Chapter 20 - Hunter

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This chapter begins a little bit before Elizabeth escapes. It skips the nine months like it did in Elizabeth's POV. I know it's a little short and this is one of the last chapters so I'm sorry. Please forgive me for that. I really hope you've liked this story. It really means a lot to me that people actually read this. So thanks guys and the final chapter should be out soon. READ, VOTE, FAN, and tell me how I did :)

Chapter 20


Hunter hadn’t slept in days. His wolf had long since gone quiet and he hadn’t heard a peep from him since Elizabeth had been taken away from him. He had been banned from seeing her and there was nothing that hurt more than a mate not being able to see their other half. Hunter wanted to kill everyone that got in his way. He wanted to do something that would dull the pain.

Hunter stared at the empty bed that he and Elizabeth had been sharing before she disappeared. He missed her more than anything. He longed to have her back in his arms but she was somewhere rotting in a cell. Hunter knew if he even tried to go see her he would be chased away. He had already tried once and Liam had shown up and threatened to kick him out of the Pure Blood House.

There was nothing left for Hunter if he left. He wasn’t sure what was going on with his pack but he was sure Thomas was probably the new Alpha. He was also sure he had found out about his sister’s death. Thomas wouldn’t be happy to find Hunter’s mate, who had killed his sister in cold blood, still alive. If Thomas ever found out she was dead.

There was a knock on the door and Hunter looked up as Brian let himself in. Hunter raised his eyes in surprise, why was the Beta Prince here? He should’ve been making sure no one got anywhere near the cells.

“You look like hell.” Brian whispered, sitting down on the couch. Hunter shrugged, knowing he was right. He looked and felt terrible. The past few weeks had been hard for him to deal with. After losing Elizabeth so soon he wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to cope with it all. He had lost his pack and he had lost his mate, there was nothing else he could call his own. Hunter was sure soon he was going to get kicked out of the Pure Blood house.

The two sat in an awkward silence, just staring at each other. The Beta Prince didn’t look too good either. His eyes were dull and his hair was shaggy. He had gotten thinner and Hunter was sure he hadn’t been eating. But it couldn’t have just been from Elizabeth, there had to be another reason he looked so dreadful.

“Liam knows about Preston and I. He told my father and he told his father and neither of us are in line for becoming Kings.” Brian murmured, looking down at the ground. Hunter raised his eyebrows, this was odd, even for Liam. The Alpha Prince may have wanted the throne but Hunter had always thought he would give up his brother’s secret. What is he up to? Hunter thought suspiciously.

“Is Jackson kicking you out?” Hunter asked, tilting his head to the side. Surely the Alpha wouldn’t force his son out of the Pure Blood House just because fate paired him up with a mate that was the same gender. It wouldn’t be fair, even if he was against the two being together. Neither of them chose to be mates, it was fate.

“No but he is refusing to talk to either of us. He pretty much disowned Preston and my own father has barely said a word to me. It’s like we were never their sons.” Brian admitted, running his fingers through his hair. Hunter sighed, nodding his head. He would never abandon a child because of who their mate was. It wasn’t his place to do so nor was it fair to the child. They deserved a fighting chance.

“Do you want me to try to help?” Hunter offered but Brian shook his head.

“If you try to interfere I have a feeling you’ll be kicked out of the House. Jackson doesn’t like people getting in his business.” The Prince answered and Hunter nodded. He hadn’t known Jackson for too long but he was sure he wouldn’t be too pleased if Hunter tried to defend his son. Hunter wasn’t supposed to know about it.

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