Chapter 20

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"I'm a true werewolf..."

Shauna's entire body froze and she stared at the old woman sitting across from her, speechless. Her green eyes were wide and her face was drained of colour. A true werewolf? They still existed? She thought they were declared extinct... The fact that she was sitting in front of one made her breath get caught in her throat. So this is why she felt so small and weak in her presence...

Molly noticed how tense the blonde suddenly became and she offered a small, friendly smile, "Do not be afraid, child..." Her voice was calming, and it reminded her much of her own mother's voice, "I do not wish to frighten you..."

"I thought..." Shauna found her voice and cleared her throat quickly to prevent it breaking, "I had thought that true werewolves had vanished..."

"I do not know of anyone else of my kind," The older woman stated sadly, eyes down, "For all I know, I may be the last..." She paused, pursing her wrinkled lips in thought, "... I believe that werewolves can revert back to how we used to be..."


Molly looked up, sighing, "As you might know, true werewolves are thought to have gone extinct after the vampires were banished to the mountains... Because there was no danger or war, werewolves slowly began to turn weaker, the natural instinct to fight slowly diminishing... I guess you can say we did the opposite of evolution, in a way... As the world became peaceful, werewolves found no reason for fighting and therefore became a much weaker version..."

Shauna blinked, "... So that's why werewolves find it difficult to fight vampires now? Because... the lack of fighting in the hundreds of years has turned them weak?"

"Indeed," She nodded, frowning, "Vampires might have grown softer also, maybe rusty due to not being able to battle... but they still developed whilst in banishment, therefore, they held onto the hatred, which I believe is fuelling them at the moment..."

Nodding slowly, Shauna took time to let this sink in, and she tilted her head, "And... what's this got to do with 'reverting back'?" She asked, curiously.

"Perhaps a werewolf can be taught what we true werewolves know naturally..."

"Such as?"

Molly smiled mischievously, "Drawing power from the moon... merging our wolf side and human side... enhancing our senses... that sort of thing..."

Shauna blinked in confusion, briefly thinking back to when she escaped the prison. It had been a blur at the time, but now that she thought back, she did feel as if the moon fuelled her with some sort of power, enabling her to match the vampire's strength. She also remembered how different she had felt, almost more feral... was that what happened? Her wolf and human sides merged together?

She went silent, thinking over everything for a moment. If she had that sort of power, she could easily go up against the vampires. That would mean that she wouldn't have to live in fear of them anymore, and she could protect everyone...

"Molly," The old woman looked up curiously, "Do you think... you could teach me?" The older werewolf blinked at her in surprise, the request catching her off guard. After all, she didn't seem like the type to want this. Sensing her doubt, Shauna's eyes hardened, "I have people precious to me that I need to protect... These vampires are terrorizing my pack and I need to do something... Please, I'm begging you. Teach me..." She bowed her head.

Molly stared at her blankly for a moment, before letting out a loud laugh. Confused at this, the blonde looked up and frowned, feeling slightly annoyed that she laughed off her request. When her laughter finally died down, the twinkle in her golden eyes shone in the darkness of the cabin, "My dear, I was hoping you'd ask that..." She grinned, "We'll start tomorrow..."

"So, what's the first lesson?" Shauna asked eagerly, grinning at the older werewolf. She looked around, wondering why the lesson had to start in the middle of the night, but as she looked at the woman, she noticed how she was staring at the bright, blue tinted moon above them. Following her gaze, Shauna couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful it really was.

"Our first lesson, pup, is drawing strength from the moon..." Molly smiled. She held her hands out, her hands cupped slightly and her elbows bent, it almost looked as if she was trying to feel if it was raining, "Observe..." Her eyes closed, and as Shauna watched, she noticed a blue light shine emit from the true werewolf, her hair blowing around her. She was practically glowing, and, Shauna noticed, she seemed to appear much stronger as a result, "The moon has been worshipped by werewolves for thousands of years..." She explained, "And for good reasons... the moon gives us spiritual energy, which, over time, we've learned to convert into physical energy... for example, by harnessing this lunar power, we can heal faster, become physically faster, and stronger. However, there are downsides..." She frowned, "If you absorb too much of this lunar power, it'll take a massive toll on your body. You might even lose your mind with it, so, be very careful..."

Shauna blinked, nodding, "Okay... so... how do I do it?"

"Copy my actions... close your eyes and ask the Moon Spirit to lend you it's strength..."

Nodding slowly, Shauna closed her eyes and attempted to do what Molly said. For a while, she felt no different. But then, she felt a surge of power flow through her. It didn't last long, only about five seconds, but she felt it. She opened her eyes and grinned, "It worked..."

"Not for long, but with practice you'll get it..." Molly smiled at her.

"So I can heal faster with this power?" She asked, curiously, a wide grin on her face, her green eyes sparkling.

"Yes," Replied the older werewolf, "But remember what I said. Abuse this power and it will bite back. Everything has a consequence, Shauna. It's very important to remember that..."

Nodding, the blonde smiled brightly as a new ambition filled her. If she grew stronger, she could defend her pack against the vampires... She could protect them all.

She could protect him...

Heather scowled as she bit her thumb nail, glaring at the machine in front of her. The blue light flashed constantly and she couldn't figure out what it needed for the final push...

She reached over and opened a part of the machine where the fuel was supposed to go. An idea struck her, and she suddenly smirked.

"It needs blood..."

Monsters and Madness (Werewolf!TsumexOC) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now