Chapter 17 - Hunter

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New chapter for you guys. I really hope you love it as much as I loved writing it. literally one of the funnest chapters to write, not because there's thrilling parts but because just thinking about it. I felt what almost every character felt when I was writing this and it made my day. So I hope you like it. So READ, VOTE, FAN, and tell me how I did! :)

Chapter 17


Hunter watched as his mate disappeared, sorrow and anger in his chest. After waiting so long to see her again, he had lost her so soon. He had been hoping she wasn’t the one that had killed Lilly. He wished with all his heart that Elizabeth had tried to save her instead of kill her. But the facts were all leading to her murdering his ex-girlfriend and Hunter couldn’t help but feel a little bit betrayed.

Taking his time Hunter slowly walked back toward the pure blood mansion. He didn’t want to hear the sound of Evan crying over his mate’s body. He didn’t want to see her bloody, lifeless body lying on the bed with her eyes wide open and glazed open. He could still see the fear in her eyes when he first found her. She must have been asleep, it didn’t seem like she had put up a fight. Hunter knew that Lilly would fight for her life rather than just let herself die at the teeth of a friend.

Slowly stepping into the house the overwhelming smell of blood made Hunter frown. He walked down the hall, following the scent of Lilly’s blood until he was back in front of her room. A large group of people were gathered around the room, staring in with horror on their face. Hunter waded through the crowd until he was in the front. Some of the pure blood servants were guarding the door, trying to block the sight from everyone else. But Hunter managed to catch a glimpse of Evan still hunched over his mate, wailing loudly. He was cradling her to his chest, rocking her back and forth as if that was a way for her to wake up.

“Hunter!” Hunter turned around when he heard his name. The crowd parted for Brian and he nodded to them. An outraged look glinted in his eyes when he glanced at the scene behind Hunter. Brian beckoned for him to follow and Hunter nodded, walking after the Prince. Brian led him a short distance away from the crowd, crossing his arms over his chest.

“My sister killed her.” Brian murmured, shaking his head. Hunter nodded, feeling his heart ache at the thought of his mate running for her life out in the woods somewhere. She would never be allowed back into the pure blood mansion and Hunter knew there was nothing he could say to make things any better. She had murdered a defenseless wolf and it was a crime, even for a pure blood.

“What if she had a reason for doing it?” Hunter asked softly, hoping that maybe she actually did. That maybe she killed Lilly because someone had told her to do it. Maybe she had done it because she had been forced to. Hunter wished these were true but a little part of him knew they weren’t no matter how much he prayed they were.

“Hunter stop trying to prove her innocence. You know what she did and there’s nothing that can fix it.” Brian snarled and Hunter looked down at his shoes. His wolf howled and he could feel his heart beginning to break. Never in his life had he felt so sad and he didn’t like the feeling. Alphas were supposed to be strong but Hunter was feeling far from it. He felt helpless and he knew he would feel like that until he was able to accept what happened and move on.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Hunter murmured, looking at Brian. The Prince rolled his eyes. Hunter never thought he’d see the Prince turn his back on his sister. The way Brian always acted around her, with such affection and protectiveness, he always thought that he would stick by her side for as long as he could. Instead Brian had abandoned her without a second thought.

“Some people aren’t meant to stick around.” Brian growled and Hunter narrowed his eyes.

“Then why did you bring her here? If you wouldn’t have locked me up and brought my mate to this god forsaken place then none of this would have happened. I wouldn’t have lost her and you wouldn’t have had to deal with her killing someone.” Hunter roared and Brian looked shocked. His eyes widened and he took a step back, opening his mouth to say something before closing it again.

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