Chapter 11

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This vacation is halfway over and that makes me really sad. Anthony and I have been lounging on the beach and getting our tan on. 

Today we're going to spend the day in the spa and just relax and drink our day away, like anyone in their 20 twenties would do on their vacation. I woke up around 8 and looked at Anthony sleeping peacefully beside me and I smiled. 

I wondered how I got so lucky, after Sam had hurt me so bad, I could never fully trust another guy again, that was until Anthony came along and changed my life, for the better. Sure, I had been on multiple dates and in a few relationships between Anthony and Sam, but none of them were serious. 

But with Anthony, it's different. In such a short amount of time, I've fallen head over heels for this guy and I don't know what it is about him to make me feel this way. I got the ring off the nightstand and slipped it on my finger and admired the beauty of it. 

"Good morning beautiful." Anthony said and pulled me closer to him kissing my bare shoulder. I smiled and melted into his embrace. "Good morning handsome." I said turning around to face him and kissing his lips. 

"What's got you in such a good mood this morning?" He asked giving me a smile. "Just thinking about you and looking at this beautiful ring just makes me happy." I said and he laughed and kissed me. "You're too cute, now let's get ready for breakfast and then a whole day at the spa." He said getting out of bed and I did too. 

I threw my hair up into a bun and threw on a maxi skirt and a black crop top with some flip flops. "You look like you belong on an island." Anthony said as we walked down to breakfast. "I would kill to live on an island instead of snowy Chicago." I said with a laugh and he agreed. 

We got to breakfast and went right to the buffet. We got a table outside by the beach and just listened to the waves and ate in peace. "I was thinking about getting a house in Arizona, for spring training." I said, I had been thinking about this during the vacation. 

"Why?" He asked. "I wanna be closer to you babe, I want you to come home to me at the end of the day and not Kris." I said with a laugh and he laughed too. "You do have a point there, I can't kiss him when I go home to him." I nodded and let out a small laugh.

"You wanna get a house with me?" I asked. "Let's get a house after the holiday's when we can go down there and look and then we'll pick the right one and move in before spring training." He said and I smiled. 

"I don't know what it is, but I've never moved so fast with a guy before." I said taking a sip of my coffee. "I haven't moved this fast either, but I love the rush, I just hope it doesn't end." He said and I nodded in agreement. "Finish up, we gotta get to the spa." He said and I nodded and we finished up our breakfast. 

We made our way down to the spa and it was so peaceful and quiet and I couldn't be anymore calm in this moment. We did couple massages first and then I got a pedicure and a manicure and then we both got facials and did a seaweed scrub and a mud bath. 

"I don't think my skin has ever been this soft." Anthony said touching his arm as we were going back up to our room and I laughed at him. "Thank you for today, you're the best." I said grabbing his hand and lacing my fingers through his. 

"Anything for my favorite girl." He said kissing my cheek. "Do you think things will be different once the season starts?" I asked as we got back into our room. "Between us, I hope not. The schedule will be a little rough to get used to in the beginning but we'll adjust." He said taking off his shirt. 

"I mean what's going to happen when you go away on long road trips?" I asked sitting down on the bed and laying back. "Well, I hope you'll fly out to see me once in awhile and we'll just have to use FaceTime and Skype to keep up with each other. When I go on long road trips, you can go out to L.A. or Nashville and do your recording to keep you busy." He said and I nodded. 

"I just don't want to lose what we have right now." I said and he sighed and laid down next to me and pulled me to him. "We won't, like I said, it'll be hard, but we'll push through it. We're tough people. I'm just glad you're not touring or anything like that." He said with a laugh and I laughed too. 

"Yeah because then we'd be on opposite ends of the country maybe on a different continent at that." I said and he kissed my forehead. "I promise you, we'll make it through our first official full season as a couple." He said looking at me with a smile. 

"I love you Anthony." I said kissing his lips sweetly. "I love you too Paisley." He said putting us under the covers to relax and just listen to the waves crash on the shore for the rest of night and to talk about our lives.

The Girl You Think I Am - Anthony RizzoWhere stories live. Discover now