Chapter 14

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DECEMBER 31ST, 2016 

It was finally New Year's Eve and we were all in NYC for it and I couldn't be more excited to perform in Time's Square tonight, it's going to be cold, but so worth it. 

I've heard rumors that Sam is here and I'm not sure that I'm willing to believe that's true until I see him for myself, like I want to anyway, not. 

"How are you feeling about tonight?" Anthony asked as I was getting ready to go out and do soundcheck and packing my clothes for tonight in a bag. "It's going to be a big adrenaline rush, but I'm so excited. How about you?" 

"I'm just excited to have a New Year's kiss this year." He said coming over to me and bringing me closer to him. I laughed and kissed him. "You and me both babe." I said and he laughed and let me get back to packing. 

Once I was done, we went off to Times Square so I could do my soundcheck and get everything set up for tonight. 

It's cold out, so I have to keep myself bundled up for the performance, which I know is going to be hard, because they want me to look nice, but I had a fight with them about that. I don't want to wear a dress when it's 30 degrees outside, I wan to be warm. 

So I won my battle, I'm wearing leggings underneath jeans with boots, a long sleeve top, a jacket and my Cubs beanie, gotta represent the boys no matter what. 

"I wish we were spending New Year's somewhere warmer." Anthony said to me after I finished my soundcheck and I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Me too babe, me too. But this is an amazing opportunity and it's on my bucket list and it should be on everyones bucket list too." I said and he nodded agreeing with me. 

That's what I like about Ant, he mostly agrees with everything that I say and we never argue, unless it's over food, but I think that soon enough, there will be an argument, I just hope I don't lose him. 

Anthony is the best thing that has happened to me since I got into the industry and I don't want to lose him any time soon. 

I began getting my hair and makeup done when the last person I thought would walk into this room, did. "Paisley, baby. How are you?" Sam said coming over to me and trying to kiss my cheek. My hairdresser stepped in between the two of us. 

"Sam, what do you want?" I said looking at him and then Anthony whose fists were clenched into a tight ball ready to pounce. I mouthed to him relax and he did. 

"Just wanted to see my favorite girl." He said with that cocky smirk. "Not your girl anymore, remember?" I said. "Yeah but think about all the good times we had together. All those nights alone, all those memories." He said and I sighed. 

"Yeah and the bad ones outweighed the good ones Sam, now please leave." I said focusing on my thoughts trying not to cry thinking about all the memories of us fighting and being the hospital. 

"No, I deserve an explanation to why you up and left me two years ago and now you're with someone else." He said getting mad. I sighed. 

"You refused to let me leave you Sam. All the horrible things you did to me, the time you put me in the fucking hospital. That's when I had enough of you, that's when enough was enough for me. It's been two years Sam, I'm allowed to move on and find someone else that won't do the things you did to me. I deserve to be happy and so do you, it's time to forget about me and move on Sam." 

He looked even angrier, if that was even possible. "No, I will no move on from you and you will dump this shitty ass guy. I can make you happier than he can. You know I can baby." He said pleading his case to me like some sob story. 

I shook my head. "Sam, you're in denial. I left you two years ago because I didn't love you. I fell out of love with you the night you put me in the hospital, I'm done Sam. It's time to let go of us and move on like I have. You'll be better I promise." 

Then he did what I hoped he wouldn't do to me again, he slapped me right across the face. I was taken aback then Anthony hopped off the couch and brought him to the floor and punched him over and over. 

My hairdresser got security and they called the cops on Sam and took him to jail for hitting me and I told them everything that happened, even the first time that he hit me and they told me that I would probably have to go to court to put him in jail for awhile. 

I was totally fine with it, just talking about the whole thing again has got me nervous already and I it hasn't even started, but I want it to be over already and have to not worry about his ass anymore. 

"Well that was eventful and the night hasn't even started yet." Anthony said with a laugh. "Yeah I know, I'm just glad they took him away and I don't have to see him anymore, for now that it." I said with a sigh sitting next to him. 

"Everything will be okay babe, you got me. I'm right here for you." He said giving me a sweet yet passionate kiss. "I love you Anthony, without you, I would still be lost trying to find myself after what Sam did to me. Thank you." I said with a smile. 

"I would do anything to help you  my princess. You've made me happier than anyone has in a long time and I forgot what it was like to love someone and spoil them, but you have probably more money than I do, so maybe I'll get spoiled too." He said and I laughed. 

"I love spoiling the guys. They do so much for the girls, they deserve to get spoiled too." I said giving him a kiss and then the producers came in and told me it was my time to perform. 

I went through my performance perfectly and watched the rest of the show waiting for the countdown. Anthony pulled me into a kiss at 11:59 and then when everyone started screaming, we knew it was midnight. 

"Best way to end my year and a great way to start the new one. Happy New Year's my love." He said pulling me into another kiss. "Happy New Year's to you too baby." I said. 

Here's to 2017 and a full year of baseball and trying road trips ahead of us, I hope I'm ready for it.

"PaisleyUnderwood: Here's to 2017 with you by my side. Happy New Year's Everyone!" (picture in media.)

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