Chapter 22

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JANUARY 15TH, 2018

It was finally the day of Jess and Kris' wedding and I couldn't wait to see what she had planned for today. Jess is a major party planner so I knew her wedding was going to be nothing less of perfect.

I also couldn't help but think when Anthony was going to propose to me. I mean we do have a kid together and we've been together for a few years now and now it's like just the waiting game for me.

The first month with Jacob is probably what every parent wants, sleeping through the night, only getting up to eat or have a dirty diaper and he barely cries. Anthony and I have been really blessed with him that I know when we have another kid one day, he or she is going to be the exact opposite of Jacob.

"Honey, are you ready to head out?" Anthony asked through the bathroom door as I was doing my hair and makeup for the wedding. "Yeah, I just have to put my dress on." I said back to him as I put down the mascara and started to put on my dress and shoes.

"Ow, look at you momma." He said as I walked out of the bathroom and I laughed and turned around for him. "You're so beautiful and you still don't look like you just had a kid." He said as he pulled me close to him. "I agree, I don't look like I've had a kid and it feels great to get away from him for a weekend." I said as I kissed him.

"It feels weird since we've barely left the house since you had him." He said as I grabbed my purse and we left the hotel room. "Yeah I know, I miss him so much. But this mommy daddy trip was well needed, even if it only was after a month." I said with a laugh.

Neither of us were in the wedding party but I was glad because I just wanted to enjoy this weekend with Anthony and celebrate Jess and Kris. We walked into the church and I heard a baby crying in the back room.

"I'm sure that's Sabrina, I'm gonna go check on her and Jess. Get us good seats." I said kissing him and then going and knocking on the door. "Who is it?" Jess asked sounding distressed. "It's me, Paisley." I heard her sigh and then open the door with Sabrina in her arms crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked stepping into the room and closing the door. "No, I'm stressed and she won't take her bottle." She said pacing back and forth. "Here, give her to me." I said and she handed her to me along with the bottle.

"Hey princess, it's okay." I said bouncing her up and down and getting her to calm down and take the bottle. "How in the world?" Jess asked as she sat down. "She can sense when you're stressed and that's when she gets like that." I said with a smile looking down at her.

"Don't you have Jacob?" She asked. "No, he's back home with Anthony's parents. He's so good for us that we decided to leave him behind." I said. "All she does is cry for me but not for Kris. He wants to see her before the wedding but I can't bring her to him." She said.

"Don't worry, I'll go bring her to him. Everything's going to be find Jess, stop stressing. I'll take care of her." I said as I grabbed her bag. "You're really a lifesaver. I owe you." She said as she hugged me. "Remember this when Anthony and I get married one day." I said and we both laughed.

I went to the guys room. "There's my little princess, why do you have her Paisley?" Kris asked taking her away from me. "I heard her crying when Anthony and I walked in and Jess was stressed trying to get her to take her bottle, so I took her and fed her and she stopped crying for me and I'm gonna keep her throughout the wedding for her so she doesn't have to worry." I said with a smile.

"You really are a lifesaver." Kris said as he smiled down at his girl. "Eh, so I've been told." I said with a laugh. It was time for them to go out, so I took Sabrina and went to find Anthony and take our seats.

"How did you end up with a baby?" He asked as I sat down next to him. "Jess was stressed trying to feed her and I calmed her down and told her not to worry about her and that I've got her through the ceremony." I said and he smiled.

"You're just so good with babies." He said as he kissed me. "I know, I can't wait to have another kid already." I said and he smiled at me. "This, this is why I love you." He said and I smiled as the music started to play and the ceremony had started.

The whole thing was beautiful, her dress was beautiful and it made me cry, like usual. Sabrina didn't cry once throughout the whole thing and it was perfect. "God I can't wait to get married." I said trying to give him hints to start thinking of proposing to me.

"I know, we're going to have the best wedding ever." He said and I can't help but think about what he has up his sleeve. I had given Sabrina back to Jess and Kris since we didn't have a carseat in our car to take her to the reception.

We got there and went to our table where we sat with Jason Hayward and his girlfriend, Ben and Julianna Zobrist and Javy and his girlfriend. The first dance was everything and then more and I cried because of how beautiful it was.

Kris handed Anthony a microphone for a speech. "I know I'm not in the wedding party or anything but I couldn't help but say a speech for one of my best friends here." Anthony started out.

"I've known you since 2015 and it's been a pleasure to hit behind you in the lineup every game and get to be your best friend across the diamond since then. We've won the world series together and we've made it to the post season ever since you came on the team and being with you every day has been an honor. But now, I hate to steal your guys thunder today, but Paisley my love. You've been my rock ever since 2016 and being here today watching two of our best friends get married, pushed me to do this even more because I want to be your husband. So, will you marry me?"

He got down on one knee and opened the little black box and I nodded. "Yes, I will." I said and everyone screamed as he put the ring on my finger. "I just had a feeling you were going to do it today." I said as I kissed him.

"I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He said as he sat next to me. "I love you too and I can't wait either."


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