Chapter 5

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The beeping sounds were the first thing she heard when she finally regained consciousness. Her mistake was that she opened her eyes too quickly, and the blinding light above her made her growl out in protest. Everything ached, and she felt as if she had been hit by a train at full speed. She slowly pulled herself up and reached up to touch her forehead, which felt like it was burning. She narrowed her eyes to try and remember what had happened, but everything was just a blur. Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair, which was down instead of in a typical ponytail.

The door opened with a creak and she couldn't help but wince at the sound. Looking up, she saw it was Tsume standing at the door, his eyes widening a little upon realizing that she was awake. Seeing him made her smile weakly, and he made his way to her side immediately. "You're finally awake..."

She nodded, "Yeah... How long was I out for?"

"Over two weeks." He muttered, sitting next to her, "How do you feel?"

Shauna frowned, "Over two weeks? Jeez..." She sighed, "I feel weak and lightheaded... But alive."

Tsume ran his hand through her hair gently, causing her to close her eyes and lean against his chest. He sighed, "You nearly died," He muttered, "Blood loss nearly killed you..."

Shauna winced at this information, then blinked and sat up, "W-What about Toboe? He was with me, is he-"

"He's fine," Tsume placed a hand on her shoulder, "He didn't suffer as much, he was up within a day... He hadn't lost as much blood, just a few minor injuries."

She relaxed instantly hearing this, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God," She mumbled, "I was worried.."

"He was the one worrying," He snorted slightly at her, "He thought you were going to die. Kept blaming himself, saying he should have done more to help."

Shauna frowned, "He did more than enough..." She shook her head, wincing slightly.

He placed a kiss to her head and sighed, "You need to rest. You look like shit."

She smirked weakly at that, "How charming..." She didn't protest against the idea of rest, after all, she did feel like she was going to pass out anyway.

Only ten seconds after closing her eyes, she heard Tsume growl lowly and the door opening. Opening her eyes slightly, she couldn't help but tense up seeing the Alpha at the door.

"How is she?" The rough voice of Max almost rumbled in the room. Talk about a terrifying guy..

"Exhausted, she needs rest." Tsume growled back, "Don't strain her."

"All I want is to ask a few questions." The older wolf responded, remaining calm despite the younger werewolf's hostility.

Not convinced, Tsume's arm tightened slightly around the blonde and he pulled her closer to him, scowling at his Alpha as his instincts did nothing else but tell him to protect her.

Frowning at the tension, Shauna looked up at Tsume, "Hey, could you get me some water...? Please." She asked, causing him to look at her with a frown. Obviously sensing his doubt, she frowned, "I was out for over two weeks, like you said... my throat feels dryer than sandpaper."

He still felt like this was just a distraction, but he sighed in irritation regardless, "Fine..." He mumbled, standing up and shooting Max a glare, before he reluctantly left the room.

Max turned to Shauna, who flinched slightly at his gaze, "Now, first of all... what were the two of you doing going past the border?"

Shauna frowned and looked down, "... Toboe wanted to go get some flowers... I agreed to go with him." She frowned, "It was my fault, I insisted we went out."

The Alpha sighed, "I'm not here to scold you for it... Actually, I want you to tell me about what happened... Who was it that attacked you?"

At this, Shauna rose an eyebrow, "... Did Toboe not tell you everything you needed?"

Max sighed, "Unfortunately the pup was in too much shock to remember much. All he could tell us was that it was a red haired woman."

She nodded, "Yeah, she had red hair... She was really pale, too..." She frowned, trying to remember, "Oh, she had red eyes. And was incredibly fast, I could barely see her before she attacked."

Max's eyes widened slightly, "... Those wounds... How did they happen? Try to remember."

Shauna sighed, trying to remember despite her fatigue. It took her a moment before she gave a small gasp, "She bit me."

The Alpha flinched slightly, "And... You're absolutely sure that's all?"

She nodded, "Yeah, that's everything I can remember..."

A grim expression washed over his face and he nodded stiffly, "Alright. I'll let you rest then." He stood up and made his way to the door, walking out and closing it behind him.

Before he left, he noticed Tsume coming back and he grabbed his arm before he could go back into the room, "Tsume, keep an eye on her... It appears that we're fighting an old enemy..."

Tsume frowned at his Alpha as he walked away, confused as to what he meant but he didn't dwell on it, walking into the room.

"Shauna! You're okay!" Toboe cried out happily as he threw his arms around the female in a hug. He whined and buried his head in his shoulder, "I thought you'd die!"

Shauna hugged him back with a smile, "Calm down, I'm fine, still kicking." She ran a hand through his hair gently to soothe him, "Are you okay?"

Toboe nodded, rubbing his eyes, "Yeah... But nobody else is..." He frowned.

Tsume twitched, "Toboe-"

Shauna frowned, "No wait, what's he talking about?"

Sighing slightly at this, Tsume turned to look at her with a slightly grim expression, "You weren't the only ones who got attacked..." He muttered, "Many others had gotten attacked as well, mainly the guards who were out patrolling the borders..." He winced slightly, "... None of them woke up."

She blinked and stared at him, "... You mean they all... died?"

Tsume nodded stiffly, "Unfortunately... That was why Max was so intent on getting information, nobody else really knows what's happened..."

This information made her feel sick, and she found herself sinking into the bed slightly, as if trying to escape. She rolled over onto her side and curled up a little, her stomach churning with the fact that others had died at the hands of someone she faced. She could have died, again, and it was nothing short of a miracle that she survived. Red eyes flashed in her mind and she flinched slightly, shivering, "I.. need to rest..." She mumbled.

Tsume and Toboe both shared a glance, before Tsume sighed, "Sure... I'll come back later..." He placed a hand on her head gently, before standing up, "C'mon kid."

Toboe frowned, "Get well soon Shauna." He mumbled sadly before he followed the older werewolf, exiting the building.

When the door closed, she found herself staring at the wall opposite her in thought. How close was she to dying? How close was she to losing everything all over again?

A growl rumbled in her throat. She was getting real sick of this shit.

Kiba glanced up as he noticed his Alpha approach him. Instantly, he felt on edge upon seeing the pale face and the look of fear in his eyes. He sat up and straightened to greet him, a form of respect, and Max stopped in front of him, "Is there any news on who did this?" The younger werewolf asked hesitantly, not really knowing if he should ask or not.

Max rubbed his face, "There's no denying it anymore... I wanted to believe that there was no possible way but... it's unfortunately what's happening..."

Kiba perked an eyebrow at him in question, not exactly sure what he was getting at, "What is..?"

The Alpha looked at him, eyes shadowed with a look of despair,

"Vampires are back."

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now