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"Say something.."

You usher Jimin to talk, being a quiet guy he is, he shake his head, almost want to cry.

"Oh my gosh.." you sigh, Jimin is very stubborn yet shy.

He requested for your help to train him how to talk in front of a crowd, yet even now, he didn't spoke a word, which driving you crazy.

"How can you talk in front of the crowd, if you're afraid of a freaking mic?" you're so done with his stubbornness.

He hang his head low, sniffles start to fill the room. You roll your eyes, mentally screaming, he is crying again and who's fault? It's yours to blame..

You sigh, standing up from the seat, "We're done for today.." you simply state and leave the room.

Walking through the empty hallway, you heard his footsteps behind you. You just sigh, turning around, almost make him bump with you.

You lift his head up, taking off his glasses, "H-Hey..!" Jimin try to take it back. You slip it into your pocket, "Its not even a real one, so shut up.."

Jimin look down again, "Look up!! I'm talking to you!!" he got startle by your sudden high voice.

He immediately look at your face, tears start to build on the brim of his eyes. You tch-ed him, "I dare you to cry.." you warn him sternly, your patience is getting low.

Jimin clench his jaw, preventing himself from crying. You hold both of his shoulder, gripping on it tightly, "You're not a kid anymore, stop whining and crying.. Or we can just call the freaking training off."

He shake his head, "Answer me with words.." you demand. "N-No, I want to continue it.."

You form a small smile, pulling him into a hug. You know he is capable to do many things, you just need to fix his point of view on things.

As usual, you walk to the radio room. With bunch of papers in your arms, that when you almost bump with a boy.

"Woah.. Careful there, Yn.." Namjoon said, stopping you, and take half of the papers. You smile at your kind sunbae, "Thanks sunbaenim.."

He even open the door for you, you place the papers on the desk. As Namjoon copy your act, he smile at you. "Wait, there's something on your face.." he said, leaning close to you.

Inches close from your face, you felt nervous at the proximity. Namjoon swipe his thumb on the corner of you cheek, then place his lips on it, caught you off guard.

At the same time the door swing open, Jimin stare at the both of you. You push Namjoon away a bit from you, "Y-You're here.." you stutter awkwardly.

The situation got a bit awkward, "Oh.. Jimin, where's your glasses have gone?" Namjoon being a sharp as always, notice Jimin isn't wearing his glasses instead a brown lenses.

"I throw it.." he state, monotonously and make his way to sit on of the chair. Namjoon just chuckle, "See ya, babe.." he ruffle your hair before walking out.

You blush at it, Jimin just stare at you. Deep inside, he felt something burning, either it's jealousy or anger, he didn't know which.

The lesson start as usual, yet you can feel Jimin's burning stares at you. He did talk, but it sound so robotic.

"Let's go to Q&A.." you said, "What's your relationship with Namjoon Hyung?"

Jimin ask you, you furrow your brows. "That's not--" he cut you off, "I don't like the question here, it's so formal.. So, what's the answer of my question?" he demand with a blank stare.

"Jimin, follow the sc--"
"I ask you already, just answer my question, will ya?"

Jimin turn serious all of the sudden, you're utterly speechless at his arrogant attitude.

"Just school mates.." you answer, getting irritated. He form a small smile, "Next question.. Do you like him by chance?"

You tch-ed him, "Yahh.. What do you think you're doing?" you ask him, he stand up and grab his bag, "We're done for today.."

Jimin walk out, you let out a chuckle, totally amazed by his cockiness. Like, yesterday, he is still a boy who cried like a baby and now turn into an arrogant prick.

You just pack your things, and choose to head home.

"Jimin.. Just read the line.." you said, Jimin just look at it with his bored face. He just place it on the desk, "I don't want it.. It's boring.."

He complaint, you push it back to him, "Its good for you, it can--" he cut you off, "Like how Namjoon Hyung did?" he ask you.

You widen your eyes at his question, "W-What are you talking about?" he click his tongue at your clueless expression.

He grab his bag, walking out of the room. You chase him out, grabbing his wrist, he harshly tug his hand back.

"Yahh!! Park Jimin!!" you scream, he just walk, not turning back. You take off your left shoe, throwing it at him, it actually hit his head.

"I HATE YOU!!" you scream through the empty hall. Tears running down your eyes, you run out of there.

Your heart swell when he mention about Namjoon, he didn't know that he is just her cousin.

His eyes are full of hatred when he look at you, for the pass few days after Namjoon kiss your cheek.

Yet, whenever you try to explain he will walk out. Blaming everything on you, little did he know, you have feelings for him but it seems to not worth a thing now. He is different now.. You thought.

Walking home seems to be longer, as tears keep on stream down your cheeks.

"Is Yn home yet?" you look at your doorstep, founding Jimin standing there with your stuffs.

Gulping the big lump in your throat, you turn around and walk from there. "Yn.." he call you, somehow you halt your steps, teeth chattering, as you try to hide your sobs.

"I know, you want to avoid me.. But, at least don't walk with your bleeding foot.." you look down, your sock is already soaked with blood.

Jimin gently wrap his arms around your body, carrying you in his arms into your house.

He offer to treat your foot, you just watch him. "Sorry.. For being such a jerk to you.." he apologize as he wrap your foot.

"Sorry.. For pushing you too hard, I know that I'm not good enough, yet I still act like I'm the victim here.." he smile at you.

You lean closer to his face, placing a peck on his cheek.

"I like you more than Namjoon.." you confess, making him red. "Me.. Too.." he shyly said.

"Yeah, I hate both of you.." both turn to look at Namjoon who is leaning on the door frame.

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