
529 15 1

I open my eyes, staring at the ceiling of my bedroom. A sigh escape my lips, the thought of my dream last night.

Again, I dream of him..

The same question start to bomber my head again.


Why did I dream of him?

All over again?

Slightly blurry images of him from the dream start to play in my mind, it's send warm sensation in my small heart.

How his eyes stare at me lovingly, how he laugh making his eyes form into a crescent moon.

Everything he does, in my dream was something I hope to be real..

Making me clung onto that hopeless dream of mine, I'm pathetic for hoping too much when he only see me as a friend of his.

Just an ordinary friend..

I sigh, getting off the bed and head to the bathroom. I wash up, grabbing everything I need before walking to school.

My parents are already gone to work, so I always start my day to school without a goodbye to them.

Not that they care thou..

"YN!!" A voice called me, as he drape his arm on my shoulder, smiling widely at me.

"Good morning!!" He tilt his head a bit, "Yeah.. Good morning as well, Jimin.."

I state, my cheeks are burning up as he bring his hand to ruffle my hair, messing it a bit. In a split second, I turn from an embarrassed kid to a delinquent.

"You didn't just ruffle my hair, did you?"

I glare at Jimin, his smile fade as he slowly drop his arm from my shoulder.

"Yeah.. Kind of.."

My face turn serious, Jimin quickly sprint to school.



Class start smoothly, except for Jimin after I harshly beat the crap out of him earlier.

I glare at him, still not over with the fact he mess with my hair.

But, secretly I like him messing up with me, it's somehow make me feel happy.

To be honest, he was my crush in early high school years but I didn't really know that a slight crush can get this big and kinda troublesome.

At times, I will constantly glancing at him. Taking in his breathtaking perfection, how everything on his face seems so right, while me..

Even a plastic surgery won't make me look pretty 😂

He suddenly turn, making an eye contact with me. I stare at him, feeling my cheeks getting heat up, then he wink cutely at me and pouting his lips a bit, sending me small kisses.

I roll my eyes, mentally slapping myself, not to fall for his sweet gesture.

He is a freaking tease!!!

It was recess, I go to the study hall to get some work done. Then, a voice cooed on my side

"Yn ahh~"

He grab a chair, and sit on it, dangerously close to me. I gulp, gripping on the pencil tightly, to hold myself from shaking in nervousness.

"What are you doing?" he pick up the exercise paper that is laying across the table, looking at it as if he gonna help me deal with it.

I sigh, feeling my cheeks burning up, all of the sudden.

"Do you know how to do it?"

He chuckle, "Of course, I'm Park Jimin okay?" he state, proudly praising himself. I roll my eyes, continuing my work.

I accidentally wrote the wrong formula, which irritate me a bit. I search for my eraser, through the piles of paper laying on the table.

I lift his hand which is on the table, to search underneath it when he suddenly grab my pinky finger.

He gently squeeze it, I turn to look at him, he is still staring at the exercise paper.

I yank my finger, clearing my throat a bit, before searching for the eraser again.

Founding it, I eraser the mistake and do my work again.

"So, how..? To solve that problem?"

I ask him, since it's been ages he stare at the paper, he sigh. "I, myself don't really get this.." I tch-ed him, "Thought so.."

"Why do you ask me then? Now, we are stuck together because of this.."

I remain silent, he is the one who sit beside me. Now, he's blaming me for making him stuck here.

The bell ring, indicating recess is over, Jimin stand up and stretch his joints. All he done is sitting and messing around with me, such a distraction.

"I'll be off first.." he said, pinching my cheek gently, with that famous smirk on his face.

As always, he flutter my heart with his gestures, but at the same time confusing me.

Why are you treating like this..?

I pack my things and head to class, my eyes roam in the class and spot Jimin with his friends, joking around.

The class continue, but I'm totally distracted by him.

His voice, the shape of his face, how squishy his rosy cheeks are, how the tip of his nose glowing, his eye smiles shape into a crescent moon.

He is perfection..

School ended, I decide to not wait for Jimin. As much as I like his company, I couldn't afford to fall for him more.

I walk the street silently, staring at my feet. When, a pair of black shoes appear in front of me.

I jerk my head up to meet Jimin worried eyes, "Pabo.."

He hit my head, before pulling me into a hug, "Why didn't you tell me you leave already? I got panic you know?"

I smile, pushing him "Sorry, it just, I couldn't help to avoid you.."

He stars at me confuse, "Why would you avoid me?"

I sigh, running my hand through my locks "Isn't it obvious? I like you okay!? I couldn't help it since you're always touchy when you're with me, am I look easy to you? I try not to like you more than just a friend but no.. I can't, when you keep on appearing in every single dream I have!!"

I let it out, as Jimin just stare at me, maybe he is amuse but I'm not..

He lean his head closer to my face, "Me too.."

"Yo-- What?" Jimin chuckle, he pinch my nose, "Me too.. I like you.."

I stare at him in disbelief, feeling my cheeks heating up. "D-don't m-mess u-up w-with m-me.." I stutter out, turning my head sideways, avoiding his gaze.

Jimin cup my face, turning my head to face him, he smile.

"I.. *peck* like.. *peck* you.. *peck*"

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