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"Ms Park Yn?"

I shot my head up, blinking my eyes "Ye?" forming a smile at my not-so-favourite teacher, Mrs Do.

"Mind paying attention than yawning?" she said, full with sarcasm. I could hear my classmates snort, giggle and snicker.

"Ye.." I said, as she nod and continue with her speech.

Class ended, I walk out and bump with my twin, Park Jimin. "Aye, sis.. Look bummed.." he wriggle his brows, playfully.

I roll my eyes, heading towards my locker "Yeah, if you get a 'stop yawning and pay attention' from that Mrs Dodo.." Jimin snort.

What? I called her Mrs Dodo for a reason, cuz she is the same as those birds, from the rock age.. Too old school..

I get some books for my next class, "Hey, it Yoongi hyung.." he said, making me turn about 180° to search for him.

But, nope..

Jimin just pulling his lame joke on me.

He laugh hard, I roll my eyes, walking away as he tag along. "You should see your face.. Its hilarious, just by saying his name, you would get freak out.."

I grit my teeth, crazy twin of mine. He knows very well, that I have a big crush on Yoongi since childhood year.

Never did I know, that I was so  into him until the moment he kiss me on my cheek on my 12th birthday.

Guess, love at first sight last long..

Then, I bump with a hard wall, making me fall backwards and land on my bum. I glare at Jimin who just look at me, not even lending a hand to help me.

Good bro..

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you.." I apologise, as I glare at Jimin who is smirking.

"Ahh.. Its okay, my bad too.."

My head jerk up immediately, hitting his jaw. "Oh my!! Sorry, Yoongi sshii!!" I widen my eyes as he let out a chuckle.

"Wow.. You have a hard head.." Jimin snort, my face flush into red.

Yoongi just smile, standing up and lend his hand for me to take. I take it and he lift me up, "Its been so long, I didn't meet you two.." he fist bro with Jimin and flash his gummy smile at me.

Melted.. Totally melted..

"Hyung, it was you who is busy with basketball and songs.."

He nod, putting his arm around Jimin's neck. "Yeah.. I miss hanging out, lets skip class?" Jimin nod as they look at me.

"What?" I ask, clueless since I was busy checking Yoongi out, obviously.

"Nevermind her hyung.. She's always like that.." I slap Jimin's arm, making Yoongi chuckle. "Yeah.. I know.."

I roll my eyes, walking to my class. I'm not gonna skip class for them, even though I want to cuz I couldn't afford to sacrifice my good result. "Hey, aren't going to hang out?" Jimin shout, as I just wave them a goodbye without looking at them.

Walking to class, is really an ass, with the students leaning on the lockers alley sucking faces is not a very pleasing sight.

"Yn!!" A voice echoed, just in the right timing. He stop beside me, catching his breath, "Wae, Ki Jun sshii..?"

"Aye.. Stop with that formalities, just call me Oppa or Hyung.." he nudge me, smirking. I snort, "Not gonna happen.." continuing my steps as Ki Jun hold my wrist, "Hey, Yn.. I know its sounds weird but can.. You be my girl--" a voice cut him.

"Who are you to steal my girl?"

I look at the person, making my heart accelerate faster. Yoongi  walk towards me, Ki Jun tighten his grip. I bit my lips, as I try to get away from his grip.

"Yah Yah Yah!!" I yell, as he shot me a deathly glare. Ptff.. A glare? Do you think I'm what? Five?

I charge towards his hand, biting it hard. "ARGHH!!" he push me, stumbling backwards until I hit a locker. I hold my head, its hurt..

Yoongi quickly check on me, "You okay?" I nod my aching head. He turn around, giving Ki Jun a punch right on his pretty face- nope, his nose.

"That's for hurting my girl.." Yoongi said, as he hold my hand and bring me to the basketball court.

He give me a pack of ice, "Thanks.." I put it on my swollen head. "You shouldn't bite him.."

I scoff, "Yeah, wait until he broke my wrist.. That's when I need to freak out.." he chuckle, pinching my cheeks. "Aigoo.. I'm just advising you, he could just let you go if you ask him.."

I roll my eyes, "Like he would, you see his eyes? He's clearly piss off seeing you and would be worst if I ask him to let go.."

"How would you know?" I shrug, "I guess?" Yoongi smile, leaning closer to my face. I got caught off, when he softly place his lips on mine.

Moulding it perfectly with mine, as I stood stiff. Completely frozen by his action, his eyes were close as he went to deepen the kiss.

I gasp at his action, putting the ice down as I wrap my arms around his neck, scooting closer to fill the gap between us.

We are lost in each other, in our own world until we part away to take a breath.

Yoongi caresses my cheeks, as he pant. "Hey.." I pant out, feeling my insides flip drastically.

"Don't.. Reject me.."

He hug me, holding me tight in his arms. I chuckle, "Of course, I won't.."

He look at me confusingly, "I don't even wanna let you go.." he smile and hug me even tighter.

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