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Tapping on my table, waiting patiently for that lucky kid to came in.

I glance at my watch, he already late for a freaking one hour, I groan in frustration.

I don't get what the teacher got in his damn mind, pairing me up with that kid, it just don't make any sense at all.

I'm as the role model in school, just got the paired up with some arrogant brat.

Min Yoongi..

Then, he came with his messy hair, and simply yawn in front of me.

Speaking of a devil..

"Why are you late? We suppose to do our assignment together, that's why teacher pair us up.."

I ask, he blankly stare at me "Oh.. I overslept, sorry.." He show me his gummy smile.

I try my very best to be calm, "Now, let's start our research.."

I stand up, walking into the line of bookshelves, searching for books. Actually, I already found it but I just want to make Yoongi felt how is it to wait for a freaking one hour..

After a while, I came back with a stack of books. To my surprise, Yoongi is sleeping.

Not surprise but ticking me..

I slam the books on the table, waking him up, "Oh, yeah.. Sorry.." He apologize again.

I glare at him, as I took a seat beside him, start to do some research when I hear a thud.

I sigh, he fall asleep again..

I don't know how his girlfriend actually survive with this kid, like mostly he do is sleep, and yet still have good grades.

Gosh, I can't just imagine how difficult to have him as a boyfriend, its not like I'm interested in that kind of thing thou..

So not my type..

He let out soft snores, I chuckle. Yoongi sure is a thing..

Well, although he is not helping a bit at least he doesn't bother me.

After a while, I finish with my research, stretching a bit and glance at my watch, its already past six.

Gosh, I didn't realize it..

I put the books back on the shelves, tidying my bag and shake Yoongi.

"Ireona.. I'm already done.." He woke up, rubbing his eyes.

He let out a yawn, "What time is it?" Yoongi ask with his half open eyes, "It's already past six.."

"Oh man!! Shit!! I gotta go!!"

Yoongi stand up, rushing out of the library, leaving me dumfounded. I sigh, its not like I hope he could send me home, he is not a gentleman at all..

I walk out of the school compound, alone.

Its kinda creepy thou, I never stay until this late at school, giving me chills.

Then, I heard some footsteps behind me, I fasten my steps.

Crazy thoughts start running through my head, please help me..

I could sense it getting nearer by any second and choose to sprint. "Ahhh!!!" I scream, as the guy behind me is also running.

I assume he is a guy since his shadow kinda bigger than me..

Then, I stop to catch my breath, a honk startle me, a lorry was speeding towards me.

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