Chapter 3

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Being woken up by your boyfriend would normally be alright for some people. Unless, your boyfriend was Tsume. And you were Shauna, who hated mornings with a passion. So when he shook her awake, he had learned quickly to move away before he got punched in the nose; something he had to learn the hard way.

With an annoyed groan she opened her eyes and glared at him, "What? Why are you waking me up?"

Tsume shrugged and sighed, "The runt called, said he wants to ask ya something I'm not allowed know about." He made a face, "So get up, don't keep the kid waiting or he'll end up coming here, and that'll annoy me."

Shauna groaned again, "Urgh, Toboe's so lucky he's so cute." She mumbled in annoyance, smacking Tsume with a pillow, "I'll be up in a minute."

Growling at being smacked, he reluctantly left the room and shut the door, annoyed at being hit by a pillow. Rolling his eyes, he turned and went down to the kitchen.

Grumbling at having to actually get up, Shauna sighed and rolled out of bed, dragging herself over to the mirror. She actually flinched at her own reflection, grimacing, "Eugh..." She rubbed her eyes and tiredly grabbed the hairbrush, attempting to tame the nest that she called hair.

It took about half an hour, but she eventually made her way down the stairs. She yelped when she got thrown an apple, an annoyed Tsume looking at her, "That took way too long," He growled out, "That's your breakfast, you don't have time for anything else. Go."

Shauna whined, "But, but... I hate fruit!" She whined childishly, sticking out her bottom lip as she looked at the apple in distaste.

Tsume snorted, "Well, tough. Just eat it on your way, I do not want Toboe ringing me asking why you didn't show up." He glared at her.

Shauna pouted, "Hmph, ya know sometimes, I feel like ya care more for Toboe more than you do for me!" She whined at him childishly, sticking out her bottom lip.

He rolled his eyes, "Wonder what gave that away." He grumbled drily, "You gonna go now?"

"Wow," She snorted, "Really feeling the love." She made a face and pouted at him, "Don't I get a goodbye kiss or something?"

Tsume rose an eyebrow, "What? Are you stupid?"

"Way to make a girl feel special."

Huffing, he got up and walked over, "So annoying," He growled and pulled her into his chest, pressing his lips to hers in a possessive manner. She blushed at the sudden action but didn't complain, grinning in satisfaction. She gave a squeak and pulled back when he bit down on her lip, a smug expression on his face, "Be careful what you wish for."

"You prick!"

"Yeah yeah," He smirked and turned her around, pushing her towards the door, "Complain to me later."

Shauna whined at that, "Hmph! Fine, if you're so eager to get rid of me." She rolled her eyes and walked out, her face still red from the kiss.

"You took forever!"

Shauna rubbed her ears as Toboe whined loudly at her, she made a face, "Yeah, sorry. I didn't really want to get up." She said bluntly, before raising an eyebrow, "Tsume mentioned something about you wanting to talk to me about some stuff?"

The pup blinked and nodded, blushing slightly which made Shauna's eyebrows raise, "Ah, yeah, I um... I wanna know how to impress a girl!"

Shauna stared at him with wide eyes, "You? Want to... impress a girl? Oh my god..." She burst out laughing, "Toboe, you're so cute and innocent! I never thought you'd have your eyes on someone~." She cooed, reaching out to pull his cheek gently.

Swatting her hand, he flushed a bright red, "I-I'm not a kid!" He whined at her, pouting, "You can see why I didn't wanna ask Tsume about this..."

"Yeah, cause he'll tell you to go kill someone and bring back their head on a spike." She joked, grinning.

Toboe frowned, "I know that's supposed to be a joke but... it's something he would actually say..."

"... True."

He pouted, "I'm serious, though..."

Shauna smiled at him, "Awwe, cute." She sat down, "So, who is she then?"

"S-Sky," He rubbed his cheek, "She's with the healing group..." He blushed, "I was told by some others that I should try acting cool but-"

"Nope, absolutely not," She scoffed, "Toboe, I'm sorry, but being 'cool' is not you. You're adorable, and you're sweet. Don't go doing something that's out of character, if you do then you're just being fake. Don't listen to men, they only think with their d-"

"I don't want to know what you're about to say!"

Shauna grinned cheekily, "Oops. But seriously, none of that 'cool guy' act." She hummed for a moment, before grinning, "Does she like flowers?"

Toboe's eyes lit up, "Yeah, she loves them! Especially those pink flowers with the black dots on the petals?"

Shauna snorted, "Kid I know nothing about flowers, but you do, so let's go collect some."

Toboe pouted, "But... the flowers that grow are a bit ways outside the pack territory, will it be safe?"

"We're going to pick flowers, not conquer new land. We won't be out there long enough to get attacked will we?" She smirked, "Don't you trust me?"

The pup blinked and nodded, "Okay, I'm sure it'll be alright!" He grinned.

Shauna smirked, "Good. Now c'mon, let's go get you a laaaady friend."

"D-Don't say that!"


"M-Max, Max it's bad!"

Golden brown eyes lifted to see the younger wolf run towards him, a panicked look on his face, "What is it?"

The male panted when he reached them and frowned, his eyes wide with fear, "T-There's been a report," He panted, "At the border... One of our guards were severely injured, we don't know if they'll survive.."

Max's eyes widened and he instantly straightened, "By who? Who caused it?"

"We don't know Sir," He responded, "But according to the reports, it was one single enemy, and they were faster than anything we've ever seen before..."

Mei glanced at Max with concern, watching as his brows furrowed in anger, "Max...? What do you think it is?"

He shook his head, "I bet it's just a rival pack, trying to screw with us... We all know how greedy and sly the smaller packs have gotten lately, it's been all over the net..." He growled slightly, "For now, we don't know who we're dealing with. Don't let anyone outside the border, for now it's too dangerous."

The wolf nodded and turned, running off to deliver the message to the other guards. Max sighed and sat down, looking at Mei with a grim expression. She frowned and leaned over, wrapping her arms around him for comfort, and he sighed as he pressed a kiss to her forehead gently.

"I have a very bad feeling about this..."

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now