Chapter 1

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The storm clouds rumbled with thunder, and flashed with the many jolts of lightening that clung to it. The rain lashed down with little mercy on to who it fell upon, the wind whirling around as the storm rages on. The icy feel to the wind sank into the skin of whoever was foolish enough to be out in it, and it was so dark you would be lucky to see your own hands in front of you, apart from when the lightening flashed.

Tsume looked around frantically, golden eyes wide and he felt confused as to why he was here. Panic started to sink in, and he wasn't sure if there were actually voices whispering to him or if it was only the wind...

"Ts... me..."

A chill ran up his spine and he spun around, voice getting stuck in his throat as he saw the familiar figure standing behind him, "Y-Yuudai...?"

"You... eed... -reful..." The speech was broken and the image of the man was flickering, the rain seemingly going straight through his body, "...-res... war..."

Tsume winced as the rain beat down even harsher, to the point where he could barely even see what was happening anymore, "Wait, no," He hissed as he tried to look through the rain, attempting to take steps towards the figure, "Yuudai, hang on, what are you-" A fork of lighting struck the ground in front of him and made him quickly step back. He gritted his teeth in his frustration and tried to go back to what he was doing, but froze when he saw that the man was no longer there in front of him. He shielded his eyes and glared through the rain, as if trying his best to see where he went. However, all he saw in front of him was landscape.

The ground suddenly started to crack in half beneath his feet and his eyes widened again. He tried to run, but it was pointless, as the ground shook once more before it caved in, bringing him with him regardless of what he did.

Tsume shot upright and winced in pain as his head throbbed. His hands ran through his hair and gripped his head, his chest heaving with the heavy breaths he tried to regain. His eyes glanced briefly to the clock beside his bed and he scowled, noticing how it was only just past six in the morning. He sighed, there was no way he was getting back to sleep now... Throwing his legs over the bed, he prepared to stand up, until something made him pause.

Arms wrapped around his neck from behind and his body relaxed at the familiar scent. He glanced back to see a pair of sleepy emerald coloured eyes watching him with concern, "Tsume... why are you getting up? The sun isn't even up..." She mumbled quietly, nuzzling her head to his shoulder.

He grunted in response, "I... can't sleep..." He admitted, though he left out the fact that the dream he had disturbed him more than he'd have liked.

The blonde haired girl sighed and hugged him closer to her, "I didn't ask why you were awake," She grumbled, "Why are you getting up? You can't just leave me..."

Tsume rolled his eyes at that, "Just go back to sleep..." He sighed, frowning when he felt her grip tighten and pull him back.

"Not until you come back to sleep..." She whined childishly into his shoulder, frowning.

He made a face, "Shauna," He growled out in irritation, but she didn't seem fazed in the slightest and only pulled him closer to her.

"C'mon, you can't just leave me like that... until the sun comes up at least." She nuzzled her head into his neck, causing him to shiver slightly at her touch.

His will to get up collapsed and he sighed in defeat, rolling his eyes, "... You're such a child..." He mumbled, sighing as he lay back down.

Shauna grinned in satisfaction, "Maybe," She smirked, "But if I get what I want, I don't care if I act like a child..." She gave a hum of content as she shifted closer to his side, arms around him.

Tsume just grunted and put his arm around her shoulders, allowing her to basically use him as a pillow. While she fell back asleep, rather quickly he noticed, he simply stared at the ceiling, wrapped up in his own thoughts...

The morning finally came and Tsume sat at the table, seemingly lost in thought as he held a cup of coffee in his hands. Shauna turned around and frowned at him, confused as to why he seemed so spaced out today. She sat down next to him and poked his hand, causing his gaze to shift to her, "Are you okay?" She asked, eyebrow raised, "You seem miles away..."

He grunted, "I'm fine." He answered shortly, taking a drink of his coffee quickly.

His answer didn't reassure her in the slightest; actually, it made her even more concerned, "Yeah, sure..." She rolled her eyes, "Out with it."

He couldn't help but glare halfheartedly at her; he wasn't actually mad, after all she was concerned about him when not many people were. He tapped his fingers on the table and grumbled, "I had a... weird dream..." He admitted.

Shauna blinked, "A weird dream? Like, a nightmare?"

"Not so much a nightmare... It was disturbing, but it felt more like a message than an actual dream..." He looked up and noticed she had a confused face, which made him sigh in irritation, "Forget it, you don't understand."

Shauna frowned, "Sorry but I've never had a dream like that... What was it of?" She asked carefully.

He tapped his fingers on the desk again, growing uncomfortable talking about it, "My brother was in it."

"Your brother?" She blinked at him; this was the first she had heard of him having a brother.

"He died about a year ago, coming up to two years now." He grumbled, "Car crash killed him."

Shauna stared at him in slight shock; almost two years ago her parents and her older brother died in the exact same scenario. She chewed her lip, "Sorry."

"Tch, why the hell are you apologizing? You didn't kill him." He cracked his neck, "Not that anyone actually could, he was basically the size of a tree with a body made of steel..."

Shauna smiled in amusement at his comment, and nodded, "What was his name?" She asked, curious.


She hummed, even the name sounded tough. She frowned at Tsume silently, not sure what she should even say in a situation like this. She pouted at feeling useless and was about to say something when she felt a hand on top of her head, ruffling her hair. She blinked to see Tsume smirking at her in amusement.

"Don't worry about it." He said, getting up and walking to grab his jacket before he left for doing the daily patrols of the area, a job Max had given him until he built up his reputation again. Right as he was about to open the door, he felt arms wrap around him from behind and a head buried into his shoulder. He glanced back to raise an eyebrow at her in confusion, he hummed quietly in response.

Shauna frowned as she nuzzled into his back, sighing, "Seeya later." She mumbled, pouting slightly.

Tsume sighed at her and turned around to face her, causing her to blink at him in surprise. He leaned down and placed his hand on her chin, leaning closer to her face with a smirk. Her face steadily got redder and her heart sped up, much to his amusement. He noticed her eyes slowly close as he got closer, but instead of kissing her, he pulled away with a smug smirk, "Seeya."

Shauna squeaked and blinked in surprise when he left, and she whined, "T-That wasn't fair!" She called after him with a pout, chewing her lip with a red face.

That damn jerk.

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