16- have you heard the news that you're dead?

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"Mommy, what's wrong?" Ashley ran to her crying parent, only for her to be pulled into the tightest hug of reassurance.  Mr.Dun came into the kitchen shortly after to see the sight and he's never felt so heartbroken to see his wife crying. It was truly something you'd never want to hear about your child. "Daddy, momma's sad!" Ashley yelped, getting released from her mothers grip and taking a step back. Her husband asked what'd happened but she couldn't get ahold of the words enough to say them. This only increased his worries and soon excused Ashley from the room. "Hunny, who was on the phone?" His voice cracked with obvious concern and he couldn't break the eye contact until he knew something. "T-The, the hospital, j-Josh, Josh's results. I-i, I don't wa-want to believe that, that this is..." She couldn't speak, her throat seemed swollen and her eyes saw nothing but the blurry vision the tears created. Her husband seemed to freeze at the name, is my son okay? Was the obvious question, with a reaction like this it seemed unlikely. "W-what did it say, dear?"

"Mom, what's going on?" And almost as if God couldn't have done anymore damage, their son, Josh walked into the kitchen to see a scared father and a crying mother. This made him worry, too.

"Josh? What is it? Are you okay?" His dad asked, getting the false idea that he was already told the horrible news. "Yeah, I'm fine? I just came in here to get some aspirins, my head really hurts today." Adding more sobs to his mother, Josh looked at the two parents of his before walking over to his mom and hugging her comfortably. "Mom, what's wrong?" He rubbed circle on her back but it didn't help. She knew she had to say, she was the only one who could at this time. But to be the one to say it to her own son and husband was beyond heartbreaking.

"Your tests came back positive for- f... For." Choking even harder this time.  She knew it was time to say it, even after moments of being told the news herself she still wished everything could go back to where she didn't have to tell her son he has cancer, back to when she was celebrating his first word, steps, first kiss and date. Hell, she'd go back to yesterday, at least Cancer was in the picture. It certainly is now, though, the picture a perfect family was now ruined by something she wished never existed. But she had to tell them now. "For what?" Mr.Dun's voice came to surface. Josh looking absolutely petrified. 

"Stage 3 brain Cancer. We, we need to get him to a-a hospital as soon as p-possible."

And it felt like the world stopped turning at that moment. Jordan was standing in the doorway as she said it. Ashley and Abigail spying on and having to be herded back to the living room by Jordan, and Tyler was outside hearing in beside the window.

Josh started to feel weak and heavy chested, his dad was looking at literally anything to somehow try and get some type of April Fools card. No, this was real and the whole world seemed to have stopped in its place.

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