Chapter 4

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AN: Congrats to the Cubs on finally winning the world series after 108 years! I know the feeling of waiting awhile to win a world series, I'm a Red Sox fan and waiting until 2004 was rough, but now that they've won, they will a couple more like the Sox did. This is just the beginning for them!


I was in Canada for my tour and I couldn't wait to be done with touring and get back to recording for my greatest hits album, yeah I'm only 25 and I'm going to have a greatest hits album, that's crazy. 

I only have 11 shows including tonight left and I couldn't be any more excited to go back home to Chicago and spend time there. I'm definitely going on a much needed vacation after all this is over. 

I've been relaxing in Canada these past couple days, but I'm really missing Anthony. I know I haven't known him for long but it feels like I've known him forever. 

I woke up around 10 and I got into the shower and changed into leggings and a cubs sweater and boots and went into the arena I was playing in and did my soundcheck and got some lunch. 

My phone buzzed signaling that I had a text. I looked and saw it was Anthony. 

From: Rizzo

Hey beautiful, what are you up to?

To: Rizzo

Nothing much, just finished soundcheck and eating some lunch, I miss you though. 

From: Rizzo

I know I miss you too, how about you go to your dressing room? 

I was confused but I hopped up and walked to my dressing room and opened the door and saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on the vanity and I went over to it and read the card. 

To Paisley: I hope these make your day before you show tonight, you're beautiful, strong and very independent which is what I like about you. Turn around, Love Anthony. 

I looked in the mirror and he was standing behind me with the biggest smile on his face and I matched his smiled and spun around and gave him the biggest hug ever. 

"You're too sweet. When did you fly in?" I asked as I was hugging him. He kissed the top of my head. "I got in last night, I couldn't pass up the offer of coming to see you." He said and I looked up at him and smiled. 

"Ugh you're the best." I said giving him another hug and he just laughed and hugged me back. "Now I have to go do my meet and greet, want to come with me?" I asked and he nodded and I pulled him to the room where my meet and greet was and the fans started to come in one by one and everyone was surprised to see Anthony there and it was cute that little kids looked up to him. 

We did the meet and greet for about a hour and then I dragged him back to my dressing room and sat him down on the couch. I sat down next to him and he looked at me and I smirked and kissed him. 

"I missed you so much." I said into the kiss and he just grabbed my waist and made me straddle him. He moved down to my neck and then my collar bones. There was a knock on my door which made the both of us groan. 

I got off of him and went over to open it and it was my makeup team and I smiled and let them in. "Time for me to look pretty!" I said sitting down in the chair facing Anthony and he smiled. "You don't need all that to look pretty. You're already naturally beautiful." 

I blushed and thanked him and we talked for the good hour I was sitting in the chair for and then my hair team came in and did that and then we went off to wardrobe to get my first outfit of the night on. (in media) 

The Girl You Think I Am - Anthony RizzoWhere stories live. Discover now