Chapter 5 - Elizabeth

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Another chapter for you guys. I hope you like it. Have a happy holidays! :)

Chapter 5


Elizabeth had gotten back to the house by midday and she knew there was no way she could go back to school. The vampires would have spread their rumors and she couldn’t bear to face up to them. She decided to just tough it out at home through the rest of the day and return to school.

“Travis is upstairs if you’re looking for him.” Alice said when she came into the kitchen. She had been a stay-at-home mom ever since Elizabeth had arrived and didn’t even think about getting a job. Porter’s job was enough to keep the family happy and Travis had a job as a waiter at a restaurant that got a small amount of income. Yet they were content with the amount of money flowing into their wallets and Alice couldn’t see them living any other way.

“He’s mad at me.” Elizabeth murmured, hopping up onto the counter. Alice raised her eyebrows, pulling up a chair and sitting down. She wanted the details.

“I found out this boy was supposedly my mate and-“ Elizabeth began when Alice cut her off with a high pitched squeal. She leapt from the chair, squeezing Elizabeth into a hug. Elizabeth’s eyes widened, she would have thought Alice wouldn’t have been happy. Weren’t vampires supposed to hate werewolves? Shouldn’t she be scolding her for bringing another werewolf into their lives?

“That’s great, Elizabeth! I’ve been looking forward to this day for years!” Alice exclaimed, sitting back down in her chair before saying, “I need to know everything about how you two met!”

“He tried to bite me.” Elizabeth said bluntly. She was sure no other werewolf would try to mark their mate as soon as they were found. They were supposed to get to know them first, not claim them as property. Elizabeth was nowhere near ready for becoming the mate to him.

“It only proves that he’s been looking for you.” Alice chirped and Elizabeth rolled her eyes. They were talking about a werewolf, the sworn enemy to vampires. Alice shouldn’t have been acting the way she was.

“Yeah but he’s a werewolf. You know, the things you call mutts.” Elizabeth reminded and Alice huffed, waving her hand at the young girl.

“Vampires may hate werewolves but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be happy. I’ve always wanted you to find your mate. As long as you like him and he likes you, I’m fine with it. It’s your father you’ll have to worry about.” Alice answered and Elizabeth bit her lip. Porter wasn’t happy at first about letting her into his home and she was sure when he found out she had found her mate he wouldn’t be happy either. He helped the Blood Council; of course he was going to be against werewolves.

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