Chapter 12

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Shauna knew that she was going to have a bad day, just from the way she woke up.

First of all, she woke up early. Early. And for her, that was always a bad thing, because it meant she lost valuable sleeping time that she couldn't regain. So, that instantly put her in a bad mood.

To make matters worse, she woke up with a horrible pain in her neck, and she wasn't entirely sure if it was due to the vampire bite or just her having slept on it wrong. Either way, it hurt like hell.

With nothing else to do, and still waiting for the sun to come up, she sat alone in the kitchen, scrolling through random news posts on her phone, while sipping on some very strong coffee. As usual, nothing of interest caught her eye, so she was left to her boredom, resorting to playing a stupid game for a few hours.

Eventually, Tsume woke up, walking downstairs in a half awake state, and she looked at him, "Well, look who rose from the dead." She teased, putting her phone down. She grinned slightly; he looked rather adorable with sleepy eyes and bed head.

Tsume turned to look at her and made a face, "Are you sick? Why the hell are you up so early."

She sighed, "I have no idea, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep... Just my luck that I woke early with a pain in my neck." She grumbled, clearly in a sour mood because of it all.

Her answer made him grunt in annoyance, he clearly knew that this meant a very, very snappy Shauna for the day, which also meant a few punches for him. None of them hurt too much, but still, his pride felt it.

"How many coffee's have you had?" He asked, smelling the amount of coffee in the air hovering above her cup.

"Only ten."

The response made him sigh, and yet, somehow he wasn't even surprised. This was Shauna after all. He's been with her long enough at this stage to know what she's like. And when she's tired, she relies very heavily on caffeine. Not healthy, but then again, he prefers that to alcohol, which usually hurt his sensitive nose quite a lot. "That's enough," He decided, picking up her cup and throwing its contents down the sink. Ignoring her cries of protest, he proceeded to make himself some food.

Shauna grumbled, "You ruined my only way to feel normal," She huffed, "How rude."

Tsume twitched and glared at her, "Grow up," He scowled, "You can't expect to run on so much caffeine, you'll end up having a freaking heart attack. You're still recovering remember?"

"Oh play a new tune will ya?" She scowled back, "That happened weeks ago. If I was still recovering, I wouldn't be doing this bullshit training you have me doing, which I don't see improving my chances of survival at all."

"Then maybe you should find a new teacher." He spat.

Her eyes glowed as she glared at him, "Maybe I will, and I might just learn something." She hissed.

He glared at her for a few moments, before mumbling something under his breath and grabbing his jacket, leaving the food he was making behind and opting to take an apple on the way out, shutting the door loudly behind him.

Shauna made a face, sighing as she rubbed her head, which hurt from lack of sleep. As she sat in silence, regret fell over her and she felt guilty about what she had said to him. What she said wasn't entirely true, she did feel like her fighting skills have improved thanks to Tsume, and she had learned how to jump, something that would probably come in handy down the road. As the day continued, things kept getting in the way of them both, it was almost as if something was making them avoid each other. When one of them was free, the other was busy, and vice versa. In the end, they only spoke to each other later that day when the sun began to set over the mountains. But by then, Shauna had been put in one of her worst moods, as had he.

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