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"I-Its g-gone?"

A voice echoed through the hallway, as I lazily stand up to look for the person.

"Hoseok, just come here.. It won't bite you.." I said, looking at my terrified boyfriend standing froze there.

He shake his head, "Get that thing out.." he whine, as I just chuckle.

I walk towards him, Hoseok eyed me my action, I roll my eyes. "Chill, will ya?"

He pout, "You have been spending time with that thing like forever.. I want to spend time with you too.." Hoseok hold my shoulders.

I tiptoe, kissing his nose "Okay.. So, what you want to do?" he form a very wide smile.

"Get rid of it.."

Widening my eyes, I shake my head, "NO!!" I said. "But, why? Its scaring me~" Hoseok whine again.

"Viper isn't scary.. You need to be brave, and get rid of Viper is not the way.."

I advise him, he bite his lips, slowly his hands fall to his side. Sighing, I cup his pouty face.

"Oppa, it is really scaring you?" he nod slowly, I squish his cheeks. "Looks like I will never win against you.."

Hoseok smile, on the other hand, me was in a very edge to cry. I will lose my pet, Viper..

Viper is a snake, obviously..

Hoseok is terrified of it, so he never go near my room or when I'm with it. But, today I accidentally let Viper's cage open and it go out.

As Hoseok is cooking in the kitchen, Viper scare the shit out of him by sleeping in the sink.

Its been 2 years but, Hoseok still doesn't dare to even touch it. Only stare or scream if Viper go near him, if you lucky.. He might pass out too..

Stepping slowly into my room, "Hey, Viper.." I take it out from the cage. Patting it slowly, "Hey.." Hoseok say, standing still at my door.

I chuckle, "Just come in.." he shake his head. "At least, touch it before we release it.."

"Ahh.. Nope, no thanks.."

Nodding, I avert my attention to Viper who is now wrapped on my arm.

"Viper, I'm totally gonna miss you~"

I caresses it, full with care, I stand up and put it back. "Lets go.." I say, weakly.

Hoseok nod, as I hold my tears, I wear my jacket. Carry the cage, and head to the car.

I put it at the back seat, as I go to sit beside Hoseok. The releasing process is done quickly since I don't dare to stay there any longer.

The trip back was gloomy, I can't even take my mind off from Viper.

"Jagi, you okay?" Hoseok ask, as he caresses my hand softly. I sigh, "Yeah.. I just can't think of anything but Viper.."

I force a smile, as he gently kiss my hand.

Hoseok's POV

Its been a week since we release Viper, Yn still gloomy. I couldn't bear looking at her.

She is soulless..

She is now like a living zombie, she doesn't eat well. Even forcing won't do the trick, cuz she will throw it all out.

I'm worried..

"Yn~" I sang her name, looking at her who is laying on her bed, weakly. "Hey, babe?"

I walk towards her, she was sweating, I feel her forehead. "Yn, you sick.." she shook her head, "I'm fine, I'm just tired.."

Yn smile, assuring me, "No, I guess.. Its all my fault, if only I'm not a coward.. You won't be this sick missing Vipey.." I sigh.


I nod, "Its not that I don't him, he looks like a possessive boyfriend who cling around you all day long.." I pout, feeling slightly jealous of that sly snake.

"Says the guy who needs my attention huh?"

Yn chuckle softly, coughing a bit. I stroke her hair, gently kissing her cheek, "I'm gonna be out for a moment.. Rest okay?" she nod.

I walk out, breathing deeply. This is it, I make a very wise choice and I just know it..

I hope so..


Your POV


A loud voice woke me up, I shot up and run outside to look at Hoseok who is holding a snake.

Wait.. Its Viper!!

"VIPER!!" I squeal, making the snake slowly react to the sound. It unwrap Hoseok's arm, glide its way to me.

I hug it, kissing it gently before averting my eyes to a statue- kidding.. To Hoseok that seems like have lost his soul.

"Hobi Oppa.."

I call him cutely, he smile at me. I run to him, tackling him into a hug as he fall to the couch dragging me as well.

"Saranghae.." I peck his lips, multiple times until he chuckle. "Woah.. Never got a lot of kisses like this before in a day.."

He encircle his arms around me, "Vipey or me?"

I roll my eyes, "Wanna see me walking like a zombie?" he pout, I giggle.

"Of course not.." he smirk, pulling me into a deep kiss. Suddenly, he pull away "Did you lock Vipey up?"

I shook my head, "Then.. Wuargghh!!" he scream, deafening my ears as he saw Viper on his arm.

"Help!! Yn!!"

And there's Yn to the rescue..

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