31: would you die for me? No- would you live for me?

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***trigger warning: suicide themes, death, family sadness, and cancer themes***
This chapter is also everywhere idk why. Also this chapter is 3009 words, what the hell am I doing with my life anymore? Also excuse grammar please. And please excuse my insane use of the word "also".


"As you all know we were given some news about your son's health, and-" the nurse shifted in her seat, looking at Mrs.Dun's sad, almost numb expression. Mr.Dun was scared of what was to be sad next. Tyler, the weird one who stood at the door, he was blank of all expression but his eyes, they were sympathetic. The nurse has practiced with all these emotions before, she learned what to say, how to explain, and at the end, learn how to comfort. "His illness was dangerous at the beginning, it was growing but with the medications we gave him we managed to stabilize it. With an average man the Cancer would last five to six months, lower chances with young age." The nurse caught herself getting emotional, watching each and every person in the room. Even after years of doing this it was still hard to break the news, it would always be hard.

"Your son has reached Stage 4. The symptoms started last night, we suggest he go home with his family."

That was the point in time when the Dun family had broken themselves, their emotions running freely and had only themselves to lean on. Tyler had faked cried, for Josh's sake and for the sake of being alive.

He felt the tears running down his cheeks as his whimpers started hitching in his throat. Then he noticed that he wasn't faking, he was actually crying. He knew Josh was dying, he knew what to expect so why was he cry? He was prepared, wasn't he?

Tyler turned on his heel and walked out of the office, not wanting anyone to see him in a state of weakness he hasn't even seen much of. So he started walking, passing by doors and looking into the little windows. Little kids, adults, elders, all here for the same fate as Josh. The vampire shook the thought out of his head, his eyes catching a glimpse of Josh inside one of the rooms. He wasn't hooked up to much of anything, a heart monitor, an IV, and a few other things. He was sleeping but he was looking at something across his room.

Tyler let his heart get the best of him as he pushed the door open, seeing Josh continue to stare blankly at whatever it was. He took a seat next to the bed, looking at Josh as he still continued to stare.

"That's a nice wall, huh?" Tyler chuckled, Josh's eyes looked over to him before his head fell back against the pillow. His breathing hitching here and there, and licking his lips from time to time. "I wasn't looking at the wall, I was looking at the blond guy." Josh stated, shifting in his bed just a little. He seemed weak.

Tyler was taken back by what he said, there was nobody else in here with them so who what he looking at? He then remembered what a doctor told the family yesterday about the end of life experience. He said people who are dying see people who are dead, but who was it?

"Tell me about him?" Tyler asked, still confused. Josh coughed. "He's blond, he has brown eyes, and he looks a lot like-" Josh stopped, sinking into the uncomfortable bed. He looked scared to say anything further.

"He looks a lot like what?" Tyler asked again, bouncing his leg up and down and staring at his sick lover. He bit his lip to hide his worried expression, waiting for Josh to talk.

"He looked a lot like Gerard."


"Are you comfortable, sweetheart?" Mrs.Dun asks, tucking in her son in his own bed. He was able to go home to pass away, and his family would have time to spend with him. The doctors gave him a week at most, and if the pain got to intense then they'd put him in a sleep he'd never wake up from. Tyler hated this, he hated being here but he'd done it for Josh and for his family. In a weird way, Josh's family felt like home to Tyler. They accepted him and they treated him in a way his family never did. Tyler liked that.

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