Chapter 11

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"Tsume, I'm tiiiired!"

Tsume twitched and made a face, annoyed at the blondes' constant complaining. Turning to face her, he sighed and gave in, "Fine, fine. Let's go home then." He crossed his arms over his chest as she let out a breath of relief.

For the last few days, Tsume has been training Shauna in preparation for the attacks from the vampires. He was, on one hand, relieved to see that this made her feel more confident, but at the same time, training her was incredibly annoying. She complained no matter what they did, and while she has improved greatly at fighting like a werewolf, she still had plenty to learn.

They had spent the entire day 'fighting'. Not seriously, more like something pups would do with their siblings. In their wolf forms, they wrestled, with Tsume coming out as the victor most of the time, although he did go easy on her at the start to let her get used to the idea of fighting in wolf form. By now, she was pretty much used to the style of it.

She was strong, he didn't doubt that. But she was still too hesitant, and he felt like that would be her downfall. If she was to become a real fighter, she had to fight without that hesitation, and let loose. She was part animal now. If she was to win every fight from now on, then she had no choice but to adapt to the do-or-die situations.

And that meant that she had to kill.

This was the part of training that Tsume dreaded teaching. He knew that Shauna was still clinging to her human side, which meant the idea of killing would go against her human instincts. She hadn't tapped into her wolf side yet, unlike everyone else, and as a result she still behaved like a regular human. But she had to kill sooner or later, she couldn't just rely on the 'instinct' whenever someone else she loved was threatened. If she relied on it, she would end up dead.

As they got home, he noticed with an amused expression that she went straight for the kitchen. He had never noticed it, but after doing so much exercise and training, she wanted to do nothing else but eat and lie on the couch. Annoyingly, he almost felt the same way.

He frowned, watching her as she grabbed a bowl of food and sat on the couch, staring intently at the television screen. Sighing, he made his way over and sat down beside her, yawning. The training today exhausted him more than it did her; after all, he had to put up with her constant whining.

Shauna smirked at him and shifted closer. He perked an eyebrow at her, "What?" He grunted, noticing her odd smile.


"It's never nothing with you. Spill it."

Shauna snickered, placing the bowl of food down on the coffee table, turning to face him, "Thanks for training me." She grinned.

Tsume grumbled, "It's nothing to get all happy about." He poked her forehead, "It's irritating. But if it keeps me from seeing you on a hospital bed, then I guess it's worth it."

She laughed, "Awwe, Tsume! Are you worried about me~?" She teased, wrapping her arms around his arm and resting her head on his shoulder, grinning up at him as his face warmed up.

"Tch, do you want me to kick you out?" He grumbled, glaring at her, though the blush on his cheeks was enough for her to dismiss his threats.

Snickering with amusement, she shifted closer and wrapped her arms around his middle, resting her head on his chest with a sigh of content. Relaxing, his arm automatically wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him, allowing her to cuddle up to his side.

Moments of silence passed and she hummed, "Tsume, do you think there's going to be a war?"

Her sudden question started him, he wouldn't lie, but he frowned and thought about it, "It's... possible," He admitted, sighing, "The relationship between werewolves and vampires has always been fragile... It's only a matter of time really..." His gaze turned to the ceiling as he frowned, "You should ask Kiba about it. He's more educated about this than I am, someone said he was raised by a witch, but, I find that hard to believe." He sighed.

Shauna bit back a smile, he always sounded irritated when he spoke about Kiba for some reason, "Yeah, I probably should. He is smarter than you."

A loud growl sounded from the grey wolf's throat, and Shauna squeaked in alarm, "I'm kidding!"

Kiba was, needless to say, very surprised when he found Shauna standing at his door. Perking an eyebrow at her in confusion, he asked, "Did you want something?"

"Mhm, I wanted to talk to you about vampires." She stated, blinking at him, "Tsume told me that you know a good bit about them, right? Can you tell me about them?"

Still surprised, he nodded and stepped aside, allowing her to walk inside, "Alright... what do you want to know?"

"Well, uh... Why were they banished so long ago?"

Kiba paused for a moment to think about it, before he frowned a little, "They were multiplying too fast. See, vampires can't physically reproduce like other species. They can't have their own children, so they have to rely on turning humans into vampires for their population to grow... But they were turning too many humans, and also killing too many humans for their own amusement. It was allowed that vampires feed off human blood as long as they didn't kill; but the vampires ignored this after a while and started to kill whenever they wanted."

Shauna frowned, "So... the witches banned them for that?"

"Not just that, no," He shook his head, "They were banned for that, but also, for their constant clashes with werewolves. From what I've heard, witches began to favour werewolves over vampires, and this caused vampires to sort of... revolt." He crossed his arms over his chest, "So when 'true' werewolves went extinct, vampires topped the scale of dangerous creatures. The witches had enough, so they banished them to remote places around the world."

Shauna's brows furrowed at this information, and she nodded slowly, "So... why are they attacking now, can you guess?" She asked almost hesitantly.

"Revenge, I assume," He answered truthfully, "But I also think that they have... evolved, over the centuries. They seem much stronger than from the stories I've heard."

Nodding, the blonde went silent for a few moments. Then, as if realizing something, she blinked, "You mentioned... 'true' werewolves... what are they?"

Kiba rose an eyebrow, "They were basically the original werewolves... A species that were more feral than what we are now, they were more... wild, I guess. Unlike us, they controlled how human or how wolf they became. While we only have two forms, a wolf, and a human." He frowned, "But they went off the map. Nobody really knows what happened to them, so they're classified as extinct."

"Were they... stronger than what we are now?"

"Very much so," Kiba nodded, "They were extremely powerful creatures. From what I've read about, they were more tapped into nature, and everything around them, more than we are. Those were the creatures who overpowered vampires, remember. They were almost untouchable, apparently, and had the lifespan of hundreds of years."

Her green eyes widened, "Whoa, they sound amazing..." It was almost unbelievable, but then again, she had never realized werewolves existed until a couple of months ago. Now she was willing to believe anything. Satisfied, she smiled at Kiba and nodded, "Thanks for taking the time to talk to me about this... I appreciate it. Sorry for asking so much."

Shaking his head, he returned the smile, "Don't worry, I hope it clears things up for you. Being thrown into this life must take a lot out of you."

Pouting, she nodded, "Yeah, you could say that..." She shook her head and grinned, "I'll see ya later." With that, she walked out the door, but as she walked, her smile fell. Kiba was damn sure right about one thing. This life took a lot out of her.

And she wasn't sure if she could handle it.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now