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He walk casually to the bus stop, sitting there, waiting for the bus, again.

Then, one of his schoolmate, Yn walk pass him. "Oh..? Taehyung, what are you doing?" she ask, furrowing her brows at her dear friend.

Taehyung let out a chuckle, "Don't you see, I'm waiting for the bus, obviously." he state, matter of fact. Yn sit beside him, placing her hand on her friend's forehead.

"I don't think you're sick, you seem to be quiet healthy.." shs stare at Taehyung, "Come on Tae, spat it out.. What are you doing waiting here when you're house is only a few blocks from here?"

Taehyung form his lips into a thin line, trying to decide if he want to tell Yn or not. Not that he didn't trust Yn, she will think I'm crazy anyway, he thought.

"I'm waiting for Heejin.." Taehyung mutter slowly, Yn let out a sigh. "You know she won't coming back, right? I mean, not for the time being.."

Taehyung nod, "But, I just want to be the one, who greet her first if she came back.." he insisted, determination is clearly sparkling through his brown orbs.

Yn chuckle, messing with his hair, "You're madly in love with her, huh?"

Taehyung flush into shades of red, "O-Of course!! Who wouldn't love her? She's cute, pretty and nice too.." he smild proudly, with his flaring cheeks.

"Oho!! I should have record that and give to Heejin!!" Yn pull out his phone, "Say that again, Tae!! I wanna give to Heejin.." she pester Taehyung, he just shake his head.

Yn keep on nudging him to say those sentences again, irritating Taehyung. Having enough of Yn's teases, Taehyung sigh, standing up.

"I'm going home.." Yn smiled, feeling happy that she won on making Taehyung decide to go home.

Yn swing his arm around Taehyung's neck. Walking back home, although deep inside she still worry that Taehyung will keep on waiting for Heejin.

Taehyung have been changing since Heejin, move to the US. He turn introvert all of the sudden, not that cheerful as always which making Yn worried.

There are times, Taehyung will doze off on the bus stop. In result, he got sick for a week. Yn scold him, yet he still wait for her, what a fool, Yn thought.

Yn wouldn't mind if he take care of himself, but he didn't. As a friend, Yn always look up for him, she have been there when Taehyung is down.

"Bye.." Taehyung said, waving his hand in front of Yn. She snap from her train of thoughts, smiling at Taehyung. "Bye, Tae!!" she wave before entering her house, which is beside the Kim's residence.

That night, Yn went to the police station to visit her Father. While holding a packed box, she skipped happily to the station, when she saw a familiar silhouette.

Walking cautiously, her eyes widen, "H-Heejin..?" she mutter, above whispering. Not believing her eyes, tears form on her eyes.

The sight of Heejin smiling, while some guy pin her on the wall. She seems to enjoy it, making Yn disgust by her.

Unable to hold her anger, Yn put down the packed lunch, charging towards them.

"Yahh!!" she kick the guy's back, making him slam his body to the wall, squishing Heejin.

They groan in pain, yet Yn didn't stop, she grab the nearest trash can. Grabbing the lid, she hit the guy's head, hard. He fall on the road, unconscious as Heejin start to scream, terrified with the sight of blood running down the guy's head.

"You crazy bitch!!" she yelled, checking out the guy. Yn scoff with tears falling o  her cheeks, she slam the lid back on the  bin.

Heejin flinch, but only keep on waking up the guy. Yn was about to walk away, when Heejin grab her wrist, "You're responsible of this!!"

Yn glare at her, pulling her hand harshly. She tried to walk away but Heejin pull her again, "I said, this is your fault!! Take responsibility!!"

"Let go of me.. You have no right to talk to me like that, you have lose my respect for you," Yn growl, she tug even tighter making Yn lose control.

End up, they sit infront of an officer who is also, Yn's Father.

"Like I told you, she suddenly attack us out of nowhere.. She even make my boyfriend unconscious, and now he's in the hospital.." Heejin innocently explain, Yn just scoff.

Boyfriend? Thought so.. Yn stare blankly on her shoes. Her Fathed just let out a sigh, "I think it's just a misunderstanding, I'm sorry for the trouble she cause.. I will pay for the hospital fees.."

Yn keep on a straight face, after Heejin left, he Father tried to talk with her. He knows well, how Yn behave and she wouldn't just hit people.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Tell me.." just by that, Yn start to cry again, telling her Father the whole story including Taehyung's.

She can't handle to see Taehyung broken..
She hate it..

Her Father hug her, soothing his daughter. He send her home, since she wasn't in the state to even walk home.

Yn look outside, as they drove pass the bus stop. She saw Taehyung there, "Appa.. Stop, let me down here.."

Her Father pull over, kissing her forehead before driving away.

Yn walk towards the bus stop, hands inside her pocket. Taehyung was hugging himself, not noticing her presence.

"Kim Tae.." she call out, scaring him. He flinch, before glaring at her. She chuckle, taking a seat beside him.

"Why are you out so late?"
"Geunyang.. Mom told me to send some food for Appa, he didn't come home for dinner.."

He hum, nodding his head. Yn bit her lips as a sigh, escape her lips. Taehyung chuckle, "Why? Are you bummed your Mom told you to do so?" I shake my head.

"I just somehow.. Feel stuffed for some reason," almost choking on her words, she run a hand through her hair, frustrated.

Her tears fall, she can't hold it. The images of Heejin with her devilish smirk, can't leave her mind. She rub her face, weeping silently. Hoping Taehyung wouldn't notice.

The atmosphere were silent, dead silent. Yn didn't utter a single word, although she is aching to just spat everything out. She afraid that it will hurt Taehyung, which is the last thing she hoped happen.

After a while, Yn couldn't hold it. She stand up, "I g-gotta go.." she stutter, not minding the fact that her voice is clearly broken.

She run home, clamping her mouth from letting out any sobs. In her mind is only Taehyung..

How would he react?
Will he be broken?
Will he try to understand?
Will he accept the cruel truth?

She question herself when suddenly a pair of arms hug her from behind. "Stay.. Yn ahh.." his voice out softly, making her breath hitch.

They stood rooted there, Yn with tears rolling down her eyes non stop.

"Mianhei.. Taehyung ahh, I'm truly.." Y  apologize, Taehyung turn her around. Cupping her face, "Why?"

"I think I'm.. Gonna break you apart.." she hang her head low, she bit her trembling lips.

Just when Taehyung want to voice out something, he said something that make Yn break into pieces.


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