Chapter 2

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It had been at least a month or so now that Shauna moved and settled into this new place. It took some getting used to, as she was still a rookie when it came to behaving like a werewolf, but she enjoyed it. She liked it here, and she felt rather content. She expected it to be a colder place, and while yes it is literally cold due to the snowy landscape, she got a warm welcome from the people. Immediately she had noticed that there wasn't a single human in the small town, they were all werewolves. Somehow, it felt right. It felt like... a pack.

Everyone seemed to like her straight away. She was surprised at this, after all, all she got back at her hometown was distaste and she was shunned. Here, they welcomed her. Everyone was so nice to her, it made her feel wanted.

The only one that didn't seem to like her, was the Alpha, Max. He was a terrifying man; he was at least six feet, and very muscular. His very aura screamed authority, and just looking at him, made you never want to mess with him.

Shauna didn't know what exactly his problem was, but she always felt nervous around the Alpha. She could tell he didn't want her around, but was overruled due to everyone else taking a shining to her, especially Toboe who was ecstatic about her joining their pack. How exactly do you go against the wishes of a young pup?

Tsume told her not to worry about it, that he was generally cold to newcomers regardless and that it would take some time for him to trust her. The fact that she's not a pure werewolf by birth probably added to the distrust also.

The town itself was actually quite beautiful. The pack was large, so in turn the town was large to house everyone. Shauna was actually surprised how energetic and upbeat this town really was; considering Tsume lived here, it wasn't hard to figure out why she thought it would be... boring.

"You're the new girl, aren't you?" A light voice called from behind her, causing her to jump slightly and turn around. She faced a woman slightly older than herself, with tanned skin and deep green eyes. Her hair was dark brown, almost black in certain lighting, and it was cut above her shoulders with a neat side fringe. She was wearing a green dress with long sleeves, and the most notable thing about her was her swollen stomach.

Shauna blinked at her, "Um... yeah, hi..." She had to admit, this woman was very pretty...

The woman smiled gently at her, holding out her hand, "My name is Mei... You're Tsume's girl, aren't you?"

Blushing at being called that, she slowly nodded, "Uh... I suppose so..." She tilted her head, "I'm Shauna..."

Mei smiled in amusement, "Sorry, did I embarrass you?" She laughed lightly, causing the younger girl's face to redden even more. She shook her head and placed her hand on her swollen stomach, "Don't be. I was just as embarrassed when I first became Max's mate... It'll sink in..."

Shauna blinked, "You're Max's mate?" She paused, then shrieked, "Wait mate?! Isn't that basically the same as marriage?!"

The older woman blinked in confusion at her, "Hm? You two haven't become mates already? I thought you-" She started to laugh loudly, "I'm sorry, but, I didn't think you two would still be so innocent."

Shauna's face possibly went on fire, "W-What do you mean by that?"

Mei's eyes glinted and she smiled, "Ah, nothing, nothing..." She cleared her throat, before calming down, "So, how are you settling in? I heard you only recently became a werewolf... Brave decision.."

The blonde nodded slowly at that, "Oh, yeah, yeah that's right... It wasn't much of a decision, to be honest, I kinda just... Was fed up with my life as it had stood so I wanted to change it." She rubbed her head sheepishly, "I probably sound selfish don't I?"

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