Chapter 16

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The cell was eerily silent, save for the slow, rhythmic dripping from the roof, the metallic smell of stale blood lingering in the air. The cold breeze blew in from the crack of the window, the blizzard outside forcing its way into this damp, dark hell.

Shauna's entire body felt numb, stiff, and her head hung with defeat, all efforts to fight against her captors drained from her body. Her neck was scarred on both sides, bright red marks from the vicious fangs that had penetrated the skin, drinking the blood and removing her energy. She appreciated, but at the same time despised, how they placed her in a cell that allowed the moon to shine in, the lunar energy keeping the young werewolf hanging on the thread of life. By now, after enduring almost three months of this brutal torture, she just wanted it to end.

'Hah... Has it really been three months...? I can't even tell the time in this place...' She thought, her spirits low as she awaited an unfriendly visit. She could hear them approaching. Slowly, tauntingly.

"Has the werewolf reached her limit?"

"Yes Sir. She's very unresponsive despite the food we gave her, which were dosed with drugs... We're not sure what else we can do for her, she might die within the week..."

"That won't be good... The Chief won't be happy if she ends up dead... I've never seen her glow so much, after drinking this girls' blood..." A pause, before the older voice spoke again, "Perhaps you could revive her... there's a drug that we keep stored away, because it amplifies the power of a vampire... I'm not entirely sure how it'll work on a werewolf, but it will keep her alive, if nothing else..."

"B-But Sir! That... that's incredibly dangerous! W-What if she breaks free, who knows what it will do to a werewolf!"

A snarl emitted from the older sounding man, "Don't give me such disrespect, soldier, and do what I commanded!"

"Y-Yes, Sir..."

The door to her cell opened, but by now, she didn't even bother to look up. She heard what they had said, but she doubted that anything would happen. After all, she had been drugged up for the past three months, she doubted anything would affect her now, her body more than likely built up a defence to these types of drugs. She tensed up when the Solider got closer to her, checking if she was conscious, before looking up at his superior, "She's awake, Sir..."

"Good. Give her the pill..."

Hesitantly, the Soldier reached into his pocket, taking out an odd, orange coloured pill that had a strange red swirling pattern. Obviously, it screamed danger, but orders were orders, and he was more afraid of what his superior did than what this pill did to the poor blonde girl in front of him. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he reached out to take Shauna's chin in his hand, opening her mouth and placing the pill inside. This was routine, and so out of habit, Shauna simply swallowed the pill without a moment's hesitation.

They waited.

But nothing happened.

Ten minutes rolled by, and there was no change in the girl's behaviour. Disappointed, the two men turned to leave the cell, grumbling to each other about wasting the precious pill.

Shauna knew it wouldn't change anything, and she cursed herself for getting her hopes up, even a tiny bit. She felt no difference, still feeling as pathetic and weak as beforehand. Closing her eyes, she tried to get some sleep, 'I might as well just lie down, die, and get it over with...'

"You're either incredibly lucky, or stupidly resistant..."

The werewolf jolted upon hearing that voice in her head, the cold sweat of fear running down her forehead, even though she knew he was nowhere near her. 'Why... why did I think of him? He... he's long dead... he can't hurt me...' She bit her lip, trembling slightly. There was no way she was lucky, after all, she was stuck in a cell, drugged up, and drained of her blood every two days. She shook her head, trying to shake those memories from her mind, but unfortunately, at a time like this, all you could do was reminisce. Those horrible memories, the days she spent living in fear, as a human, struggling to survive as a crazed werewolf was out to get her. And yet, strangely enough, those days seem much easier now that she thought back. Compared to what she was going through now, she'd take that any day.

Behind the mountains, the sun began to set, and as such, the moon came out of hiding once again. The bluish silvery aura it emitted brightened the sky, but for one, it did more than just that.

It gave her strength.


Tsume was annoyed.

Now, that wasn't an unusual thing, it would be strange if he wasn't annoyed. But no, what was strange was his attitude. He was oddly spaced out and almost jumpy, as if he was expecting something to happen. Unbeknown to everyone else, Tsume had in fact been having quite painful headaches at random times, and he felt short of breath out of nowhere. He had no idea what sprung this on, for he never had health issues in the past, and they only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing once more, as if they were never there. Bewildered and frustrated, Tsume resorted to sulking for the entire day.

Three months.

The still haven't found the others, and it's been three whole months. Still convinced they were alive, but now on his own, Tsume was forced to research on the others on his own, not that he cared. Everyone else would just get in the way, so it was probably best to do it on his own. At least then he can't blame anybody but himself.

He sighed heavily, his breath forming a silver mist in the freezing cold. He walked along the street with furrowed brows, not really paying attention to anything. His phone went off, and he almost flinched, knowing who it was already. Since the disappearance of the others, Bex and Hige have been concerned as to why Shauna stopped contacting them, and have been blowing up Tsume's phone ever since. Normally, he would ignore them until he knew what to say to them, but for some reason, he found himself reaching into his pocket to answer, "Yeah...?"

"Still no word...?" It was Bex.

"No," He forced himself to resist growling, "If she was found, I'd have told you, or you would have heard from her, herself."

"Sorry... Tsume, you don't think she's—"

" No," He snarled back, "She's not dead. If she was, I'd have felt it." His hand rubbed his tired face with frustration, his energy burning up from this very conversation, "And no, I don't know where to look for her. If you have a genius idea, I'd love to hear it, otherwise keep your opinions to yourself." With that, he hung up.

It only took him a few moments to start feeling guilty; even he had to admit, he was pretty harsh, after all, Bex was just as worried about Shauna as he was, he shouldn't have snapped so coldly. But he couldn't help it, he had no idea where she was, and he had this sinking feeling that she was hurt. The image of her lying somewhere, broken, without any help, was enough to make his chest clench and his blood boil with rage. He had to find her.

And soon.


"I hate my job..." The doctor mumbled to himself, pushing his glasses further up his nose as he secured the white surgical gloves on his hands. In the dark, he fumbled for his keys, reaching up to unlock the steel door, all the while grumbling quietly, "Why is it that I have to work while everyone else gets to rest? Unbelievable..." With a huff, he pushed the door open and stepped inside, looking down at the werewolf who sat in her cage. A momentary guilt came over him, as he unlocked the cage to walk inside, "You poor thing... you should just give up trying to survive, it'll be easier..." He took out the syringe from his coat pocket, readying to inject it into the pale arm of the girl.

A slap was heard and the vampire jolted backwards with shock, the syringe falling to the ground and the glass smashing, it's purple, liquid contents seeping into the cracks of the rocks. The hand that grabbed his wrist had a deathly grip, causing bones to crack and a bruise to form. His red eyes widened as they locked with the glowing, yellow-green eyes of the blonde girl, a growl rumbling from her throat.

"Don't you dare... order me about..."

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now