Chapter 7

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Something was defiantly wrong with Shauna. Not physically, she's actually recovered quite fast from the vampires attack, and was able to move around freely now. However, what was wrong seemed to be more of a... mental issue.

She was terrified of leaving the house. And Tsume couldn't blame her. After all, she had been thrown into the world of the supernatural too fast for her body to actually adjust. Hell, she just about learned how to be a werewolf, and she still had lots more to learn. But now there were vampires involved? He was amazed she hadn't broken down by now.

Every attempt he made to try and coax her from the house had failed, and by now he was getting a little frustrated. He did understand her fear, he really did; but staying inside all the time wasn't healthy. She refused to even go for a simple walk, too afraid that she'd get attacked once more.

And she wasn't the only one.

Ever since the news of the attacks spread around, the townspeople were petrified. The street suddenly became much quieter, and people only left their houses to do basic shopping or something else that couldn't be avoided. Nobody wanted to be outdoors, and for a werewolf, the outdoors was home.

It was completely understandable, to an extent. After all, many guards had lost their lives due to one girl. One. She ended the lives of so many, previously thought machines of men, within a few hours. It was hard to believe, and it was feared that if more vampires appeared, the entire town would be wiped out.

Tsume was irritated by all of it. The town suddenly became boring and tense, and he hated it. Max hadn't said a word about it, for he too was very tense about the situation and more focused on protecting his mate, who was still heavily pregnant.

He glanced over at the couch where the blonde girl lay, simply watching the television, buried under a warm fuzzy blanket. Sighing in annoyance, he stood up and walked over to her, "Shauna, get up."

She hummed slightly, not even listening to him, "Why?" She asked blankly, eyes still locked on the screen.

Twitching, he stepped in front of the TV, arms crossed, "You've been lying there for days, it's time you got up and did something."

Shauna made a face, "Why?" She glared at him and a growl sounded from his throat, causing him to be surprised at her sudden anger, "I feel safe here. Going outside is pointless, besides, it's cold out."

Tsume rolled his eyes, "Stop making excuses. Up." He scowled.

She growled back at him, "No."


"I mean it, no."

"Stop being so damn childish!"

"I'm not the one being childish!"

The two werewolves growled angrily at each other, their glares practically crackling in the air. Suddenly, a knock on the door broke them from their thoughts and they both looked up. Tsume sighed and walked out to answer it, opening it up. He rose an eyebrow, "Hm? Why are you here, Kyoko?"

The woman frowned at him, "That's rather rude, speak to your elders a bit nicer please."

He rolled his eyes and stepped aside to let her in. She walked into the room and saw Shauna, who stood up with the blanket still wrapped around her. Kyoko frowned, "Hey Shauna, how are you feeling? I heard you haven't been yourself..."

Shauna glared at Tsume at first, but he shrugged as if to say that this wasn't his idea. She sighed and shook her head, "... Maybe I've been... a bit down..." She admitted sheepishly.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu