Chapter 20

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OCTOBER 3RD, 2017 

The Cubs had made their way to the Post Season again by winning the National League Central Division and we're taking on the winner of the National League East in a few days: The Washington Nationals. 

But today, we had bigger things to worry about than baseball: mine and Jess' baby shower! We decided since that mine and Anthony's house was the biggest, that we would just have it here and save some money for when the baby actually comes. 

I know saving money makes everyone laugh because both Anthony and I are really wealthy. I know I haven't been doing much singing but my greatest hits album came out a few months ago and it's been selling like crazy. 

"Baby are you ready up there?" Anthony yelled upstairs to me. "Almost!"I yelled back as I sat on the bed and put my sandals on. "Alright, Kris and Jess are here and people are going to be arriving soon!" He said and I sighed and got up and looked in the mirror. 

I was wearing a navy blue dress with some brown boots while my hair was straightened and I had minimal makeup on. "This will have to do." I whispered to myself as I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to see the place all decorated, something I didn't do. 

"Anthony did you do all this?" I asked as I looked around and found them in the kitchen. "Yes I did, I wanted you and Jess to have a stress free day, so I took it upon myself to decorate the house. How did I do?" He asked coming over to me and throwing an arm around my shoulder. 

"Babe, the house looks amazing! I'm so proud of you!" I said leaning up and kissing him. "It really does look amazing Anthony. I thought that Paisley did all this and when you said it was you I was surprised." Jess said and we all laughed. 

"We're coming down the stretch huh Jess?" I asked her as we sat down on the couch as the boys finished up cooking and setting things up. "Yeah we are, what almost two months now?" She asked and I nodded as I put my hands on my bump. 

"It's gone by so fast that I know it's going to go by even faster when he gets here." I said and she smiled. "Have you two talked about names yet?" She asked and I sighed. "We have and we really haven't. I think we're waiting till we first see him and then it'll just come to us. What about you guys?" 

"I mean I guess it's the same thing but we really like Skylar or Sabrina." She said and those were cute names. "What about the wedding?" I asked. "We're still getting married in January as planned, we're just hoping that the little princess is good throughout the whole thing." She said and I laughed. 

"Don't worry, our littles will be the cutest dates at the whole thing." She said and I laughed as the doorbell rang. "Don't get up! I'll get it!" Anthony came running out of the kitchen to answer and Jess and I looked at each other and got up anyway to see who it was. 

Since it was a whole team thing, all the trainers and their families and Joe and his wife and then a lot of the front office was here too. The first ones here were the Zobrist's and I already knew that it was going to be a great party. 

The party was in full swing, the food was amazing and everyone was enjoying themselves and me and my big belly were sitting on the back porch enjoying the company of the wives and girlfriends. 

"You look amazing. I didn't know that pregnancy can look so good on someone." Julianna said. "Thank you, I feel amazing. I thought it was going to be tough sleeping and everything and feeling like a cow, but I really don't. Anthony just tells me that I still look beautiful and that I have a life growing inside of me and it's an amazing feeling knowing that I'm creating a life." 

"It is, it's crazy. I would kill to do it again but Ben said three is enough with our crazy schedules." Julianna said and we all laughed. "Girls, it's time to open presents." Anthony and Kris popped their heads out the back door and I smiled and had Anthony help me up. 

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" He asked as we walked into the house. "No you haven't, but thank you. Not just for the compliment, but for everything you did today. Me and the baby are so thankful for you." I said and he smiled and leaned down and gave me a kiss. 

"I would do you anything for you and my little guy. You two are my world, it's just he's not here yet and I'm getting so anxious." He said and I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, enough chit chat, let's go see how spoiled this little man is." I said as we walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. 

As soon I saw the amount of gifts for Jess and I to open, I couldn't help but feel loved by everyone. I sat down next to Jess and we were each handed a gift and started opening right away. 

Of course, we got a ton of jersey's among a lot of other Cubs things. But good thing, there were a lot of other clothes too that weren't just baseball related things and a lot of toys too. "We want to thank you guys for coming today. It means so much to Kris, Jess, Anthony and I that you love our littles just as much as we do. Now that this is over, we can all go back to worrying about one thing, getting back to the World Series and taking it home for a second year in a row!" I said and everyone cheered. 

After presents, the party started to die down and by 9 it was just Anthony and I sitting in the nursery putting everything away. "Thank you." Anthony said and I looked back at him and gave him a look. 

"For what babe?" I asked and he smiled. "For giving me the two greatest things I could ever ask for." He said. "What's that?" I asked. "Your love and my son." He said and I couldn't help but tear up at his words. 

"Hormones, what are you gonna do with them." I said while wiping the tears off and he laughed and came over to me and gave me a hug. "I love you Paisley." He said giving me a kiss. "I love you too Anthony."

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