Chapter 16

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*Paisley and Anthony's House^^*

APRIL 9th, 2017 

Anthony finally comes home today after we both left Arizona, me to come back to Chicago and then him to go to Houston, St. Louis and Milwaukee. I have some very exciting news to share with Anthony when he gets home, I'm pregnant. 

I know we haven't been dating for long, but he's always talked about wanting kids with me and everything, so hopefully he's okay with me being pregnant. I have already been to the doctors and I'm due in December, I can't wait to have a Christmas baby. 

My phone rang as I was sitting on the couch having some cereal for dinner, yeah I know weird cravings and all. I look at the caller I.D. and it was Jess, Kris' fiancé. "Hello?" I asked while muting the TV. "Paisley! I need your help." She said. 

"What's going on, are you okay?" I asked as I put my now empty bowl on the coffee table. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just freaking out because Kris will be home soon and I have news to tell him." This can't be happening and I know where this is probably gonna end up, we're both pregnant. 

"What kind of news?" I asked. "Well I wanted to tell Kris first, but I need to tell someone before I tell him, but I'm pregnant." She said and I let out a squeal. "Can I let you in on a secret too?" I asked and she laughed. "Of course, what is it?" She said. 

"I'm pregnant too." I said and she squeal. "No freaking way! I mean I guess Bryzzo is goals for a reason and now the better halves are going to be goals too." She said and I couldn't help but laugh. "I hate to cut this conversation short, but my better half is home and I want to tell him the news, tell me how yours goes!" I said as I heard his car door shut. 

"I definitely will! Good luck!" She said and then we said our goodbyes just as Anthony came into the house. "Baby I'm home!" He yelled and I went into the foyer and gave him the biggest hug. "I've missed you so much!" I said as I leaned my head up to kiss him. 

"You don't know how much I've missed you babe." He said before bringing his suitcase upstairs and changing before coming back down and sitting next to me on the couch. "So I have some news for you." I said turning towards him. 

"Good or bad?" He asks with a laugh. "Well depending on how you take it I guess." I said with a smile. "So once I got back home after Arizona, I started getting sick, like puking sick. But it would only happen in the morning." I said and his eyes went wide and he had the biggest smile on his face. 

"Please tell me that this is what I really think it is." He said as he grabbed my hands and I couldn't help but let out a few happy tears. "Baby, I'm pregnant." I said and he hugged me as soon as the words left my mouth. 

"Oh my god I'm gonna be a dad!" He said as he shot up from the couch and jumping all around the living room and I took a video and sent it to Jess. When I told him the news! He's so happy, how did yours go?

"Baby oh my god, this has been the best day of my life." He said as he lifted me off the couch and pulled me into another hug. "I have even better news though." I said after that. "What, we're having twins?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"No but don't tell anyone till they officially tell you alright?" I asked and he nodded his head. "There is going to be a Bryzzo babies." I said and he was confused. "What do you mean?" He asked and I laughed. 

"Jess is pregnant too." I said and he went nuts again and that's when my phone started going off with Jess FaceTiming me. Anthony was still going nuts when I answered the call. "What did you tell him?" She asked and I laughed. 

"Well I told him there was going to be Bryzzo babies." I said. "Wait you're pregnant too?" Kris said as he appeared on the screen. "Yes Kris, I am." I said with a smile as Anthony popped into the screen. 

"Guys, we're seriously best friend goals. I'm freaking out." He said and we all laughed at him. "When are you due Paisley?" Kris asked. "December, I won't know the actual date until further into the pregnancy." 

"Same here, what if we have the babies on the same day, that would be awesome." Jess said and I couldn't help but smile. "You know what we have to do now, a photo shoot!" I said and Jess smiled. 

"I have a photographer all set up, is Tuesday good since it's an off day?" I said. "Yeah that should be good, text us the details, we have to call the parents." Jess said and we should do the same. "Alright see you guys later." I said as we hung up. 

"Who we calling first?" I asked looking at Anthony. "Mine." He said as he got out his phone and called his mom, putting it on speaker. "Anthony dear! How are you?" She asked as she answered. 

"I'm good ma, I have some news for you." He said with a smile even though she couldn't see him. "You better be engaged or having a baby in this news." She said and I couldn't help but laugh. "It's the second ma, you're going to be a grandma." He said and she screamed. 

"Honey are you okay?" His dad asked in the background. "We're going to be grandparents!" She yelled to him. "Oh sweetie I'm so happy right now, I love you both so much." She said and we talked with her for a few more minutes before hanging up and then calling my parents. 

My moms reaction was the same as Anthony's, she screamed and then my father asked if everything was okay. I couldn't wait to find out if it was a boy or a girl. Secretly hoping mine is a girl and Jess' is a boy so they can get married and stuff like that. 

"Paisley?" Anthony asked as we were both getting ready for bed. "Yeah love?" I asked turning around and looking at him. "Thank you." He said. "For what?" I asked as we both crawled into bed. 

"For making me happy and giving me the best thing I've ever had, our little peanut." He said as he kissed me and I cried, yeah pregnancy hormones are a bitch. "Why are you crying?" He asked as he wiped my tears and I laughed. 

"Hormones, beware they suck." I said with a laugh as he turned out the light. "I love you Paisley." He said. "I love you too Anthony." 

The Girl You Think I Am - Anthony RizzoWhere stories live. Discover now