Chapter 15 - Travis

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Not too good but whatevs. I have a pounding headache and I was planning on writing Academy 5 but I just don't have the energy to do it. So I'll write it tomorrow. Anyway, please READ VOTE and tell me how it did.

Chapter 15


Travis stared down at Annabelle as she slept, not letting himself take his eyes off her for a moment. He knew she didn’t want to see him but he was still going to make sure he was by her side at almost every moment. She needed his support and whether or not she was ready to accept him after what happened he was still going to be there.

Staring down at his hands Travis jumped when his phone suddenly started ringing. He looked at the caller ID, seeing it was his brother. He hesitated for a moment, glancing from his soul mate to his phone before sighing, answering it and stepping outside of the room. He was careful to be close enough to hear if anything changed with Annabelle’s state.

“What’s up?” Travis asked, glancing back into Annabelle’s room. She was still sound asleep, her chest slowing rising and falling.

“I’ve got some information on what happened to Elizabeth.” Ethan answered and Travis leaned back against the wall, gripping the phone tighter. He waited eagerly for his brother to tell him where she was. Travis was worried about her ever since she had hung up on him when they were on the phone. He was afraid the Alpha had done something to her and he couldn’t get that terrible thought out of her mind.

“She’s been kidnapped.” Ethan said bluntly and Travis couldn’t breathe. It was as if his whole world was falling apart. Elizabeth, the girl he cared so much for, wasn’t with the Alpha. He let out an outrages roar, slamming his fist into the wall behind him. He heard Annabelle’s heart rate monitor speed up and he knew he had woken her up. But Travis wasn’t too worried about it. His blood was boiling at the fact that the Alpha would even let Elizabeth out of his sight long enough for her to get kidnapped. He was supposed to be her mate, he was supposed to keep her safe. He had failed at her job and Travis was going to have to clean up his mess.

“Where is she, Ethan?” Travis yelled into the microphone and he could just imagine his brother flinching. Taking a deep breath Travis tried to calm himself down, closing his eyes and thinking of his soul mate that he had just woken. Nothing was seeming to help. As much as his inner demon hated werewolves he still cared deeply for Elizabeth. if anything were to happen to her he would blame himself for it.

“I don’t know, Travis! We’re looking for her just as hard as the werewolves are but all our leads are going nowhere. She just disappeared.” Ethan defended himself and Travis felt guilty for putting it all on his brother. He knew he was trying as hard as he could. Travis only wished he could be there too looking for Elizabeth with them. But he couldn’t until Annabelle was better.

“I’m calling the Alpha.” Travis decided, hanging up before Ethan could complain. Travis dialed the number he had memorized since the day Elizabeth had found out the Alpha was her mate. She had written it down but she had never put it into her phone.

After four rings the Alpha finally answered.

“Hunter Stricker. I’m a little busy at the moment but I’m sure I can talk to you for a few minutes.” The Alpha’s voice rang clearly through the receiver and Travis knew that he was only being nice because he didn’t know who was calling. Travis knew Hunter was worried for his mate and he was surely going to go out looking for her.

“This is Travis Brookes, the vampire boyfriend of the girl you stole.” Travis hissed, feeling disappointed in himself for even talking to the werewolf.

“I don’t have time for your bullshit. My mate is missing and I need to look for her!” Hunter snarled back. Travis shook his head, knowing he was just pissing the werewolf off.

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