Chapter 18

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News of Shauna's escape spread like wildfire throughout the prison, each werewolf who heard it shocked and amazed at the fact that someone had actually gotten free. The opinions about it weren't exactly good, however, as most of the werewolves from Shauna's pack were rather angry with her for leaving. They considered her escape as nothing more than a selfish act, and cursed her that she didn't come back to free them. However, none of them knew the horrors the young werewolf had been put through.

Kyoko was thrilled that Shauna had escaped. She had feared that she was killed, but now that she knew she was safe, her mind was put at ease. 'Thank God... she's still alive... I'm glad...' She smiled softly, 'Tsume... Won't have to go through another death. I don't think he'd handle that...' A pang hit her heart, when she thought how badly he had dealt with Yuudai's death. He turned more to crime, and started getting mixed up with the wrong people. Because of this, he, along with Rex, Jasmine, and other werewolves, were threatened with being thrown out of the pack. Thankfully, Tsume broke away from them before it got out of hand; however, that led to more problems, as Rex retaliated by pinning a murder onto the grey werewolf. Somehow, that ended up with Tsume finding a woman he ended up loving... Kyoko found it rather adorable.

Leaning against the wall, Kyoko felt good for the first time since they arrived in this hell-hole. Shauna was free. Therefore, she could get the others to come, and free them all from this prison. For the first time in months, Kyoko felt... hopeful. Like something was finally going right for them.

'It won't be long now...' She thought, smiling weakly, 'Maybe... we'll be freed soon...' Her orange coloured eyes lit up with determination, 'Our pack will get out of this jail, and we'll leave together...'


The bus dropped him off in a random, desolate town, but he decided his search would have to start somewhere. He knew the vampires were restricted to the mountains, and the few towns surrounding the mountain. He sighed; this place was practically empty, most of the snow tipped houses didn't even have any windows or doors, and the path was dense with snow and was untouched, showing how little people walked through it. He figured that there was either a very heavy snow storm the night before, or, there were no people in this area. And judging from the lack of human scent he was getting, he figured it was the latter.

Sighing in annoyance, he gripped his bag and walked on, looking around and keeping alert, just in case any smart guy tried to jump him. Not like they could, but, just in case.

It was quiet. Deathly quiet. Now that he ventured further into the town, he noticed that the people who once lived her have long moved on. The houses were all boarded up, the wood rotting away as the cold crept in through the many cracks. Tsume wrinkled his nose at the smell of rats, the stench hurting his nose and making him scowl darkly. This town was most definitely deserted.

He had been searching the few towns around the mountain, trying to find any clues as to where the vampires and the other werewolves were. His gut was telling him they were in the mountain, but for some reason, he avoided it. Something about it made his skin crawl. There was an eerie atmosphere about the mountain, which loomed high above the few desolate towns that surrounded it. There didn't seem to be any forms of entry; at least, not yet, but he felt confident that he could find one.

"Hmm? Tsume?"

The voice caught him off guard, and he couldn't ignore the sinking feeling of disappointment that it wasn't Shauna's voice he was hearing. 'Wait, who's voice is that then?' He thought, frowning. He turned around and twitched, feeling a mixture of surprise and annoyance. His golden eyes narrowed as they landed on the sight of the black haired female, her purple eyes wide as she stared back at him.

"Oh, it's just you." He grumbled, shaking his head, before glaring at her, "I thought you and the rest of your little 'gang' died, you guys went quiet..." He sneered.

The female werewolf, who was known as Jasmine, blinked at Tsume with confused eyes, "I... No, we didn't die... we just separated... I don't know where the others are..." She frowned, "But... what are you doing way out here?"

He scowled, not sure he wanted to answer her. After all, she had been associated with Rex, the bastard who terrorized Shauna a while ago, "... I'm looking for someone..."

Jasmine blinked, "Someone?" She paused, before piecing two and two together, "Is that someone Shauna? You seem worried..."

"Tch, stay out of it, it's nothing to do with you." He glared at her, turning his back to walk away.

"W-Wait, Tsume!" She pouted and ran towards him to catch up, "Why are you searching for this girl anyway? Why are you so interested in her?"

"Why are you so nosy?" He snapped back.

Jasmine frowned at that, "I don't mean to be... it's just... I never thought a girl would get your attention..." She mumbled. 'Especially since I could never get it...'

Tsume narrowed his eyes at her, "... Shauna's different. I can't explain it, but I need her. Now get lost, I don't have time to deal with someone who bullies a human for entertainment."

"It wasn't me—"

"I don't care," He snarled, "You were involved. You could have stopped Rex from pinning a murder on me, you could have stopped him from going after Shauna. But you didn't, you let it happen. You're just as guilty." He hissed angrily, his eyes glowing with each word, "You were quick to disappear when Rex went on a rampage..."

Jasmine frowned, "... There was nothing I could have done, Rex was stronger than I'll ever be."

"He was pathetic, but you're even worse, you know that?" Tsume scoffed, beginning to walk away once again.

She watched him walk off, her eyes falling onto the footprints he left behind. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, tears of anger pooling in her purple coloured eyes.

Tsume didn't spare her a glance, but she never expected him to.


She had no idea where she was going, but she knew one thing for certain;

She was fucking starving.

It must have been about two weeks since she escaped the prison, and since then, she survived on moonlight alone. She hadn't encountered any towns for her to get food, or rest. Sleeping outside had become routine for her at this stage, but she didn't mind, the moonlight kept her alive and she appreciated it. Without it, she wouldn't have lasted this long in the first place.

Her stomach gave an uncomfortable growl as she was once again reminded that she hadn't eaten. With a sigh, she had to stop, unable to keep going on an empty stomach, "Goddammit..." She mumbled, tiredly, "It hurts..."

The flapping of wings overhead caught her attention, and the cawing of a bird causing her to look up. Her green eyes widened seeing the birds ahead, perched upon a tree. The large, fat crow resting on a branch caught her eye in particular. The bird was noticeably bigger than the rest, and he almost seemed to be dozing off. Unknown to herself, her mouth began to water, her wolf side giving a quiet growl of hunger. Her green eyes locked onto the large bird and she slowly made her way forward, looking around for something to throw at it. She carefully picked up a pebble, before flinging it at the bird, stunning it as it fell to the ground with a loud, ear splitting shriek. Her human form dropped and the black coloured wolf lunged, ending the bird's life in one swift movement.

Shauna had never killed an animal in her life, and while she had been previously against the act of killing, she supposed it didn't matter now that she's killed a vampire. As she ate the flesh of the bird, she resisted the urge to throw up, reminding herself that if she didn't eat, she'd die. This wasn't luxury; this was survival.

Once she finished her meal, she shifted back to her human form and wiped the blood off her lips, the pain in her stomach still lingering.

It's not enough.

Her sensitive ears picked up the sounds of footsteps approaching, and she whirled around, fear gripping her heart as she thought it might be the vampires. But, to her surprise, it wasn't the vampires. It was just an old lady... No.

An old werewolf.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن