Chapter 6

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The whole town was in chaos.

The news that vampires had returned quickly spread, and almost immediately everyone flew into a panic. All sense was lost as the villagers had no idea what they should do, and a real upset spread across the town.

Frankly, Tsume was annoyed with it. Actually, he was annoyed with everything.

A few days rolled by since Shauna woke up, and she had now been released from hospital. Almost immediately, she was bombed with question after question about the attack. Clearly not able to handle the situation, the blonde had a panic attack, and if it weren't for Tsume she would have lost it and bolted. He quickly brought her home, though he growled the entire way about how annoying this town was, and he strictly told her to rest. Trying to at least seem normal, Shauna weakly teased him about being a "mother bear". Usually, he'd snap at her for it, but he could see straight away that she was shaken up from the recent events.

Currently, she sat on the couch, shaking slightly and holding a cup of coffee in her hands, taking a hesitant sip from time to time. Tsume watched her with concerned eyes, though he didn't press for any answers. If she wanted to talk, she would have opened her mouth by now, but she clearly needed time to register everything.

An uneasy hour of silence passed before she finally spoke to him, but the topic was far from pleasant, "So... would have been nice to know vampires existed as well..."

Tsume sighed, "I didn't know they were still around, truthfully," He frowned, leaning back, "They disappeared over five hundred years ago... Something to do with the witches banishing them to the mountains... I'm not sure, my parents used to talk about it a lot..." He shrugged, "They didn't show up for centuries, so everyone just assumed they became extinct like the witches."

Shauna frowned, "There were witches too...?" She sighed, "I never even thought about the possibility... I probably should have, after all, I never knew werewolves existed... and now I am one..."

The male looked at her silently for a moment, before reluctantly voicing a question, "... Do you regret it?"

She instantly looked at him with a confused look, "What?"

"Turning," He grunted, "Coming here with me."

Shauna frowned, "What? No, of course I don't... I just..." She looked at her coffee, "It's... a lot to take in..." She shrugged, "For some reason I had assumed it would be much easier than this..."

Tsume narrowed his eyes, "... And what else?"


"You're upset over something, I'm not an idiot," He grumbled, "You don't have to tell me, but just know I can tell when something's up."

Amused at his attempt to hide his concern through anger, she gave a small smile, "... Well, actually..." She sighed slightly, "I... Since the attack, I've just been feeling... rather pathetic," She gripped the cup weakly, "I've only been here for nearly three months now... and I've already been close to death twice."

Tsume scowled, "Neither was your fault-"

"Maybe, but that still doesn't mean that it's happened twice," She retorted, "Is there something wrong with me? Why am I always the center of trouble?"

He frowned at her and rubbed his head, not entirely sure how to answer that. Before he could speak, she stood up and winced slightly, "I'm going to bed..." She mumbled, walking off silently. Tsume narrowed his eyes as he watched her leave, before letting out a loud sigh of frustration.

Goddammit all...

That damn dream again.

It was very similar to before, only this time Yuudai was much more focused and less faded. Tsume winced and struggled to see through the howling wind, stepping forward to try and hear the words his brother was saying.

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now