Chapter 17

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"Wait, what? You're leaving?" Toboe couldn't believe what his senior was telling him, shock practically written on his face as he started at him.

Tsume sighed, shifting the small bag on his back in discomfort, "For a little while," He grumbled, "I've already told Kiba... I'll be back soon, but since the Search Team have all given up, I'll have to go."

Toboe looked down, "Tsume... They might be—"

"They aren't dead," He snapped back, "I can't describe it properly, but, I would feel it, if they were dead. Shauna's still alive, which means the others must be alive as well." He narrowed his eyes, "I'll come back once I find her. Otherwise, I'll never get decent sleep and it's pissing me off." He growled.

Toboe stared up at him with wide, honey coloured eyes, "... You're... so worried about Shauna..."

Tsume didn't answer that, simply closing his eyes as he stepped around him, "I don't know when I'll be back," He sighed, "So take care of the house for me. Don't wreck it." He reached for the door handle.

"Tsume," The pup called, "I really hope... that you find her..."

Not answering to that either, the silver haired man frowned, opening the door and stepping out, allowing his instincts to lead him.


The doctor froze in his place, staring up at the blonde girl whose face was hidden by her wild blonde hair, which seemed to blow despite there not being much wind in the room, only the slight breeze that crept in from the crack in the window. He tugged, trying to free his wrist, but it didn't work. She never budged, not even slightly. His eyes widened, baffled by this sudden new-found strength the girl possessed. She made no move to harm him, but even so, he felt incredibly uneasy by the silence, and soon enough, his instincts started to scream at him to fight back, "H-How are you..." He winced as he tugged more on his wrist, once again getting nowhere, "You should be... unconscious! Even at that, you shouldn't have this strength... What are you?!"

The werewolf began to cough suddenly, her body jolting as she did so. Suddenly, she coughed out an orange pill that was glowing an ominous red, "That..." She growled, "Didn't do shit..." She gripped his wrist so hard it snapped, but before he could scream she slapped a hand over his mouth, "Shut up," She hissed darkly, her hair moving out her face as she leaned down to look at him in the eye. Her eyes, which were once an emerald-green colour, had a gold shade swirling within them, looking almost as if the two colours were about to merge. She gave a small grin, her sharp, animalistic fangs glinting in the soft moonlight.

Shaking slightly, he could only stare at her, his red eyes wide with fear, "W-Where did you even..." His eyes darted to the pill on the floor, before staring back at her, "M-Monster..."

Chuckling, she raised a hand, her sharper nails practically glowing with menace, "We're all monsters... darling." She echoed what she had heard, before slicing the vampire's throat.

Escaping was an easy task, for the idiot had left the two doors wide open behind him. Freedom was all that rang in her mind, and she sprinted down the hallway, not even stopping to think about the others she was leaving behind. Her eyes widened when she saw the elevator head upwards, and she cursed under her breath, jumping forward and grabbing the bottom of the elevator, climbing to the top of it.

The two guards inside blinked upon hearing the noise, "Did you hear something?" One asked the other, who merely shrugged.

"No idea... Might be your mind playing tricks..."


Before the door opened, Shauna jumped out and ran. The vampires caught a glimpse of her running through the halls and yelled out, "Hey! Get back here!"

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now