Chapter 8

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Today was the Walk for Cancer and I'm really excited to see Anthony giving back to a cause that he really cares for and seeing the permanent smile on his face the whole day. I woke up to the smell of bacon in the house.

I smiled and got out of bed and walked down to the kitchen where Anthony and his mom were cooking breakfast together. They didn't see me yet so I got out my phone and took a picture of them for snapchat. Momma and her baby boy, can't wait to eat!

I exited snapchat and walked over to Anthony and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned around and smiled at me. "Good morning beautiful." He said kissing my forehead. "Good morning Laurie." I said giving her a hug before going over to he island.

"Good morning sweetie, what do you want for breakfast?" She asked. "Whatcha making?" I asked with a laugh. "Bacon, pancakes, eggs, sausage, french toast." She said and I nodded. "Bacon, eggs and french toast please." I said with a smile and she went back to cooking and I just looked at Anthony who looked so happy with his mom and it made my heart melt.

Laurie placed my food in front of me and it looked and smelt amazing. I got some juice and went back and sat down and started to eat. "Holy cow, can you come on tour with me and cook for me every day?" I said after I took the first bite. They both laughed. "As long as I get to come with." Anthony said kissing my cheek and sitting down next me.

"Well Mr. Baseball Star, that'll be pretty hard once your in season." I said. "When do you go on tour again?" He asked. "I have no idea, once I put a new album out, so I don't think it will be for awhile." I said with a smile. "Good all the time I can get with you the better." He said with a goofy smile.

We talked and ate and I honestly love Laurie and John and think of them as my second parents. We finished eating and Laurie and Anthony cleaned up because I asked if I could help and they both said no, so I went upstairs and got into the shower and got ready for the day. I changed into a Cubs t-shirt, Nike short and a pair of Nike roshes and I put my hair up in a bun and didn't do any makeup cause we'd be walking and sweating.

I walked back out into the bedroom to see Anthony laying on the bed watching TV. "You look good babe." He said once I sat next to him. "Hardly." I said with a laugh and he grabbed me and pulled me into him. "Stop that. You're beautiful in anything, especially without makeup. You don't need it to look amazing." He said.

"You're smooth Ant, very smooth." I said giving him a kiss. "Alright, I don't want this to get too heated, so let's go." He said getting off the bed and I just looked at him with my puppy dog eyes and I knew he would give in. "Oh no, not the puppy dog eyes." He said and I got up and crawled on the bed and threw my arms around his neck and kissed his neck and I knew he was putty in my hands.

"You're so bad." He said before passionately kissing me and pushing me back on the bed and well had his way with me like he normally does. "Alright no more messing around, we have to get to this walk." He said as we were getting our clothes back on.

I laughed and grabbed my phone and went downstairs and got into his car and went off to the walk. Once we got there, there was about 1,000 people and it was amazing to see the smile on his face when he saw everyone. We got out and went over to his family and met most of the people, little kids that is, and the smile on the kids faces made my heart melt.

He went over to the little stage thing and went up to the mic and started talking. "You know, being a kid with cancer is tough and I couldn't thank my family enough for being there for me through it all and I wanted to give back, so that's why we started the Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation, because we know what you guys are going through so we wanted to give back to pediatric cancer and find a cure. I would like to that my mom and dad and brother and I want you guys to welcome Paisley Underwood, my girlfriend, to the foundation since you know all of us already and welcome her with open arms." He said looking at me with a smile and his mom nudged me and I laughed a little.

I loved watching him talk about the things that he was truly passionate about, he got this look in his eye and his eyes sparkled and he had the biggest smile on his face. "Alright enough talking, lets get to walking!" He said and everyone cheered and he came over to us and gave me a kiss.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded and he grabbed my hand and led me on the walk. It was an amazing experience to see all the kids and their families and how happy everyone was. Anthony kept looking at me with a great smile on his face and I just had one the whole day too.

They took pictures and they took one of me and Anthony and I put it on Instagram.

"PaisleyUnderwood: Walk Off for Cancer, what an amazing experience and thankful for the Rizzo family for having me!"

He met everyone and then we finally left around 6 and got home and I just collapsed on the couch. "Babe, you still have to pack." I said looking at him in the kitchen. "I know I do, but let's just relax and enjoy this glass of wine first." He said sitting down and handing me a glass.

It was really relaxing and we just talked about the walk and what else he's going to be doing for his foundation. "Alright, lets go pack." He said pulling me off the couch and pulling me into him. "I love you." He said with a smile. "I love you too, I'll never get tired of saying it." I said kissing him.

We went upstairs to pack and I repacked most of my stuff and I laid on the bed and waited for him to be done packing. "Alright, all done, now let's get some sleep my love. We have a great week ahead of us and probably won't do much sleeping." He said and I wondered what he had up his sleeve for this week. 

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