Chapter 5

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Today I was back in Illinois for my show and my whole family is coming and most of my high school friends and most of the Cubs team was coming. 

Having my family in the crowd makes me really nervous, not going to lie. Anthony has been traveling with me and we haven't talked about it, but I'm sure he's going to be traveling with me until the end of my tour. 

I really don't know what we are to be honest. I don't know if we're just friends with benefits or he wants to be something more. But today is not the day to think about that or talk to him about it, maybe tonight but not during the day. 

Today I was having breakfast with my family and Anthony wasn't joining me and I knew he was mad about that because he wanted to meet my family but we aren't even dating yet so that's out of the question. 

"I really wish I was going with you." Anthony said to me as I was getting ready, here we go again. "Anthony we aren't even in a relationship yet and we just started talking like 2 weeks ago. Once we start dating and are in a stable relationship. We've had this argument five times already." I said putting my makeup on. 

"Yeah but what if they ask about your love life, what are you going to say?" He isn't dropping this any time soon. "Well I'll tell them that I'm talking to someone and hopefully that it will get serious one day." I said and he sighed. 

"I want us to be serious. I really like you, I know you've had your doubts I can tell by the looks on your face when you're thinking about things and I know you've been thinking about it. I don't want just sex from you, I'm in it. My schedule may get crazy at time and I know yours can too, but I want in." 

He said and I looked at him through the mirror to where he wast standing by the door. "You're good, Rizzo, really good." I said and I smiled at him. "But I'm all in too, I just don't want to rush you know? What we have right now is great, I don't want to rush into anything." I said and turned to him. 

He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm with you I don't want to rush baby girl, you're perfect for me and to me. You're like coming up for fresh air. I used to be so into baseball and just baseball, never had any love interest besides baseball. But you, you're different. You've made me realize there is more to life than just baseball. In these short two weeks that I've known you, I have a new outlook on life and next season will be so different for me because I have that new outlook. So thank you for that." 

I teared up and he wiped away the tears. "You're too perfect for me." I said and he laughed and hugged me. "But you're still not coming to breakfast, you can meet them at the concert if you wish, but not breakfast." I said going back into our room and picking out an outfit (in media.) 

"I would love to meet them at the concert." He said kissing my cheek. "I've got to get going but I'll see you at the arena right?" I said grabbing my bag and he nodded. "I'll see you there beautiful." He said giving me a kiss and I went off to the little cafe where I was meeting my family.

I got there in no time and my parents, brother (Maxwell 22) and sister (Victoria 19) were sitting in a booth and I went over to them and gave them all hugs. We talked about Max finishing college, my tour and Victoria going through college. 

"So any love interests sweetie?" Mom asked and I rolled my eyes, Anthony was right about them asking. "Actually yes there is. We just started talking recently. Nothing really serious yet, but at the same time serious." I said taking a sip of my drink. 

"Oh yeah and who is this lucky guy?" My dad asked and he was going to either freak out or be really excited. "Uhm, well he's a baseball player and he plays for the cubs." I said easing him into it. "Please tell me it's either Kris Bryant or Anthony Rizzo." He said and I laughed. 

"It's Anthony and the guys will be at the concert tonight." I said and his eyes went wide. "Can I meet them?!" My dad was literally fangirling over the guys. "Yes dad you can meet them, let me just text Anthony." I said and he nodded. 

To: Rizzo

So you were right, they did ask me about my love interest and I told my dad it was you and he literally freaked out  because he's such a big Cubs fan and would love to meet you and the guys tonight. Care to make that happen?

From: Rizzo

Good to know you talk about me babe lol and of course! I would love to meet him and I'm sure the guys would too. I'm gonna shower and get ready and I'll see you soon beautiful.

"Alright he said that it's fine to meet him and the guys. So you better behave and not tell stories about me alright?" I said looking at him and he nodded and we finished up our breakfast and we went over to the arena and I let them into my dressing room and then I went to do soundcheck. 

After soundcheck, I went back to my dressing room and I heard laughing and I opened the door to see Anthony, Kris and Javy talking to my parents and I groaned. "Paisley you've chosen a great one, I'm proud of you." My dad said as I walked through the door and I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah thanks dad." I said and giving the three guys hugs. I wasn't keen on kissing Anthony in front of my parents yet and apparently neither was he because he didn't even try. Now that's a good guy, respecting the presence of my parents and not to push it too far. 

They talked about baseball and all things related to baseball and then my dad laid down the ground rules with dating his daughter. "Dad, I'm 25 and a superstar are you really doing this? I feel like I'm in high school again." I said when he started the speech. 

"You're still my firstborn and baby girl, I will do this with any guy you bring to meet us." He said and I rolled my eyes and started to get my hair and makeup done for the show. I got dressed and then took pictures with my family and put one of them on Instagram. 

"PaisleyUnderwood: Hometown show tonight and I couldn't have done this without my family by my side, I love you all, hope you enjoy the show! #storytellertour"

They all went out to their seats and my group and I did our pre show huddle and we went under the stage to get ready and the screams were getting louder and louder for me and I couldn't wait to get out there and perform my heart out to everyone. 

The music started and everything went perfect. The show was amazing and I couldn't help but look at my family and Anthony having a good time together and the rest of the team as well. 

It was important to me that Anthony got along with my family because I could see in being very important to me down the road. I really haven't had a good relationship in the past and I can tell this one is going to be different.

After the encore, I went backstage where my family and Anthony was waiting for me. I gave my parents a hug first and then went over to Anthony. "Simply breathtaking, no matter how many times I will see you perform live, I'll never think different." He said and I smiled and thanked him. 

I said goodbye to my parents and they went off to home and I went back to my dressing room to change. "So where's our next stop?" Anthony said as we got onto the bus. "Evansville, Indiana." I said sitting down on the couch with him. 

"Are you really sticking with me and coming with me throughout the rest of the tour?" I said looking at him. He nodded. "Of course, anything to be close to you and make us stronger and finally be in a relationship that I can trust and count on." He said and I kissed him. 

"I've been wanting to do that all day." I said once we pulled away from each other. I leaned my head against his chest, quite content with how we are.

The Girl You Think I Am - Anthony RizzoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang