Chapter 10

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The glowing red eyes of the hunter watched her every move, shining like a beacon of destruction in the darkness. She could run as fast as she wanted, but it wouldn't matter. The blood coloured eyes would follow after her like it was a tracker, stuck to her skin like a flea on a filthy dog. The tension was suffocating, and her breath caught in her throat causing her to let out a strangled cough, gasping for air. Every time she glanced back, she saw those eyes. They were everywhere. They were following her. They kept getting closer.

And closer...

And closer..


Shauna sat upright so fast she swore she pulled a muscle in her back. Her neck felt stiff and she was shaking violently, even though her forehead was covered with sweat. Touching her forehead, she felt it was burning, and she was panting for air. 'What the hell was that... Why do I feel so uneasy...' She looked around, momentarily panicking when she saw that Tsume wasn't beside her, but relaxed when she realized she could hear him moving downstairs. Throwing her legs over the edge of the bed and placing her feet on the floor, she put on a jacket and went downstairs in a rush. She saw Tsume standing by the TV, flicking through the channels and grumbling about nothing being on. He seemed to sense her presence in the room, and when he turned around, he grunted in surprise at her suddenly clinging to him, arms wrapping around his middle tightly.

He looked down at her and noticed she was still in her pyjama's, only wearing a jacket over them, "Shauna? What's wrong?"

She buried her face to his chest, hands gripping the leather of his jacket, "... I don't know..." She admitted, feeling incredibly embarrassed at being so weak, "I just... I had a nightmare, and started panicking, and I-"

"Quit it, you're rambling," Tsume sighed in annoyance, putting his hands on her shoulders and pushing her back, detaching her from him, "Slow down. You had a nightmare? Of what?" He asked.

Shauna sighed to calm herself, looking up but had to avoid looking at his eyes, somehow they always made her blush, "There were... red eyes... and everything else was dark... Everywhere I went, the eyes just followed me, and it was like I was suffocating..." She flinched slightly on instinct when he raised a hand, to which he froze for a moment and frowned, placing his hand on her head gently.

"You're still shaken up aren't you...?" He mumbled, causing her to look up at him, "I knew you weren't being yourself. Even at Bex's, you were still too quiet..."

Shauna grumbled, "Can you blame me? I got blood taken off me by a fucking vampire. And nobody else seemed to have survived it! Not even the fucking Alpha, for crying out loud! Am I supposed to be relieved? No, I'm terrified. I was that close to death, and I was helpless! I couldn't even protect Toboe properly!"

Tsume growled at her, "You did protect him," He snapped, "He survived the attack with minor injuries because of you. Of course you were helpless, you're a new werewolf that went up against a vampire. What were you supposed to do? It's not like we're all equipped with holy water. That could have been any of us, the fact that you survived was lucky enough. Stop beating yourself up about it. You weren't supposed to be ready for that sort of thing."

The blonde went silent and frowned, her gaze turning towards the ground. The silence hung in the air as his words sunk in, and even though she knew he was right, she still felt hopelessly weak. She bit her lip, rubbing her arm slightly.

The male narrowed his eyes at her and sighed, pulling her into his chest again, "You're still thinking like a human," He mumbled, "So you fight like a human... you're a werewolf now. You should probably start thinking, and fighting, like one..."

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now