Chapter 21

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How long has it been, she wondered? How long has it been since she was living in a small, sleepy town, where the only interesting thing that happened was that someone won big in Bingo. Where the young people were so bored they left, the place was too boring to even do crime in.

Regardless, it had been her home once. Where she lived with her mother, father, and older brother. Thinking of them all now made her chest hurt; would they have hated her, for becoming a werewolf? Would they smile and say, "If it makes you happy"? Or would they demand for her to be killed, before she ravished them all. It scared her, what they might think, but then she remembered what her older brother always said to her when she was little.

"Whatever you choose to do, I'll support. It's you who controls your life, nobody else."

She lived by those words, and often thought of them. She had forgotten them whilst in captivity, but now that she was free, they rang in her head like a mantra, reminding her of who she is, and who she was supposed to listen to; Herself. She controlled herself. Nobody owned her, nobody got to say what she did. Thinking of it now, her blood boiled that the vampires took that away.

Lying in the soft, white snow gave her time to reflect on everything that happened. Her arms stretched behind her head as she rested on the fluffy, white snow, taking a well-deserved break after intense training with Molly.

Shauna had been a normal human girl growing up. She had been the youngest in her family, her brother being nine years older than herself. Always being praised as the 'Princess' of the family, she became lost and confused when she suddenly lost them all. It had been so sudden, she never would have guessed that day, that when she called goodbye to them as she went to school, it would have been the last word she'd ever say to them.

Before she knew it, tears began rolling down her cheeks. She quickly caught them and cursed herself for crying. She hated crying, and it was rare that she did cry. Usually when she did, Tsume was around to quickly stop her tears, usually by a smart remark or by simply holding her.

The air around her grew ten times colder, her body missing the warmth his tended to provide her in these situations. Her chest tightened painfully and jolted upright, bending over and gasping, her hand clutching her shirt as she found breathing to be difficult. The crippling isolation hit her with full force, and she felt herself breathe heavily, her thoughts only occupied by one thing.

'Tsume. Oh god. Is he okay? Where is he? Did they get him? Does he hate me? Dammit, what if he's- '

Shauna froze as arms suddenly wrapped around her, but the scent told her that it wasn't Tsume. The sinking feeling of disappointment gripped her, but she didn't complain, and instead leaned into the comfort of the older woman behind her. "M-Molly?"

"Shh, child..." The older woman soothed the sobbing blonde, stroking her hair gently, "You're having an attack... it'll be okay, it will pass... Just try to calm your heart..." She mumbled quietly, softly.

"W-What's happening?"

"Your wolf side is crying out..." She sighed, "You're missing your mate... it's alright, every wolf experiences this at some point..."

Shauna froze, her body going still as her green eyes shot open. The words of the older werewolf sank in slowly, and she bit on her lower lip, her shoulders beginning to shake. Slowly she turned to bury her head into the older woman, her emotions finally weighing down enough to be let out. She broke down, then and there, in Molly's arms.

The elderly woman sighed sadly and held her close, saying nothing as she allowed the young blonde sobbed, the pressure and weight of everything that had happened finally collapsing on her. Frowning, Molly stroked her hair, her heart hurting with each cry she gave, 'Poor child... been through so much, all on her own...' Her eyes softened, sadly, 'To have survived until now... I'm shocked...'

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now