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Laying around, does sound lazy to anyone but if you're living with a devil, who's definitely a crazy and demanding one. You totally can relate with it..

Another stuff broke, I groan mentally. Only in a few seconds, his annoying voice echoed through this entire house..

"Omonahh!! I broke something again!! Yn ahhh!!! Help me!!" He called, rather too innocent, which irritate me.

I stood up, walking out only to see the sight of disaster.

There are toilet paper all around the living room, crumbs on the floor and sofa, the TV blaring loudly. Not to mention, water splash over the tiles that I don't even know why and what the reason he does that.

Walking lazily to the kitchen, Taehyung is sitting on the counter, drinking some beer.

I march towards him, snatching the beer away. "You're freaking under age, moron!! Why are you drinking my Mom's beer!!?"

I'm at the very edge to strangle this creature, he hiccup "Hehee~"

"Ergh!!" I groan, crushing the empty can. I throw away the can, grabbing some cleaning tools to clean up his mess.

I start to wipe the wet tiles with a mop, my hair is blocking my view. Sighing, I was about to tie my hair when a pair of hands, gently rake my hair.

Blinking, I glance to see Taehyung with his half hooded eyes, with a hair band between his lips. He pull every strands of my hair, tying it into a cute messy bun.

"Donee~" he slur, smiling goofily. Ignoring him, I start to wipe the floor again.

Done with the floor, I walk around to pick up the toilet paper. I was looking around for the bin, to stash the toilet paper, when Taehyung shove it at me.

He smiled at me, staggering a bit, I furrow my brows. He isn't usually like this in both situation, drunk or sober.

Shrugging the thought, I grab the bin from him and stash the toilet paper in it. Walking around, it takes me a few good minutes, to pick up his mess.

Sighing, I'm done with the toilet papers, just need to vacuum the place a bit. There are food crumbs all over the place, irritating my eyes.

I'm about to grab the vacuum when the sound of it erupt my ears, I turn to see Taehyung holding it, body is about to fall as he try to give me the vacuum.

He fall on the carpet, making the vacuum suck on my skirt. "Yahh!! Turn it off!!" I was pulling my skirt, while Taehyung try to reach to turn the thing off.

The sucking power is too strong, my skirt is half sucked by it. Revealing my thighs, just in time Taehyung turn it off, I fall on the carpet.

"Just what are you trying to do!!?" I yell on top of my lungs, chest rising heavily, I was either embarrassed and irritated. I never show much of my skin, cheeks flaring red.

"I'm trying to help.." he muffle, lifting his face to look at me with his closed eyes.

I take off one of my slippers, slapping his head with it. He groan lightly, "D-don't bother to help.." I stutter out, snatching the vacuum from him.

He hum as a respond, sprawling on the carpet, being all lazy. I kick his side, "Go sleep somewhere else.."

Taehyung pout, "Help meeu~" he raise his arms to me. I roll my eyes, grabbing his hands to help him up only to get pull by him to fall on top of him.

My head bump with his, causing the of us groan. I open my eyes only to meet his brown orbs, staring at me.

His arms wrap around your waist, my eyes widen at his action. Putting both of my hands on his chest, I try to stand up only to end up kissing him when my hands accidentally slip.

Taehyung smile in the kiss, I widen my eyes. Trying to break off from him, only to be roll of and now he is hovering me.

He support all his weight on his elbows, as he stare me with his half hooded eyes.

"My Yn look cute when she's blushing~" he cooed, smiling goofily at me, I can feel my heart thumping weirdly. He lean closer, until his breath hit my face.

"Why don't you never pay attention to me..? Am I not cute..? Am I invisible..?" Taehyung ask, acting all cute, slowly getting near to my face even more.

"Yah.. You're too close." I mutter, as his eyes land on my lips, "Can I kiss you again?"

Quickly rolling over our position, I end up straddling him. "C-Crazy guy.." I huff out, face hot as ever.

Looking at Taehyung, he is completely pass out. I sigh, now I have to carry him to his room.

Carrying him on my back, I almost stumble and hit my face on the stairs. Ugh.. I'm sure as hell, that I'll suffer a massive pain after this.

I throw him on his bed, he grumble. I fix his posture, taking off his socks, and cover him with the blanket.

I'm about to leave when his hand tug on mine, "Do you hate me..?" he ask. His eyes were sad, looking at me, you chuckle.

"How can I ever hate a devil who almost make me go to mental hospital?" I said, as he form a cheeky smile.

"I'm dizzy, bring me water~" there he goes again, being a devil he is..

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