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The sound keep on echoing in the silent hallway, as the howling wind touch every inch of my skin.

I was scared..

Terrified for my dear life..

He stood there, his scars that painted on his face are clearly shown under the moonlight that shone through the window.

His eyes were red, lips parting to show his fangs.

"Miss me..?"

His voice, I miss it but he is not the same anymore. He took his steps slowly towards me, walking all elegantly.

He trace his hands on my face carefully, as if I will break if he out too much force.

"Jin.. Please wake me up.."

I plead as he stare into my eyes, full of sorrow. As much as I hate that look, I can't bear it anymore.

I had enough..

"But, why? Isn't this what you want? To be with me?"

Jin whisper sweetly, holding my hands. I flinch from the coldness of his hands, which used to be warm.

I shake my head weakly, "I do want it but.. It just can't happen this way Jin.. Just please wake me up, I beg you.." holding his hands tightly. His jaw clench, averting his gaze from mine.

"BUT WHY!!?"

He scream, breaking the window with his loud voice. Jin harshly pull his hands, scratching mine.

"Ahh.." I groan, making his angry gaze soften. "I'm.. S-sorry.." he apologize as he reach for my hands and gently caresses it.

My heart ache, slowly I pull my scratched hands from his grip.

"Let me go, please.."

His hands fall to his side, I hug his tense body. My tears fall on his clothed shoulder, hating every facts that we have to be separate with this cruel way. Reality do sucks, and here I am experiencing it.

Jin doesn't give any respond, he just simply let me cry on his shoulder.

With only the moonlight that shine the both of us, the night seems to be longer than usually.

After a while, I let go of the hug and cup his cold as ice face. I gasp looking at his face, there were blood tricking down his eyes.

"No.." my hands start to tremble, he can't be like this. "Jin, andwae.." my voice came out like a whisper fill with sorrow. His eyes went pitch black, no expression is shown but I know what will happen.

"When you decide to let him go, be ready to face what will happen.."

The voice rings into my ears, suddenly Jin's body fall into my arms slowly.


His body is getting colder by any second, I hug his body close to mine. Praying mentally, don't torture me like this. He don't have to be like this, please..

"Jin, wake me up!!"

I beg him, while his body remain close to mine. I don't want to stuck here, if only I would be hurt like this.

"The only thing remain after this is the scar you make for yourself.."

"I'm sorry, Jin.." I mutter, leaning closer to his face. Kissing his forehead with tears falling to wet his cold face, my lips linger there for a while.

I love you, Jin..

I will always do..

Then, I open my eyes only to be blinded by bright light. Squinting my eyes, a face pop in front of me with a very warm smile.

"Jin..? Its that you?"

He smile brightly, opposite from the the night he died. "Ye.. Its me, how are you feeling?" he ask, with a clipboard on his arm.

I feel excited, trying to hug him but my arms were cuff to the bed.

"Jin, why am I cuffed? Did I do something wrong? If I do, I'm sorry.. Just let me go.."

I beg him, but slowly Jin's face turn into someone else. Someone I didn't know, he was a stranger.

"Where is Jin?" staring at him angrily, "I'm Jin.." he exclaim, showing his name tag. My anger risen, grabbing the pillow and throwing at him.

"You're not Jin!! I want Jin!!"

I start to throw tantrum at him, yelling Jin's name furiously. Then, a voice snap me out from my tantrum.


At the door was Namjoon, Jin's friend. "What..?" I ask him, slowly feeling my heart aching. "He is dead.. You let him go.."

I felt sick, "NO!!" I scream. Why would I let him go? Why!!?

Namjoon run up to me, hugging me tight as he motion the doctor to go get some help. "Sshush.. You do the right thing.." he try to comfort me.

"I want him back please.. Its my mistake, Jin didn't do anything.. Just let me go to him, he is alive!!"

I yell, as the doctor came in and stick in a needle into my wrist. Slowly, I feel drowsy and before I fell into slumber I saw him there, standing with a warm smile as he mouthed the word that never failed to send me to cloud nine.

"I love you.."

"The scar will never heal.. It will only go deeper until your last breath.."

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