Chapter 9

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It was safe to say that Shauna was very excited.

From the moment they left the house, she hadn't stopped smiling. Honestly, Tsume found it weird that she was so happy, and he was starting to get annoyed. "You know," He spoke up, "I'm starting to feel like you want to see them more than you'd want to see me."

"Duh, Bex is my soulmate."

And that was the end of that discussion.

It was, as Tsume had warned, an entire day's journey. Shauna had actually forgotten just how far away the town was, and even her excitement couldn't keep her awake for she ended up falling asleep on Tsume's shoulder. Not that he minded, he was starting to fall asleep himself.

The bus jolted to a stop, shaking the two werewolves awake and making them aware that they have arrived at their destination. Shauna yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes and blinking, "Huh?" She looked around, "Ah, we're here! Tsume, up!" She shook him, earning a growl of annoyance.

"Don't be so loud..." He sighed and stood up, getting their bags and walking off the bus with a beaming Shauna following behind him. He wasn't sure why he was the one in charge of carrying the bags; but whatever, probably saves hearing her whine about it in the long run.

Shauna checked the time on her phone, "Gah those idiots should be here to meet us by now!" She whined, "They're not here..." She frowned.

Tsume sighed in annoyance, "They're probably making out with each other somewhere." He made a face, disgusted at the very thought.

The blonde wrinkled her nose, "Ewww no..." She shook her head in disgust, "Don't put that image in my head..."

Tsume shrugged, then lifted his head, "Here they come."

Shauna blinked, "How can you tell?"

"Can't you smell them?"

"I still haven't gotten used to the new smells..."

He shrugged, turning around and sure enough, Hige and Bex walked around the corner, grinning widely when they saw them.

Shauna grinned, "Ah, finally!" She ran towards the two, leaving an annoyed Tsume standing next to the bags. Shauna threw her arms around the two of them, but then after ten seconds pushed Hige away and just hugged Bex, "It feels like it's been forever, and I know I'm exaggerating but fuck it." She grinned.

Bex snickered in amusement, "Awwe, you missed me that much?"

"Of course I did, I can't believe I actually missed your annoying nagging."

Bex pouted, "I don't nag... Do I?" She looked at Hige who shrugged.

"Don't ask me, I'll end up saying the wrong answer regardless."

Shauna smirked, "Still spineless I see." She teased.

Hige pouted, "I'm not spineless, I'm just not a rude person." He looked up seeing Tsume approach, a mischievous glint in his brown eyes, "Speaking of rude people."

Tsume made a face, "Get stuffed Hige."

"I barely even said anything."

"You don't have to say much."

Shauna laughed, nudging Bex, "So c'mon, aren't'cha gonna bring us to yours? I'm starving."

Bex smiled in amusement, "You really never change..." She smirked, "It's not just mine anymore though... Hige and I... We took up your offer."

Shauna blinked, "My parents' house? Really?" She smiled in what seemed like relief, "Good, I'm glad to hear that..." She yelped when Tsume shoved her bag towards her.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now