Chapter 25

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MAY 24TH, 2018

Today was the day of my bridal shower and I couldn't wait to spend the day with the wives and girlfriends and have a girl day. "Why did you have to do this on an off day?" Anthony asked as I was getting ready in the bathroom. 

"Because I go to every game and I don't want to miss one. Plus, who would watch Jacob?" I said back and he sighed. "I know but I wanted to spend the day with you." He said and I smiled and went out into the bedroom where he and Jacob were on the bed. 

"I know, but this is only a day thing, you have me all to yourself at night." I said kissing him and then kissing Jacob. "Is Jess going?" He asked. "Yeah, why wouldn't she be?" I asked. "Well I know she hasn't been calling lately." He said. 

"Because I told her not to. I had enough with her calling to help with her daughter. She needs to learn how to be a mom on her own, I guess she's doing good." I said putting my earrings in. "I just feel bad that you guys haven't talked." He said. 

"It's fine babe. We still talk, just not as often since she doesn't ask me for help anymore." I said. "So what are you guys doing today?" He asked as I was putting on my shoes. "Brunch, opening presents and just having a great time without being in a baseball stadium." I said with a laugh. 

'Well Jacob and I will be waiting here for you when you get home." He said and I leaned down and kissed the both of them goodbye and then grabbed my purse and went out to the car and went to the restaurant where my shower was being held. 

My mom and Anthony's mom were the only ones there setting up when I got there. "There she is! The Bride to Be!" Anthony's mom said as she came over and gave me a hug. "Laurie, it's so good to see you!" I said and my mom also came over and gave me a hug. 

"I know, it's been so long. How's my grand baby?" She asked and I put my purse down and pulled out my phone and showed her all the pictures I had of Jacob. "Oh my god, he's getting so big! I need to see him." She said and I laughed. 

"Yes, come over after. I'm sure Anthony won't mind." I said and she smiled and that's when all the wives and girlfriends started showing up. "So how has everything been with Jess?" Julianna asked as we were sipping mimosas. I sighed and looked over at her talking to my mom. 

"I mean I told her not to call me to help her anymore because I couldn't take it anymore." I said. "I didn't think you'd do it! What did he say?" She asked. "She was very understanding of it all and she agreed when I said that she needs to learn how to do things on her own." I said. 

"Good for you girl. Have you thought about having another baby?" She asked and I smiled thinking about Anthony and Jacob back at home. "I defiantly want another one, but Anthony and I haven't talked about it yet. I think he wants to wait until after the wedding for another baby." I said. 

"Well I commend you both for doing the baseball season and planning  a wedding with a new baby. It's hard, but you're handling everything well." She said as she hugged me. Truthfully, the only thing Anthony and I had planned, was the date and where we were getting married. I didn't have my dress or no food or anything. 

"Will you actually help me? I need help with the theme and everything, and I still need to get my dress." I asked her. "Of course! Are you going on the next road trip?" She asked. "No, I think Jacob and I are going to sit this one out." I said. 

"Perfect, we can start working on everything then." She said and I was beyond thankful for everyone in the WAGS organization. They've welcomed me with open arms when I started dating Anthony and we truly are a family and I'm beyond thankful for that. 

"Alright, I want to make a toast." I said standing at the head of the table. "I want to thank you all for coming here and celebrating this day with me. Anthony, Jacob and I are beyond thankful to have you all in our lives and to celebrate something as big as us getting married. I want to thank my mom and soon to be mother in law for setting this brunch up for us, I love you both to death. Let's this whole thing started!" I said as we all raised our glasses and took a sip. 

"So have you chosen a date?" My mom asked as we were finished eating. "We have, we're getting married December 1st, and then going to Disney on our honeymoon." I said. "Why Disney?" Laurie asked. "Because that was technically our first vacation together and we want to make it a tradition to go every offseason. We'll start bringing Jacob next offseason. He's too young right now." I said and she nodded. 

"What about more babies?" She asked. "You and Julianna both have asked me that today. I want more for sure, but not until after we are married. I've got too much going on right now to have another one." I said. 

We made small talk the rest of the afternoon and then after presents, Laurie and I went back to our house. "Babe! I'm home, I hope you don't mind, your mom is here too!" I said as I took off my heels and went into the bedroom where I found Anthony and Jacob asleep. 

I smiled and took out my phone and took a picture and posted it to Instagram. 

"PaisleyUnderwood: Came home from my bridal shower to this, doesn't get any better! arizz_44"

"PaisleyUnderwood: Came home from my bridal shower to this, doesn't get any better! arizz_44"

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