Chapter 26

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Today was the day. It was going to be one of the best days of my life. "It's your day!" My mom said as she walked into my bedroom and turning on all the lights and opening up the curtains. "Mom it's kind of bright." I said as I sat up and stretched. 

"Yes, but we have to get going! We don't have any time to waste today. Breakfast is ready and on the table downstairs." She said leaving the room and I sighed looking around and then smiling when I saw my dress hanging on the closet door. 

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see my mom and Anthony's mom and all my bridesmaids around the table eating. "There she is!" Anthony's mom said coming over and giving me a hug. 

We were all getting ready here since the church wasn't far away from our house in Florida. The season ended too early for the guys liking, but it gave me more time to relax before the wedding and not stress out while flying everywhere for the World Series like we could've been. 

"So how ready are you for today?" Julianna asked me as I sat next to her at the table. "Beyond. I've been ready to call Anthony my husband since the day that I met him." I said and she laughed. "That's how I felt with Ben too, you two are just so perfect, I don't think either of you could've found anyone more perfect." She said and it brought tears to my eyes. 

"Alright everyone, eat up! The hair dressers are going to be here soon to start working on everyone!" My mom said as she looked at the time on her phone. Our wedding didn't start till four, but there was a lot of us to work on and only three hair dressers and two makeup artists. 

As I put my dress on after everyone was done getting ready, my mom had tears in her eyes. "Mom don't cry, you're going to make me cry." I said and she came over and hugged me. "My first baby is getting married, of course I'm going to cry." She said and I laughed. 

We all got into the limo and headed over to the church and took some pictures before it was time for me to marry the man of my dreams. My dad and Anthony's dad had been with Anthony and Jacob all day and I finally got to see Jacob when I got to the church. 

"You're so handsome baby boy!" I said as I took him from my dad and gave him a kiss. "He's definitely missed you all day." He said and I smiled. I spent a couple more minutes with him and then gave him to Anthony's dad so we could start the wedding. 

As soon as the music started and the doors opened in front of me and my dad, I automatically looked to Anthony and he just burst out crying. I couldn't help but laugh because he looked funny as we started going down the aisle. 

"I love you sweetie, Anthony, take good care of my daughter." My dad said as he handed me off. "God damn am I lucky." Anthony said and I laughed and so did the priest. "Shall we being?" He asked and we both nodded. 

"The couple has chosen to write their own vows." The priest said and Anthony went first. "Thank you for everything you've done for me Paisley. From giving me a chance at the World Series, taking on the life of a WAG and putting your career on hold for me and then giving me the greatest blessing a guy can have, our little Jacob. I will never stop protecting you and caring for you. You're my biggest blessing, besides Jacob, that I could've ever asked for in life. I will forever cherish what we have together and I promise I will never stop loving you until the day I die. I love you Paisley." He said and I wiped tears from my eyes and I started my own vows. 

"I love you beyond words Anthony. I don't know how I'm going to put this into words but I'm going to try. Thank you for being  my saving grace when we first met. I was just out a long and tiring relationship and you were like coming up for fresh air. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for cherishing the time we've had together and the time we're going to spend together from here on out. Thank you for being such a great dad to Jacob, I don't know where the both of us would be if we didn't have you around. I can't wait for the rest of our lives together, because I know that a life spent with you is going to be a great one. I love you with all my heart Anthony, until the day that I die." I said. 

There was not a dry eye in the house, even the priest was crying. We went through the rest of the ceremony and finally it was time for us to become husband and wife. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride." He said and Anthony pulled me in and kissed me and everyone cheered. 

"I will love you forever Mrs. Rizzo." He said as we were now in the limo. "And I will love you forever Mr. Rizzo." I said and he kissed me. 

The Girl You Think I Am - Anthony RizzoWhere stories live. Discover now