Chapter fifteen

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Happy halloween guys trick or treat enjoy its going to be a short chapter.

A few days past.....

Tulip got out of work as she stretched her back as she got out her phone spotting a text from jasper

tulip honey its been a few days since i seen you but i feel like you should come  and see me again i have an idea on how we can get mandy and her parents sorted out xoxo

Tulip replied

What do you mean by sorted out?

Jaspers response

I know who is behind all of this commotion with junior but i cant tell you over text i need to see you

Tulips heart exploded someone was behind all of this after all maybe if she went to see jasper she could stop the wedding.

Okay can you come and get me?

She responded

Of course sweetheart meet u at you're house tomorrow at eight at night?

Jasper texted back

Tulip responded to him

Yes see you then

Tulip closed her phone and made her way back home. Tulip had worked hard today trying to distract herself from everything.

Tulip got out of the car and walked into her house seeing her sister poppy as she opened the door, "tulip!" She said as she came running over to tulip.

"Whats wrong?!" Tulip responded, "trevor purposed to me!" She boasted hugging her sister.

Tulips eyes sparked with excitement "really? Omg thats great its been some time since I've heard any good news" tulip said laughing.

Poppy let go off her sister "anyways i must be off me and trevor are going on a cruise to so we wont be back for the next two weeks also mum and dad are coming" poppy said.

"Who is going to look after the rest of the kids?" Tulip said, "auntie deloris said she would, i wanted to being you but you seemed so focused on working i didn't want to distract you" poppy admitted being honest.

"Its okay poppy anyways it will be nice to have the house all to myself" tulip laughed.

Poppy hugged and kissed her sister then Left. That should give me enough time to get things sorted with junior tulip thought feeling relieved. 

Tulips mum and dad came "hello sweetie me and you're dad are off on a cruise you're sister booked it last night so suddenly but i feel bad for leaving you here" her mother said rushing over kissing her forehead.

"Mother its okay anyways i am taking a week off work and go and stay with jasper for a while" she said.

"Well tell jasper that we miss him and that we hope he will visit soon" her mother said as she and tulips father went out the door.

Her brothers and sister said their goodbyes to tulip then left her alone.

Tulip felt so relieved that she was able to be alone in the house tomorrow she was going to see jasper. I wonder what jasper was taking about tulip thought as she turned the shower on.

Tulip took a shower then headed to bed lying her head down on her pillow hmmm feels so good to be in bed she thought.

Ends here next chapter jasper is going to tell her who is behind all the commotion about junior i wonder who it could be and will it be able to stop juniors and Mandy's wedding?

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