choice of words as to my come off as a creepy vampire stalker. "I write Odes, it the only way to not to insane after living in that treehouse for so long. This one isn't a recent one." He left it at that, not giving Josh the name or anything.

"I know where I stand, silent in the trees, and that's where I am: silent in the trees.
Why won't you speak where I happen to be? Silent in the trees, standing cowardly.
I can feel my breath,
I can't feel my death,
I want to know." Tyler strutters. "Y-you,
I want to see,
I want to say... hello."

He stopped, letting his emotions spring free from his mind. He hasn't done that in far too long, and by the expression on Josh's face he obviously hasn't lost his voice.

"That was really good, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a suck-up. When did you write that?" Josh asked, expecting an answer as the vampire sighed.

"About 131 years ago, before I met Gerard's brother and I was just in the forest feeling... sad and I was looking for something. I don't know what I was eager to find but at the top of my lungs I just yelled 'is there anyone out here?' Nobody was, and I never found what I was searching for." Tyler stopped talking for a short time, Josh just looking at him and remembering the words he had sung.

"Gerard Way's brother? Does that mean Ger- he's a vampire, too?" Josh asked, eyes full of shock but he wasn't that surprised. Gerard's always seemed odd, him and Tyler act a lot alike, and it explains the feud between the two of them.

Tyler only nodded his head, clearly not wanting to drive deeper into it. The the boy could respect that, at least. He was considerate.

"You're so sad, you're like a sad little character to a story. It almost feels like some plot twist is about to happen." Josh's chuckled, his hand went under his beanie to fix his hair only to remember that he didn't have any hair. He sighed, letting the almost embarrassed feeling settle in his stomach. "Tyler Joseph, the sad little demon. Joshua Dun, the human who knew way to much. Sounds like something teenagers would read." Ty jokes. Josh shook his head the 'title' the brunet had given him.

"Still better than Twilight."

"That it is. How will this story end?" Josh asked, feeling just the slightest bit more confident. Tyler's eyes scanned Josh's, trying to find any sort of joking matter.

"With a happily ever after? Maybe even a k-"

"Josh! We're back, are you okay- oh? Who is this, Josh?" His mother, father and brother walk through the door. Tyler stepped away from Josh, not even noticing how close they were until the interruption.

Josh stuttered out, trying to find words but failing. His mom put her purse down and walk over to them, the father and brother staying beside the door looking at the scene.

"His- his name? It's, uh, well..."

"My name is Tyler Joseph, I'm Joshua's friend." Tyler extended a hand towards her, his chest wasn't moving meaning he wasn't breathing. It was his way to not go insane at the smell of fresh blood. He could breath around Josh because for some reason he didn't want to kill him, everybody else might as well be deers to a hunter.

"Oh! You're Tyler, Josh told me about you."

And after the family had finally met the boy Josh had decided to spend his time with, they all seemed happy. All of them but Jordan, he kept his eyes narrowed towards Tyler in a almost threatening way. Tyler made a note to himself to never be alone in a room with that boy, he could handle everybody else. But, for some reason, he really felt the urge to kill Josh's brother. He knew something, or suspected something at least, and for the sake of Josh he didn't think it would be the best of ideas to rip the poor boys throat out.

That is only if Jordan doesn't suspect anything, if he knows what Tyler is than God forbid Tyler gets to him before Josh.

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