Chapter 13

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There was smoke everywhere.

He had no idea what had happened, but within the first five minutes of the assault, the entire town had become engulfed in flames. The fire rose into the darkness of the night, the buildings collapsed and kicked up even more smoke as the blaze ate away at the town. It was complete chaos, there were screams, crashes, and the stench of blood and smoke hanging in the air. By now, it appeared as if the raid had stopped, and their assailants have retreated, but for how long, they all wondered. Now left with the wreckage of their home, they wondered what was the real cause of all this. What were they after?

Tsume didn't care right now. He was more concerned about everyone else, it was hard to tell who was dead, or who was still alive. He searched the burning town for anybody, but to his surprise, there weren't many around anymore. Perhaps they escaped when the attack first hit? Hopefully, but he had the sinking feeling that it was nowhere near as simple as that.

"Tsume, up here!"

The grey wolf lifted his head to see Kiba and Toboe, standing with the few werewolves that escaped. Frowning at such little numbers, he jumped up the hillside to meet them, "Is this... all there is?"

"Afraid so," Kiba answered, looking grim, "It seems everyone else has either been killed or taken captive..." He looked at the few werewolves that they had, his heart sinking with guilt as he saw their broken and tired expressions.

Tsume gritted his teeth in frustration, "Dammit all... They took the weaker ones..." He scowled angrily, his fists clenching at his sides. He didn't mean to call the others weak, but he wasn't exactly lying. The vampires were clever, they took the ones who weren't on the patrols, therefore weren't trained to fight. They aimed at the weaker group, which consisted mainly of females and children. That's not to say that there weren't males in that group, there were, but those, male and female, who worked and trained to protect the borders, were the ones unharmed.

Toboe bit his lip, trembling and holding his injured arm, "T-Tsume," He whimpered, "They took Sky, and Kyoko, and Mei..." He whined sadly, shaking.

Tsume's eyes softened slightly at the pup and he sighed, rubbing his head with frustration. Kiba turned to face him, frowning, "Is... Shauna not with you?"

The tanned man flinched slightly, wincing, "No... We... We had an argument, and it got out of hand... she stormed out... chances are she was taken as well. Dammit." He gave a small snarl of frustration, the entire situation being incredibly stressful, especially for a werewolf. The small group watched as their town burned before them, the smoke travelling up into the dark clouds above their heads.

Toboe frowned, looking towards Kiba, "Kiba, what should we do?"

Kiba looked at him, frowning. It then came to his attention that all of them were looking at him; they were waiting for his orders. He took a breath, reminding himself that this was who he was now, he was an Alpha. He had a duty.

His blue eyes turned to gaze upon the burning wreckage of their town, "We'll wait until sunrise, the fire will die on its own... no point risking lives to stop it..." He sighed, "After that, we'll find where the others have been taken to." Turning to Tsume, he gave a nod, "We'll find them."

Tsume didn't seem convinced, but he nodded silently, a scowl still on his face. The exhausted werewolves sat around in silence as they witnessed the destruction of their once peaceful home, knowing that things will never be the same again. One thing was for sure...

War had begun.

The door of the truck opened with a loud creak, startling all the werewolves who were contained inside. They expected the harsh brightness from the snowy mountains, but to their surprise, they were in a dark and damp area, that smelled faintly of blood. Heavily armoured vampires stood at the doors, and a purple haired woman walked up. She smiled at them, though her expression was in no way welcoming, "Werewolves. Welcome to our lovely home, we hope you... enjoy yourselves." Her one visible eye narrowed as she smirked, "My name is Heather, and I will be, as you creatures call it, your 'Alpha', from now on."

Kyoko scowled at her, narrowing her eyes, "Where are we? Where have you taken us?" She demanded, growing protective of the others in the truck with her. Shauna glanced at her, she frowned, having never seen this side of Kyoko before.

A vampire hissed and pointed a spear at her, "Don't you mind, mutt!"

Heather smirked, "No need to be hostile," She looked at Kyoko, "We are deep within the mountain, in a series of connected caves that lead all around. There are a series of five 'floors', if you will. Think of it as an underground castle." She smirked, "As for where we will take you, you will be working in the yards, harvesting the plants that grow around the mountain, as well as picking the stones for resources. You werewolves are known for your strength, and stamina, correct? We'll make good use of that."

Shauna felt rage bubble in her chest, "Like hell I'll agree to being your slave! Screw that business." She snapped, glaring.

Heather smirked darkly, "You'll soon learn your place." She looked towards Mei, who trembled upon eye contact, "Your mate would be displeased if you were to lose that child of yours."

Mei's eyes widened with fear, and her face lost all colour, "... Max... you... you killed him..." She breathed, tears brimming her eyes.

The female vampire turned around, "He died because of his loyalty. You should be proud." She looked at her soldiers, "Escort these creatures to their cells. Have them out in the yard by sunrise." They nodded, and the leader walked off without another word.

Kyoko looked at Mei, who was close to bursting into tears. She nudged her shoulder sadly, mumbling quiet words of support, although she felt as if none would work right now.

Shauna was shaking with anger. She felt so helpless, so pathetic. As the vampire soldiers pushed them forwards to their individual cells, the realization that they were truly trapped began to seep in. Her chest started to hurt, and her instincts screamed at her that this wasn't right. If she stayed here for much longer, she would lose her mind. Emerald coloured eyes darted around, searching for some way to escape. Finding any underground was pointless, Heather had been correct when she said each tunnel was connected. There were no dead ends, but it also meant that if they did escape, they would be found within minutes.

The blonde felt a nudge at her shoulder, and she looked down at the small girl that she remembered to be called Sky, "Are we... going to die?" She whispered, eyes watery with tears that were threatening to fall.

Shauna frowned at her, before she gave a reassuring smile, "No, we won't. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Sky nodded, although she didn't appear to be too convinced. Her gaze returned to the ground and silence fell between them all.

The cell doors slammed shut for Shauna, and as she sat against the cold stone wall, she sighed heavily and brought her knees to her chest. Leaning her head against the wall, she shut her eyes as her chest panged with the painful question that hung over their heads. Will they survive this 'prison camp' these vampires have in store for them? She had no idea. A sudden yell from down the corridor, most likely from a solider to a prisoner, didn't make her feel any better. The possibility of them rotting in a dirty, damp prison cell was enough to make her panic internally.

No. She couldn't allow herself to lose her cool. She will wait, and try to figure out a way that they can all escape, alive. There was no way she would depend on the others this time.

She had to do something. And fast.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now