Chapter 15

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Shauna snarled loudly as she was thrown into a new cell, which was even smaller than the last and much colder. It was deeper in the mountain, quite far from the rest of the pack, leaving her totally isolated. The cell she was thrown into had two doors; one was the standard cell bars, much like that of a real prison, and the other was a steel door that only had a rectangular bar to see through. This meant that even if she did escape the bars, she'd still have to get through that door, which was guarded by heavily armed vampires. Her hands were placed in handcuffs that allowed her to move her arms as they had a space in the middle, connected by a thick chain, but due to the weight of them, movement was rather difficult. Her legs were also placed in the same sort of cuffs, and she found herself with her back to the wall as the cell door slammed shut. There was a tiny window in her cell, allowing only the smallest amount of moonlight in; she assumed that they were on the edge of the mountain for any connection to outside. Even so, the moonlight gave her a small amount of energy, which she was grateful for.

"That's not smart, is it?" She sneered, "Leaving a werewolf in an area where moonlight can hit..."

Heather smiled at her, leaning against the steel door with her arms folded across her chest, her red eye glinting with amusement, "Your strength is going to be needed, werewolf."

"Aren't you trying to kill me?"

"Hm, no." She straightened, "You're going to serve us in a much more beneficial way..." She stepped away as another vampire walked in, however, what alarmed the blonde was how this one was dressed.

He resembled a doctor, as he had a surgical mask over his mouth, and a white coat on him. On his face he wore glasses, with tinted lenses, and gloves on his hands. Everything about him made Shauna's body lock up in fear, as somehow, she knew this wasn't going to end well for herself.

Heather smiled, "Do you have the drug?"

"Yes, Chief..." He took out a frightening syringe, filled with an odd purple liquid.

Shauna's eyes widened, "What the hell is that...?"

"It's a drug that is used on people who lost a lot of blood. In simple terms, this drug will cause your body to produce twice the amount of blood it's supposed to. Now, using this specific drug on a healthy person will cause that person to drown on their own blood, however," She smirked darkly, "We'll drain that, and then some, of your blood. Needless to say, this drug will only just keep you alive with some blood left in your system."

The werewolf felt her heart stop with the fear. Reality of her situation set in and she stared at the pair with wide, frightened eyes, "You're a monster..."

"So are you." She answered shortly, her red eye flashing with a devilish glint, "We're all monsters, darling." She nodded to her companion, who pushed up his glasses and moved forward.

Instantly, Shauna struggled as he came closer, "Get the hell away from me, I'm not going to be your blood bank!" She snarled, her teeth bared in the little defence she had.

Unfazed by her hostility, the doctor moved forward and grabbed her arm, pushing her sleeve up. Despite her struggles, the lack of nutritious food caused her movements to be slow, and she was too weak to stop him as he stabbed the needle into her arm. Her body froze as the syringe filled her veins with the purple liquid.

Heather smirked as the werewolf before her trembled, and she stepped forward. The doctor backed away as his Chief leaned over, tipping Shauna's face away, and sinking her fangs into the soft flesh of her neck, draining the blood that was being pumped from the drug.

It was so strange. One moment, she felt energised, and then the next, she felt as if her very life was slowly being stripped from her, but not quite. It was almost frustrating; she felt like she was dying, but whenever she got close to the relief of death, it simply never came, only prolonging the suffering. Her mind slipped in and out of consciousness, the pain dulling her senses and slowly turning her body numb.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now