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He stand in front of you, cold eyes piercing each others.

The air around you seems to turn more cold than ever, just then, a girl came and hug him.

"Oppa~" she cooed, making you roll your eyes, just hearing that high pitched voice make you disgust.

You just walk pass him, hand accidentally brush against his, sending spark to your body but you choose to ignore it, assuming it was just your skin being all sensitive.

Sitting in class, you couldn't take your eyes off him. He somehow still catch your attention no matter, how hard you try to convince yourself, you're just a fling for him.

"A kiss doesn't mean anything.. Even I can kiss anyone, more than once.." his words still linger in your head, those arrogant words of his..

You bit your lips without knowing it, closing your eyes. Trying to regain your focus, only to found him staring at you back, with his brown orbs.

Eyes meeting his, your heart accelerate, yet you choose to break the eye contact when the teacher came.

You turn your focus on your teacher, yet you still can feel Taehyung's eyes, boring you. As if his eyes are glued to you.

Taehyung couldn't focus, all he can think is you, and being in the same class as you most of the time, drives him crazy.

Seeing you being so cold towards him, make him crave you even more. He is crazy for sure, when all he did is staring at you.

Taehyung know you're still hurt when he rejected you, the other day..

He did that, yet he didn't regret it..

Little did he know, everything is too late to push you out of his life when all you do is driving him to the very edge.

You were studying in the library when he suddenly sit beside you, rolling your eyes, you stand up to sit far from him only to be pull back, to sit.

Widening your eyes at his action, you shot him a glare when he act innocent, pretending to read a book while gripping tightly on your wrist.

His eyes aren't even looking at you, you try to snatch your hand back but he grip it on more tightly.

Sighing mentally, you just continue studying.

His grip loosen on your wrist after a while, looking at your side, you found him all asleep.

You stare at his face, with wild thoughts running through your head. You come back to your senses, "Don't be crazy Yn.." you mutter, slapping lightly on both of your cheeks.

"Hey, Yn right?" a guy suddenly approach you, smiling sweetly at you. You just nod, "Jimin, right..?"

He smile, when you guess his name right. He recently know you through some competition, after being partnered up with you.

"What brings you here?" you ask, he just show you a book, "Doing some research, so I've been looking for some references.."

His eyes lays on Taehyung who is sleeping peacefully, "Bet, your boyfriend is tired.." Jimin said, pointing at Taehyung.

You let out a chuckle, "Him? My boyfriend? Gosh, I rather date you.." you blurt out, Jimin form a small shy smile.

"So, you're asking me out..?" Jimin suddenly ask, you blink your eyes, realizing how wrong your words sounds.

Glancing at Taehyung, he did say he didn't like me.. You thought for a moment, before looking at Jimin back.

You're about to answer, when the librarian came, with her eyes looking at you sternly. "You two have been awfully 'quiet' till it irritate everyone here.." she said, that when you notice eyes are watching at you from every direction.

Both of you apologize, you walk out of the library with Jimin to continue your talk, leaving Taehyung.

Meanwhile, Taehyung who's pretending to be sleeping the entire time, heard everything.

He lift his head, anger rises in him. A smirk form on his lips, "She sure have guts.." he mutter, under his breath before walking out to follow the both of you.

Taehyung watch you from afar, slowly jealousy start to rise in him, as Jimin constantly make skin ship with you by brushing his hand with yours.

He almost blow off when Jimin kiss your forehead. Taehyung leave before he did something he will regret..

You on the other hand, enjoy Jimin's company after telling him, you're joking earlier.

He is sure a gentleman, as he offer to walk you home. "Than-- Oh..!" you flinch in surprise when Jimin kiss your forehead, he linger there for a while before pulling away.

"I was hoping you didn't joking earlier but.. Maybe it wasn't my luck." Jimin chuckle, you felt sorry for rejecting him, "You'll find someone better than me.."

Like how Taehyung did.. You thought, the image of him early in the morning came across your mind.

He did it so easily, making you feel pathetic for falling for him. You wave him a goodbye, watching him, until his silhouette disappear.

You turn to walk into your house, when you saw a familiar back, on the other side of the road.

Shrugging, you walk into your house as usual.

You really regret coming to school especially today..

Taehyung suddenly act as if he lost his mind, by locking you in one of the boys dressing room.

"Yahh!! Kim Taeh--" you heard footsteps, you got anxious. What if I got caught here and got a disciplinary action?

You gulp harshly, suddenly the knob got turn. You back off, feeling scared. Praying silently, if they happen to open this door, they're still dressed, you're not ready to see some naked guy.

Back hitting the wall, the door swing open. Closing your eyes shut, you heard the door being closed, slowly you open your eyes to see Taehyung smirking at you.

You march towards him, about to hit him when he lean in and capture your lips.

Caught of guard by his action, you were push against the wall by him. Drowsiness start to fill you, the proximity is too much for you, especially from him.

His lips hungrily kiss you, the metallic taste of blood doesn't even stop him. You clench on his shirt, somehow make him slow down, still pecking your lips, he lean his forehead on yours.

Both trying to catch breath, his eyes gaze into yours, the eagerness is still there.

"How dare you let other guys touch you.." he let out, gripping on your sides tightly.

"How dare you replace me that easily.." you retort back, yanking him by his shirt closer to you.

Taehyung smirk, lips ghosting against yours, "You're driving me crazy.." he said as you peck his lips, "I thought you reject me.."

He chuckle darkly, arm slipping around your waist, while the other caressing your cheek.

"I must be crazy for rejecting you.." you tap his nose, "Yes, so.. Let me go.." you demand, slapping his chest.

Taehyung form a sly smile, "Well, I don't think of letting you off today.." you wrap your arms around his neck.

"For you of course.."

AN: Hectic hell year..

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