Chapter 4

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Shauna smirked in amusement as she watched Toboe skip ahead of her, her eyebrow perked at the hyper mood the pup had. She could never understand where he got the energy from, maybe it was just a pup thing, but she herself was lazy as hell. She stretched and looked up, "Oh, it's snowing..." She blinked at the sky.

Toboe looked back and grinned, "It always snows!"

"It's been so long..." She smiled fondly, sighing, "I missed the snow..."

"Did you live in a snowy region before?" He asked, head tipped to the side in question.

Nodding, she smiled, "When I was a little girl. I was born in a town that's covered in snow, like this one, only I remember blizzard's were very common. My brother and I would bomb the other people in town with snowballs, it was hilarious..." She closed her eyes, "I'd love to go back and visit that place..."

"How come ya left?" He blinked in curiosity, "If you liked it so much... You didn't like where you were before you came here."

Shauna smiled, "My father got a job and he had to move closer to the work place," She explained, "So we lived in that white house for the remainder of our time together... but it wasn't the same, none of us were actually happy..." She closed her eyes, shaking her head quickly, "Oi, why are we talking about this? We're trying to get you a girlfriend."

Toboe blinked at her and nodded slowly, before blushing, "W-Wait I'm n-not-"

"Yeah yeah, c'mon then." She laughed and took off down the snowy hill, deciding to shift into her wolf form for a change, as she never really spent much time in it and it seemed like an appropriate time to experiment in her new form. After all, there was snow everywhere; why wouldn't it be an appropriate time? Being a wolf gave her an excuse to roll around in the snow, and she was so going to abuse that privilege.

Toboe blinked at her and shook his head, amused. And she called him the pup... He blinked again and burst into laughter when he saw the black furred shewolf stuck in a pile of snow, with only her back legs sticking out, "P-Pfft! Shauna, you look so stupid!"

A muffled growl emitted from the pile, "Shut up Toboe, help me out here!" She yelled at him, though it was hard to be afraid of someone who was upside down... stuck in snow.

Toboe snickered, "Okay okay, I-"

Shauna's blood ran cold when she heard the pup give a sudden yelp of either pain or surprise, she wasn't exactly sure which one. Regardless, it was bad, and she struggled against the snow with more aggression. "Toboe, what's happening?!"

"W-Who are you?!" She heard the pup yell, and then an unfamiliar voice could be heard giggling.

"Oh my, you're such a cute little guy!" A female, by the sounds of it, and she sounded young.

Sounds of movement were heard after that, and then Toboe suddenly yelled out, "Shauna help!"

Panicking now, she managed to free herself from the snow and fell back, whirling around to see what was happening. A young woman, who had short red hair that stopped just below her ears and curled around her face, was stepping towards Toboe who seemed pale and afraid. Shauna snarled, "Get away from him!" She snapped, and this caused the woman to turn around and narrow her eyes. Almost immediately, Shauna froze.

Her eyes were a blood red colour, and instead of a normal round pupil, they were slits similar to a cats. She had a hungry expression and when she grinned, sharp canines could be seen glinting in the sun, "Do you wanna play too?"

Shauna snarled and braced herself as the woman shot towards her, though she was not prepared for how fast she was. She gasped, barely blocking punches from her, and gave a yelp when she received a kick to the stomach. Falling to the ground, she just about managed to roll to the side, luckily avoiding a fist which slammed into the snow next to her. Jumping to her feet, she growled as she threw a punch forward, but unfortunately the woman was too fast and she missed, which caused her to get punched in the stomach instead.

Coughing, she collapsed to her knees and winced, that punch was stronger than she had expected. Winded, she held her stomach, gritting her teeth.

"Not very talented," The woman smirked, "But more fun than I had anticipated... You seem strong, but at the same time, reckless." She reached out and grabbed her hair, causing a snarl to rip from her throat in protest, "You'll do nicely..."

"Shauna!" Toboe yelled out in panic, grabbing the woman's attention long enough for Shauna to attack. Tackling her to the ground, she shifted into her wolf form and dug her fangs into her shoulder, biting down as a protective instinct took control of her. The woman screamed in pain and thrashed, her nails slicing Shauna's side and dying her black fur a dark red colour. Gasping from the pain, the wolf loosened her grip, and this was her mistake as she was thrown off with ease.

Gripping her heavily bleeding shoulder, the woman rose to her feet and growled, "You stupid dog," She gritted her teeth and stepped towards Shauna, who brought up her human form again. Toboe watched from a distance, his eyes wide and panic rising. What should he do?

The woman gasped in surprise when something hit her head. It did no damage at all, but it made her turn around and growl at Toboe, who yelped and instantly regretted his decision to help, "You'll be an appetiser." She hissed, before walking towards the pup.

Toboe gave a loud squeak, "W-Wait, no, I-I didn't mean it!" He stepped back and gasped as he tripped, landing in the soft snow and gulping as she stood over him, red eyes flashing. He didn't realize what had happened until he felt all of his energy leaving his body, and he suddenly became a lot colder. Falling to the ground he winced slightly, his vision blurred but he hadn't lost it all yet.

Regaining her composure after struggling to stop being dizzy, Shauna finally took in the situation after seeing the woman hurt Toboe. Vision going red, she snarled and ran towards her, grabbing her hair and shoving her face into the snow, "What did you do?!"

The woman didn't seem too fazed by this; in fact, she laughed, "You werewolves are so reckless, it's hilarious!" She rolled over and kicked Shauna in the stomach, making her wince and stumble back, before she got punched in the jaw.

Cursing with the pain in her jaw, she slowly sat up, only to get grabbed by the collar of her shirt. Her eyes met the blood red of the woman, and she suddenly lost all fighting spirit and it was replaced by pure fear, "What are you...?"

Grinning widely, her eyes glinted, "We're the superior creatures."

That was all that was said, before she blacked out completely.

Tsume narrowed his eyes, the moon was beginning to rise and Shauna hadn't gotten back yet. She left early this morning, and it wasn't exactly something that should take all day. He had a bad feeling and it only got worse when his phone went off, and it was not Shauna's number.

He frowned seeing it was Kyoko, and he answered, "What is it?"

"T-Tsume, it's bad!"

He sat up, panic starting to seep in but he kept a level head, "Kyoko, calm down. What's happened?"

"Toboe and Shauna... they were attacked just outside the border, they're in the medical centre right now; you have to get down here!"

Tsume's eyes widened.


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