Chapter 14

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The prison camp was giant.

As stated before, it was made up of several floors, which were only accessible through one of two elevators on either side of the camp. The bottom floor was where the werewolves were being kept, where they were contained within the darkest parts of the prison and forced to stay in damp cells, the only light provided, was by the wall lanterns along the stone walls.

The werewolves were exhausted. Having been deprived of moonlight, their energy had gone down considerably, and now they felt weak and tired most of the time. They were fed poorly, with foods that lacked in the nutrition they needed to survive. Meat was a luxury for them now, having spent nearly a month in the prison. The only one who was treated differently was Mei, who by now was heavily pregnant, for the soldiers provided her with the nutrition she actually needed to support herself and the child, as instructed by 'Chief' Heather, or so she's now known as.

Having taken complete control since their last leader died, Heather quickly took action and established a well disciplined army of vampires, in such a short time. She was powerful, and recognized by each individual in the vicinity. Nobody dared speak out against her, for while she was a calm girl, she was rather unpredictable. That wasn't to say that she was a cruel leader; the opposite, which added to the respect and loyalty she received. The new army of vampires flourished under their leaders orders, and as a result, nobody had any complaints so far. And Heather was determined to keep it this way.

Working in the yard was hard work. It was in the open air, but the vampires never let them out when the moon was up, no, they weren't that stupid. They started work early in the morning, when the sun was coming up, and didn't stop until the sun started to go down again. The weather was what made the work difficult, for the mountainous region suffered from heavy snowfall, and extreme winds. The cold was too much for the werewolves, and some of them grew very weak as a result.

Kyoko was determined to keep the pack together for as long as possible. She believed in their pack, and felt like the others will come for them eventually. She tried to keep them all in good spirits, but it wasn't enough. Most of them had given up by now, except herself and Shauna. Even Sky had given up and accepted their situation, simply putting her head down and working to avoid punishment.

The vampires were enjoying themselves. They were ordered to leave Mei alone, but not the others, so they constantly tormented them while they worked, making their lives just that bit more difficult. It started off as petty comments and smart remarks, but as time dragged on, it got more violent, and soon enough the werewolves found themselves facing a beating for no justified reason anymore. They were tripped, pushed, slapped for no apparent reason, simply 'for fun'. It was Hell.

Today was a particularly bad day for Shauna. She woke up with a sore neck, again, and she was starving. The small rations they were given simply wasn't enough, and as everyone knew, she was incredibly cranky when she was hungry. As they stepped out into the yard, Kyoko noticed the dark scowl on the blonde's face, and mumbled to her, "Keep your cool, don't do anything stupid."

Her younger companion huffed, "I'm always doing something stupid, Kyo. If I rip the head off one of them, I would be satisfied."

Kyoko kicked her, "Shh! You know how sensitive their ears are, don't go saying things like that or you'll end up dead!"

The vampires watched them the entire time they worked. Every movement they made didn't go by undetected. It was unsettling, being watched the whole time, but neither female said anything against it, they simply tried to ignore it.

Kyoko winced slightly as her arm ached, strained from lifting heavy rocks without rest, and without food to give her energy. She let out a yelp when a whip cracked against her back and she fell to the ground, wincing more. Looking back, she met the gaze of a solider, his glowing red eyes glaring down at her.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now